- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 3 weeks ago:
As long as you still work at it, you are one of the workers.
The only forcing going on here would be forcing you to consider all the workers’ voices, not just yours.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Because it, at the very least, contributes to them.
You’re absolutely delusional if you think the system around which we structure our lives doesn’t affect us.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Capitalism exacerbates a lot of problems. You should try learning how and why rather than just going “nah those problems existed before” (Completely ignoring that they are far worse now than they were before, so fucking obviously something changed)
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
As if people don’t already fuck off for at least a half hour every day anyway
- Comment on I can't imagine being paid to act like I enjoy working in the office 2 months ago:
…if it’s a holiday, there’s definitely less traffic than usual.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
Not illegal, as in you’ve actually gone through this with a lawyer, or not illegal, as in your company does it anyway?
Because Federally, being salaried does not work like you describe: www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/…/17g-overtime-salary
Working less hours in a day is not valid reason to deduct pay. Working less full days is. (From the source above)
State law does not trump federal law, unless explicitly called out. It’s just that federal law is actually pretty lax regarding most things and states are more restrictive.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
Or they do it anyway and hope they just won’t get caught.
And even if they do get caught, the likely punishment is just paying out the wages they owe, so why not chance it? Fines don’t scale based on revenue, profit, or even damages, if there even are fines.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 4 months ago:
You cannot be salaried and deducted hours you don’t work.
Either you are hourly, and paid for the hours you actually work, or you’re salaried, and paid regardless of how many hours you work.
What your employer is doing is illegal, and wage theft.
- Comment on 135.9 Million Reasons Why the Working Class Is So Angry 4 months ago:
At least where I am, significant changes in your job are grounds for constructive dismissal.
Unless like, you want the changes.
- Comment on Shigeru Miyamoto comments on AI, says "Nintendo would rather go in a different direction" 5 months ago:
If I wanted good hardware I’d build a PC. Which I did.
If I wanted good games, I’d build a PC, buy a switch, and sail the seas for anything those can’t run natively that I actually want to play. Which I did.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
DLC is literally just DownLoadeable Content
So like… I don’t get the hate for a specific method of providing content. Like, there’s obviously a difference between Factorio’s Space Age, and what The Sims does, even though they are both DLC.
- Comment on The world’s 8 richest billionaires have the same wealth as the poorest 50% of the global population of 3.8 billion people 8 months ago:
It is not. Because of wealth disparity, that half of the population has less than half the money.
It’s still disgusting.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
So if we just assume this random wiki with no sourcing is correct…
Steam has more games than everyone else, DRM on Steam is the developer/publisher’s choice, Steam still has more DRM-free games than Origin does, and how many of the ones Origin has are exclusives that don’t count?
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
So if we just assume this random wiki with no sourcing is correct…
Steam has more games than everyone else, DRM on Steam is the developer/publisher’s choice, Steam still has more DRM-free games than Epic does, and how many of the ones Epic has are exclusives that don’t count?
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
This is the same kinda shit that Valve / publishers pulled when Steam launched, though.
- Comment on How Long It Takes the Largest Companies in America to Make One Employee's Average Annual Salary 1 year ago:
What percent of a company’s yearly profits would be appropriate to be spent on salaries?
The OP they responded to did.
- Comment on New cars are great... 1 year ago:
They’re responding to the “Light Bulb Companies” part, not the “selling quality products” part. That video very clearly (10-15 mins too long) shows that Light Bulb Companies had legitimate reasons for limiting light bulb hours.
While the Phoebus Cartel may have artificially limited the lifespan of lightbulbs, there was a legitimate reason to do so, and it wasn’t just planned obsolescence so you buy more.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
you are arguing against a city with quality public transportation which is not always the case and wasn’t the original arguement.
It should be, and we should be making those changes, so arguing that something is only a problem if the given situation really should be temporary isn’t a very good argument. Arguing that this change is a problem (It still isn’t for the majority of people) if we’re dealing with problems in other areas (So this change itself isn’t even the problem, it just exacerbates another one, that we should be fixing anyway), isn’t a very good argument.
I think the biggest point the other poster is arguing is that personal choice comes into play.
“Personal Choice” is only an argument when it doesn’t affect other people. Having a 2 hour commute by car definitely does. And even if it didn’t, it has a large effect on the person doing it. And we block/disincentivize people from doing other harmful things. Why is this one special?
It’s not the employers job to tell you how to get to work,
Good thing nobody suggested it was.
nor is it their responsibility if you want to take a job a distance from your house
So commutes should be unpaid, despite the only reason you do it is because of work? Why are commutes different from other work? They pay when you’re moving between jobsites, why is this different? “Employers don’t have control over it”? Did you know relocation packages are a thing? Lobbying for loosened zoning, so we can have higher density? Better public transit? They have far from 0 control over it.
its their job to find the best candidate who is willing to do the job offered.
And they need to include a variety of circumstances, one of which is the employee’s proximity to any jobsites, because how long it takes them to get there is very much relevant in many industries. And in the ones it isn’t, remote work is quite often possible.
You also argue against the argument that people won’t move house every time they change job.
I didn’t though. In fact, if you’re planning on a 2 hour commute, you should be considering moving closer, or not taking that job.
It sounds extreme, but it is always an option for the employee and a part of free choice.
We also block people from purchasing food with bleach in it. That’s part of free choice, isn’t it? Why is this choice so important that it should be up to the person to make? The externalities of having a 2 hour commute are massive, and even just the effects on the person themselves are also huge. Since these 2 hour commutes are mostly done by car, that’s a huge mental load on the person doing the commute, and a lot of emissions, which we should be avoiding.
No, people should not be free to choose a 2 hour car commute.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
Because that just limits people’s ability to find employment.
Not really? In cities with actual functional public transit, you can go way further than you can with a car. In cities with reasonable density, the stuff you need, including job opportunities, aren’t 2 hours away to begin with. The problem isn’t incentivizing short commutes.
Even in my city with mediocre transit, and that’s got way more sprawl than necessary for the population, I can cross the city, a distance of 20 miles/31km, using transit, in 1.5hrs. The problem isn’t incentivizing short commutes.
I’ve had jobs where I lived 10 minutes away, and took a different job with a further commute because it paid significantly more.
How much further? 30 mins? 2 hours? Let me guess, you used a car because transit and density is bad?
Should an employee have to up and move their house every time they change employers, or should employees be able to decide if a long commute is worth it to them based on the offer?
That’s a load question, a strawman, and a black or white fallacy. It isn’t an either/or, and framing it as if it is is dishonest.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
And this is a problem because…?
- Comment on CEOs of top 100 ‘low-wage’ US firms earn $601 for every $1 by worker, report finds 1 year ago:
Reduce CEO pay… to increase worker pay
Damn, that was hard.