Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months agoDLC is literally just DownLoadeable Content
So like… I don’t get the hate for a specific method of providing content. Like, there’s obviously a difference between Factorio’s Space Age, and what The Sims does, even though they are both DLC. 6 months ago
Technically true, but I think everybody knows exactly what kind of dlc is meant, and because they still make up the majority of dlc content and addon-sized dlcs are so rare, it’s fair to call them that.
Moneygrab empty dlcs ( shiny horse armor! ) are stupid, and history has shown that people are not fiscally responsible enough to not be lured into spending absurd amounts of money for very shallow or plain empty content. “Vote with your wallet” doesn’t really work in the face of more and more insidious marketing efforts.