- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 21 hours ago:
As the saying goes, money can’t buy you happiness but a lack of money can buy you a lot of misery. Enough money for a comfortable lifestyle, anything over that and we enter ego validation territory.
- Comment on I'll give 100% when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 2 days ago:
It is literally impossible to be 100% productive at work - even machines start to break down if they’re constantly being run at full capacity.
- Comment on well you better go find it 4 days ago:
This whole thread is a goldmine of bad taste jokes and I love it 😁.
- Comment on Hate crimes 1 week ago:
Spoiler: She is also racist, but in a more subtle way.
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 1 week ago:
Bold of you to assume that your reply to their pitiful attempt at customer retention will be read.
- Comment on Almost done 1 week ago:
Go straddle a buzzsaw you pretentious fucknugget.
- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 1 week ago:
I don’t get the point of posts such as these. If you find this relatable, seek help.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
I was essentially banned from the kitchen when I was a kid, so I learned to cook and bake as an adult. It’s cooking, not jedi training, you cannot age out of learning it.
- Comment on Good morning. 3 weeks ago:
Now now, let’s not kinkshame.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 3 weeks ago:
Everything is a chemical concotion dipshit. Even you.
- Comment on Funny this never made it into a James Taylor song 4 weeks ago:
Processing ultra processed meat even further? Even for poverty food this is too much.
- Comment on Seems like solid advice 4 weeks ago:
Oh shit it’s the meme police.
- Comment on Seems like solid advice 4 weeks ago:
What is the one thing men want? Vintage video game consoles? 40k miniatures? Old cookbooks? Because I’m a man and I want all of these things.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 5 weeks ago:
OOPs pitcture is clearly a photoshopped porkcop. Who even bothers with making this shit.
- Comment on No good excuse to still be on Xitter 5 weeks ago:
Man I love Flatpaks.
- Comment on What do I do? 5 weeks ago:
If you have no savings and safety nets, then yes, continue to grind away at a shit job until you do. Posting misery porn on social media is not good for your mental health or the mental health of everyone else.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 5 weeks ago:
Call it what it is - copyright infringement. Piracy is the act of robbery on the high seas, but we’ve allowed media companies to take a shit in our vocabularies so we can’t call things by their proper names.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 5 weeks ago:
Looks at UTorrent happily leeching away Looks at camera
- Comment on I'll show them 5 weeks ago:
P.K. Dick’s novels were notban instructional manual, dammit :(
- Comment on I'll show them 5 weeks ago:
Watch me fuck off from the platform at the speed of light - I am already halfway from going full “fuck it, let’s pretend it’s '99” and hanging out on phpbb forums and Neocities.
- Comment on What do I do? 5 weeks ago:
If your job is causing you that much anxiety, leave yesterday.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 5 weeks ago:
A healthy take that will surely result in good faith discussion.
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 5 weeks ago:
No, they stick to the roof of your mouth an taste like cardboard.
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 5 weeks ago:
You can buy conmunion wafers in bulk in most catholic bookstores, along with other cool stuff.
- Comment on Meme gift (and note in thread) 1 month ago:
Raggedy Ann was a movie meant to advertise dolls that somehow turned into an acid fueled mindfuck.
- Comment on Wait, I've seen this movie 1 month ago:
If Disney had any sense they would do Muppet versions of their IP instead of those godawful live action remakes. Imagine Phantom Menace - the Muppet version.
- Comment on The wonders of how the human body works 1 month ago:
Man I watched the hell out of that cartoon ehen ai was a kid.
- Comment on Mmm kale 1 month ago:
Of course kale is going to taste like shit if you dont properly cook it. Boil it in salted water with potatoes, strain it, mix it with olive oil and garlic and serve it with chicken.
- Comment on Do You Even Squid Game Bro? 1 month ago:
Children playing childrens game at recess, oh the horror!
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 1 month ago:
I am so over this forced meme.