- Comment on One-handed games? 3 days ago:
Good to hear.
I’ve had 4 - the 1st was around 2012 I think, and it was fucking amazing.
The second was around 2016, and even before plugging it in, it felt cheap. Actually using it, problems started popping up like measles in a red state - one of the side buttons stopped working, scroll wheel was janky.
The 3rd was around 2016, after exchanging the second via RMA. The L-click button was super fucked up right out of the box - it’d do this annoying thing where you push it down once, and like multiple clicks would register (the internet called it the ‘double click issue’ but was was WAY more than double… happened when I was using some art software and I’d have to ctrl+z like 10 times to clear all the actions it registered from a single click).
4th was around 2016, after exchanging the third via RMA >_< it made it a couple weeks without incident, but just when I thought I was in the clear, the cursor started jumping upwards a shit-ton randomly, which was hell trying to click-and-drag on anything. Then the internal LEDs went out (oh well, don’t really care if it’s pretty, but did like being able to see it in the dark). Then the double click thing started again.
Dealt with that for a while cuz I couldn’t afford to replace it and was tired of dealing with Razer’s customer service.
Then I joined the Air Force and didn’t have any time at all to game, so kinda fall out of the scene for a bit.
Separated around 2020, got myself a Corsair Scimitar, and lived happily ever after. Doesn’t come in lefty though. :-/
- Comment on One-handed games? 5 days ago:
If this is a long term thing, you might consider a left handed gaming mouse with programmable side keys.
I hate to recommend Razer cuz their build quality has taken an absolute nose dive, but the only one I know of is the Razer Naga:…/rz01-03410100-r3m1
Setting some of the side keys as WASD and the usual surrounding support keys (Q, E, R F, G, X, C) and you can play almost any game one-handed.
The learning curve to get your brain to accept mouse movement and clicks with your left hand is annoying as fuck though.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
I’m so sorry.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
Those are called “Lunchables”.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
I’ve had ‘fancy’ Hawaiian pizza that had little mandarin orange slices. It didn’t really work. Too juicy, and the orange flavor didn’t mesh well with the rest of it. I’d also try the kiwi pizza just from pure curiosity, but also wouldn’t have very high expectations.
Pineapple is the perfect texture and flavor to go with all the other ingredients.
- Comment on [USpol] J.D. Vance 1 week ago:
…I fucking hate how good the photoshop job here is.
- Comment on nature is beautiful 1 week ago:
- Comment on Poooweeeer!!! 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Poooweeeer!!! 2 weeks ago:
One of my profs described the nucleus as the “power house of cell operation”. You could just about measure the speed of sound by tracking the wave of students’ faces transitioning to pure confusion.
Some chaotic evil shit right there. That mofo knew exactly what he was doing.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
In my experience, it’s used to spitshine poverty.
- Comment on If I don't have my lunch my sugar crashes and I get sleepy 2 weeks ago:
Hey wait a minute, that’s just a grocery store.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
I’m all but certain the whole “money can’t buy happiness” shtick is just classist propaganda to keep the peasants poor by trying to build some kind of weird pride in staying poor.
Money can buy freedom, and while freedom doesn’t guarantee happiness, it’s a pretty fucking important ingredient.
- Comment on Every morning when I read the latest news 2 weeks ago:
Every morning when I read the latest news:
“Fuck, he’s still alive…”
- Comment on Ah shit. Here we go again. 2 weeks ago:
Jealous of your hot water capacity. Take a shower at my apt, and it’s on a 1 hr cooldown after that, or you’re taking a cold one.
- Comment on Surgical tools used during the Civil War 3 weeks ago:
Surgical tech here! …we still use most of that. The bone saws in our amputation sets look exactly like the ones in the OP. Granted, they’re stored and processed a bit differently today!
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
Trump already won, comrade! There is no need to continue spreading misinformation on the Internet: your mission was successful.
Go collect your loaf of victory bread, you’ve earned it!
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
Surgical tech here: …yeah my bad. I’ll leave it to the surgeon next time.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
I, too, engage in whataboutism when a question makes me uncomfortable.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Downhill Domination is… honestly stupid as all hell, but by design: it’s a lot of fun :P
It’s a downhill mountain bike racing game with a combat system, and it’s ridiculous. You start being able to punch the bicyclists next to you; once you knock enough of them off their bikes you upgrade to being able to kick; then iirc you eventually get a stick or something lol. Otherwise, it’s just another get-from-point-A-to-B-as-fast-as-possible game that doesn’t require a lot of thought.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Dark Cloud 1 definitely earns its spot on the list, too!
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
One of the weirdest games I’ve ever played: Okage: Shadow King.
Think Final Fantasy gameplay + Zelda: Majora’s Mask level of being genuinely bizarre as all hell.
Fair warning, the music will be stuck in your head for the rest of your life.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
…so grain of salt, cuz the name of this one doesn’t sound right, but the screenshots look correct: Gradius V?
Side scroller arcade-y jet fighter - I remember it being good.
I just don’t remember it being called Gradius >_<
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Soul Reaver did NOT age well, but fuck was that a good series for its time.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Star Wars: Racer Revenge is probably the best racing game I’ve played to-date. It’s very similar to, and often confused with, the N64 podracing game, but it’s way more polished, and the driving physics are chef’s-kiss perfect. Like, the N64 game, the pod and two engines all move together as one unit; basically a car racing game with a pod racer skin. The PS2’s Racer Revenge actually feels like you’re in a pod that’s being pulled by two distinct engines.
Try playing in 1st-person view and set the controls (if you have a PS2 controller) so the left joystick controls the left pod and right joystick controls the right pod - so to turn left for example, you’d pull back on the left stick to brake the left pod, and push forward on the right to accelerate the right pod; since they’re tethered together, the right one arches around the left a bit, and it pulls the pod to the left. It’s harder to play that way vs the usual ‘press X to accelerate’ mechanic, but after the first couple laps you’ll have the hang of it, and it feels so satisfying.
Unfortunately, the last time I tried to run a rom of this game, it did NOT emulate well, to the point of being unplayable. That was probably at least 10 years ago though, so hopefully advancements since then mean it won’t be an issue for you; but heads up.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 month ago:
Yeah, I just mean it’s easier to manipulate the intake side of the equation. Burning a couple hundred calories is a lot of work; choosing not to drink a soda is easy.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 month ago:
The takeaway here is that calorie management is WAY easier on the eating/drinking side of the equation.
- Comment on Every night... 1 month ago:
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 month ago:
That would be insanely handy in surgery. 99% of inner ear instruments look identical at first glance, but have different shaped tips that are plenty distinct under the microscope. Setting up for that shit is a pure guessing game if you have bad eyes.
And vascular… loading and keeping track of 150 suture needles that are 1/5 the size of an eyelash… yeah…
- Comment on Some eggs for my 'murican friends 1 month ago:
Guys it’s a trap! There’s a hard thing in the middle that doesn’t have any flavor, and I nearly killed myself swallowing it!
Calling my lawyer now.
- Comment on unless it’s really really funny 1 month ago:
I mean yeah, but… y’know…