- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
There are a lot of genuine answers to this, but the simplest one is perhaps the best: because who decides which authority is correct?
Authoritarianism is bad because it gives justification to our bias’.
The “good” authorities you think of when you ask this question are authorities not because they are authorities, but because they have the knowledge/training/practice/experiences that give them a greater expertise on a given subject. Authoritarianism supposes that, those things aside, there’s something inherently good about someone in a position of authority. This is factually incorrect.
We (are supposed to) grant authority to those that earn it, and use it responsibility. Likewise we (are supposed to) strip it away from those that abuse it, or failing to maintain strong standards of ethics and practice. Authoritarianism, as a school of thought, discards that process, instead suggesting that the authority is the authority because people need that in their lives. Fuck that.
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 days ago:
It’s just meat based ddos.
What a fascinating sentence.
- Comment on Please tell me I'm not going nuts 4 days ago:
My friend, I respect your desire to believe that the world is a better place than it is, but this is pure cope.
We have no evidence of any of this being a possibility, and you catch a murderer by finding evidence of intent, not waiting for someone to get hurt.
- Comment on Poor guy 5 days ago:
Of course he is. His entire wealth is rooted in arapatheid. The irony of him claiming to be a victim of racism is so dissonant from reality that I genuinely struggle to find good words to describe it.
- Comment on California Fire Relief Bundle - 422 items (187 games) for $10 1 week ago:
If someone already owns Tunic and is considering this, I would say to just directly donate the money.
Or just like… Donate through the bundle and consider trying out some minor projects created by people who are trying to make something cool? Why turn down access to these games out of some form of perceived superiority? This notion that since you’ve never heard of these other titles they can’t possible offer anything of value to you is kind of a spit in the face of struggling artists of all types.
- Comment on Eurogamer: we can't recommend the PC version of Monster Hunter Wilds 1 week ago:
Please reread. I had to make the game look mediocre (low, not lowest) to have an enjoyable experience on a $750 hand-held PC.
I was getting 60-80 fps on high settings in the beta on my 3070ti, when frame generation was broken. I have not tested on my home PC yet.
- Comment on Eurogamer: we can't recommend the PC version of Monster Hunter Wilds 1 week ago:
The experiences people are reporting with this game are so strange to me.
I loaded the game today during a 1hr break at work on my Legion Go. It took ~10 minutes to do the shader compilation, I opted to turn frame generation on, and the game defaulted the settings to high, which felt awful. After turning the settings to low, turning the up scaling quality from “Max Performance” to just “Performance,” adjusting the sharpness up to .6 from .5, and then tweaking some other settings I don’t care about (cloud textures? I barely look up) or outright hate (why games continue to push aggressive motion blurring is beyond me - it looks horrible), I started playing.
I experienced a stutter whenever I step into a new space, or load a new cutscene, but it smoothed out in a fraction of a second. While the graphics don’t look the best, the game plays smooth. I did the opening sequence with no stutters, got to the not-tetsucabra fight, and maintained 45+ fps throughout the entire fight, with no stutters or issues. At points, the monster ran into a cave, which aided my hand-held PC and kept the game running at a smooth 60fps for those sections. This is directly in-line with my experiences running the benchmark on this machine, which averaged ~45 fps on nearly identical settings.
I haven’t yet run the benchmark or played the released game on my home PC, but the demo, which was less optimized and frame generation did not work during, played “fine.” I was unimpressed with the performance relative to the graphical fidelity in that play (though I am of the opinion that the more gritty, realistic aesthetic is ugly relative to the vibrant worlds of Generations, or Rise and in apologetically think they look better than even World), but I can’t say I had problems or felt that performance or visual quality would impede my enjoyment of the game.
This article notes specific studdering and runs the frame-health tests to demonstrate it. I suspect they’re onto something that I am not experiencing for some reason or another. That said, I ultimately think the 4k, 144+ fps gamers running expensive GPUs are offended that they can’t play this one on the highest settings, and are review bombing the hell out of this title. I’m not sure what the deal with all the “ThAt’S nOt HoW fRaMe GeNeRaTiOn WoRkS!” screaming relevant to low end systems is about, as I am experiencing notable improvements through it.
I encourage people to test on their own hardware, rather than taking reviews at face value, as I’ve begun to believe that whatever issue is occurring is deeper than “Capcom didn’t optimize!” Use the benchmark, and take advantage of Steam’s refund policy.
- Comment on Hi-Rez Studios is laying off further employees and ending development on Smite, Paladins, and Rogue Company 4 weeks ago:
Hi-Rez is the king of creating a new game, pretending it’s their “big thing” and then enshittifying it while their good devs are moved to the next “big thing.” They are fad chasers who are constantly in a race to monetize a market and then move on.
I’m glad it caught up with them. Couldn’t have happened to a better company. Apologies to the earnest designers and programmers that got caught in the crossfire.
- Comment on I don't need no app 4 weeks ago:
Except now the app pushes ads to you through notifications.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 4 weeks ago:
This is what a company looks like when it’s not funded by venture capitalists that insist the line always go up exponentially.
Good on Steam for taking the time an energy to create a feature that is strictly pro-consumer.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 5 weeks ago:
Capitalism is inherently short-sighted.
- Comment on Meme gift (and note in thread) 5 weeks ago:
Missing Fern Gully, but a pretty good list nonetheless.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on 1 month ago:
The mods of .ml are pro China/Russia authoritarianists, and will ban you for posting comments that disagree with them. I’ve received a ban for discussing my experiences teaching Taiwanese and Chinese students, because I described the way the Chinese students reacted in the face of evidence that Taiwan is a self-governing sovereign state as “brainwashed.”
I was banned under rule 1, which is listed as being polite and civil. Trust me when I say I have said far more less polite and civil things directly to mods, so it’s concerning that politely expressing real lived experiences that contradicts their opinions on Chinese authoritarianism is what counts as being rude and uncivil around those parts.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on 1 month ago:
Spend a week in memes and you’ll see how categorically untrue that is.
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 1 month ago:
I’m not sure I’ve ever stumbled across a worse opinion. Amazing. Well done.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
I see someone had their ego attached to that opinion.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
Of course the only person who feels the need to voice negativity about the game is also the person with a demonstable inability to read.
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 1 month ago:
Good. Now do the same to the major triple A studios attaching loot boxes to every sports game and battle royale. Why the fuck start with Mihoyo?
- Comment on Hyper Light Breaker | Early Access Launch Trailer 1 month ago:
Kinda hype. Had my eye on this one for a while. I’m a little cautious what “early access” means in this regard, though. I’ve had altogether too many rogue-likes release into early access without enough content to justify it.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 months ago:
Thank fuck, tbh.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 months ago:
I sit down every time I go to piss because it’s one if the few places where I can be sure I’ll be left alone. It’s not about the piss. It’s about the break.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
It’s been Jackbox every year for the past 8+ years. A side-effect of hosting the New Years Eve party for a bunch of gamers.
- Comment on Happy birthday Anon 2 months ago:
I know green text therefore we prob shouldn’t take it seriously, but still, God damn. Losing your family isn’t “lucky,” even if there are worse outcomes.
- Comment on Understanding the Hawk Tuah Phenomenon 2 months ago:
It’s still in the “ChatGPT, tell me about X” format, with headers, bullet points and all.
- Comment on what works for you to let go? 2 months ago:
Cynicism is horrible. It is slowly training your brain to always assume the worst in everything and everyone, and has little to do with expectations. Cynicism legitimizes the anger you already feel, and makes it “okay” to yell about it, rather than taking control of your emotions.
You need a philosophy that allows you to take control, not one that justifies your helplessness. Mindfulness practices, and/or existentialist thought eventually leading to positive nihilism can help you.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
Theology is not a belief in God. It is a study of the belief in God, the connection between humankind and the possibility of God, and the philosophies grounded in religious doctrine. Saying that trying to understand theology is a waste of time is the same as saying that trying to understand any social science is a waste of time.
You may dismiss the beliefs as “all made up”, but their impact on our world is very real. Is studying politics a waste of time because it’s “all made up”? Or are the arbitrary thoughts and feelings on how the world should be run suddenly more important because we’ve removed a belief that you personally disagree with?
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
Your ignorance on the topic of religion is what is astounding here. Reducing religion to “the supernatural” is to ignore centuries of philosophy and social theory.
While widely practiced religion, particularly in the Western world, has been disgustingly reduced to nothing more than a series of corporate institutions vying for social and financial power, this does not represent “religion” as a field.
People seek an understanding of the universe, and an answer to all the existential questions they have. Many people suffer existential dread as a result of their powerlessness in the face of the unknown. Seeking answers through religion is one way to quell such concerns and fears. Whether or not you agree with it, it has provided comfort to millions of people who suffer very natural, human fears.
People also want to know what it means to be “good” and live a “good life.” Religion has provided a number of philosophical frameworks in which to seek such answers. If you wish to dismiss all religion out of hand, you’re fundamentally discarding much of the basis for modern philosophy as well. You’re basically left with consequentialism, which has a number of serious pitfalls.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
The answer to this is going to differ heavily from religion to religion. You’ve already been inundated with the atheist and agnostic response. Christian theology could give you a few different answers.
The Bible could been seen as man’s interpretation of God, therefore God’s will is placed in terms we understand: emotions. Calling God jealous, angry, sorrowful, or joyful is a lot easier than asking you to understand a four-dimensional physical space. The latter is beyond your perception, much like understanding the “feelings” God exhibits, so it is simplified to terms you can understand.
The second potential answer would be: why wouldn’t he/she be? You’ve made the assumption that emotions are bad or wrong, but if you throw out that assumption, there’s nothing wrong with an emotional God. Maybe being “beyond that” is in fact a mistake? If he/she made us in his/her image, then of course we are given emotions similiar to God. Ultimately, who are you or I to judge whether such feelings are good or bad, or make a being imperfect?
Admittedly, I am deeply agnostic myself, because I ultimately don’t buy any of the explinations I’ve provided here. But I’ve taken time and energy to understand Western theology, rather than dismiss it out of hand, and these are the explinations I suspect you are likliest to find.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Problem is, I own most of the games on the Steam front page, so finding new and interesting games is getting difficult.
This. I feel totally underwhelmed bumpy the sale this year because everything on the front page I already either own or have no interest in. I know the discovery queue exists, but it primarily tries to feed me the same jank I already know exists.
- Comment on Wizard of Legend - Free 2 months ago:
While it would have been nice for OP to mention this, honestly dude, fuck off. People can decide for themselves if they want to install Epic for a free title without this kind of toxic, elitist discourse.