- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 1 day ago:
Yes. But im not allowed to say it. But you most definitely should
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
… Smacks forehead
Thanks you
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Im just using today, what would you say?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Hitler thought america would side with him in ww2, he was a fan of jim crow
Who knew it just needed to take 60 years to become accurate
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
I haven’t watched it since Mel Gibson was revealed to be a giant POS but King Steven is by one if my favorite characters of all time.
Such a quotable movie
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
I really liked the newest DnD film. It was fun and got a lot right
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Christ, you had to ask. We really do live in interesting time.
My apologies, its not real that i know of. But god damn it seems like the next step doesnt it?
Cheers mate
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Next week. New legislation, all protests are now illegal
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 3 weeks ago:
Tourqoise which means more into blue than teal would be
But what im seeing may be influenced by display settings, we all are probably looking at slightly different colours.
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 4 weeks ago:
If you are asking it trying to get a sense of how other people view that age, you might want to assist with who are the people around you that are in the same age bracket and think about each of them when they are with you. How’s do they act, so they do anything childish. Do they seem different from how they were 4 years ago
I think you are a young person at that age. I’m 20 years older than you.
When i was your age, 911 happened. The world did not feel nearly as complex as your first 5 years as an adult have been.
How old you feel can change on a lot of things but man you have had to deal with a lot in those last few years and today is a bigger wtf Than the last 4 years, even before that COVID you had to deal with the first Trump administration (assuming you are in America) so where have you got to live with the I’m a young adult starting out in the world mindset? It has felt like one looming that after another.
Unless you are one of those that have been able to turn your brain off and not pay attention to the world around you, i have great sympathy for young adults like you. I think you are going to be the generation that defines the future, it might take another 30 years but you and others your age are going to have some strong opinions when you get into positions of leadership and i think it will be great for everyone when you get there.
You feel old, but i promise you that you aren’t old, that’s just exhaustion from life and maybe it’s the way generations are getting shorter.
Tech is where the world has been since the dot.com bubble and it reshaped the world. You were born at the beginning of a line of demarcation in history. I was born in in the pocket before that where the people that taught me didn’t grow up in a world that looks like today.
The Internet in your pocket is a new era and you are going to be one of the people that defines what modern humans are.
Products of an environment that changes every 6 months.
You are probably starting to see the world looking at people younger than you in a way you have never felt before, the bandits of DOGE are younger than you.
The highest paid athletes are starting to be younger than you
You are cruising through a threshold that might be hard to grasp.
But you are not old.
Not to me or many other people
If it bothers you know that how old someone comes across as really isn’t related to your physical age.
You can continue to think of yourself as a young woman for a while yet, but you still likely never stop feeling younger than your actual age. I know people 15 years older than me that act younger than i feel.
Not all, but a big enough number of women have told me 26 is when they stopped feeling like a kid, but many people have a concern with not being in their 20s, it really doesn’t mean much i promise you that you can feel great about your age no matter what it is and that the challenges in life that you need to solve for, and the solutions you need to use, are what make us feel younger or older than you are
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 5 weeks ago:
Just invalidate all money and stay over
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 month ago:
I did. Though it was a little rushed the last book, i like it when things are drawn out more, I’m used to 800 plus page novels so that’s probably just me
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 month ago:
I’ll have to look into it. A friend of a friend wrote a thing years ago called Tales from the afternow - Sean Kennedy
Sean was a huge fan of Snowcrash and ive had that Stephensen book on my list for while, ill have to check out Seven Eyes!
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 month ago:
Been looking for a new litrpg. Just finshed book 11 of He Who Fights with Monsters, but dont have a good Sci-fi on the go.
Im thinkin for trying to find where left off reading the Battletech Novels in chronological order
Ide love some suggestions, last sci fi i read was Red Rising series i think it was called.
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 month ago:
Sometimes in think i should be more stoned for Lemmy, or at least stoned more often
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 month ago:
I’m the Dragon Lance novels Kitiara is character that has bonded with an adult blue dragon calles Sky i think.
You two areguing makes me think you are about bond with each other, as kitiara didnt start out as one of rhe bad guys but ended up being a major person in the evil army
Just a coincidence in your names but amusing to me for the coincidence of it
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 1 month ago:
Your pizza/chinese food that have in house delivery dont give 10% discount for picking it up? Thats weird
- Comment on Why are dwarf planets not considered planets but dwarf stars are considered stars? 1 month ago:
I’m absolutely making something if I’m given the opportunity,
Planet Bob is not great but still way better than K-57743267.7654
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 month ago:
In did keto for a while and also started strength training.
I did really well and went from about 270 to 184. I’ve since gone back up because i stopped everything sure to reasons.
I’m not here to recommend keto though. (Not against it but damn is it expensive!)
Why i bring it up is that i had to look at the nutrition label on everything
Doing that for more than a year really helped me notice how many calories are in things, and that theres can be surprising differences between different brands of the same thing.
Some beef jerky could be 2 or 3 times the calorie counts of others just because of extra ingredients(it’s almost always extra sugar) even when its the same serving size/package
Just start looking at the options you are considering purchasing and you can make better choices without even using a calculator, you learn then which brands of which things are better for you and that will help without even chasing what you are eating.
Kind of a nice nice way to ease into changing your diet if you don’t actually start with changing the things you eat, just the versions of them
- Comment on I'll show them 1 month ago:
Lol I’ve actually done this and muted it too
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
How do you get your licence in Germany?
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 1 month ago:
Well if that’s what they are doing is s dumb thing to do
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 1 month ago:
High Tower is the character’s name btw
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 months ago:
Get your facts straight. Or you are just a distraction. Be precise and accurate.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 months ago:
Musk is a distraction from everything orange clown is doing it wants to do.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
I dont read before responding because what someone else says is irrelevant to me.
Keep shovelin
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Thats the impression i got, you dont understand how theories and opinions work it seems, very much like a certain group that is causing untold harm destruction horror insanity pain and suffering because they isolate themselves and continue to deny delay and depose anything that doesnt agree with whatever flavour of the moment insanity they need hold on to.
They immediately personally attack anyone they see as the slightest bit opposed to what delusions they believe in.
A prediction is not a fact. Its not evidence, i owe you nothing but you keep shoveling yourself into this hole.
You willing bias everything you may ever by labelling all future comments of mine you may encounter instead of just evaluating things as they you find them.
You make spaces like this worse by doing this.
You use tools to blind yourself instead of using them to protect you from actual harm. Good job my prediction only seems more likely. Thanks
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Yup neo-maga party member, what a bright future you have, watch out for leopards
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Congratulations for proving me right
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
… Hate it break it to ya lifes a bitch and then you die.
I predict you will be the full on whatever neo-MAGA group that takes their place in your future.
sad to be so lost already. I hope you find a way to be less harmful before that happens, there is still hope for you