- Comment on Egg prices... 1 month ago:
There aren’t too many trump supporters in this community to remind of egg prices so it just comes off as a stale meme reposted over and over for fake internet points. Go beat this drum where conservatives are.
- Comment on Helps to explain how it reallly works 2 months ago:
Yep. We saw this when obamacare was first rolled out. Many quit their shitty jobs and became self employed.
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 2 months ago:
The frog and the chimp go so hard
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 4 months ago:
Then they should’ve
- Comment on On a lighter note: Why do people still buy fast food? 4 months ago:
It’s addictive, it’s marketed well, people are uninformed about how awful it is for them, and think prepping healthy meals is a lot harder than it is.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
The joke
Your head
- Comment on Canadian Athlete Caught Using Performance Enhancer 7 months ago:
Nah. I make my own preworkout protein bar and each has a tablespoon of honey. Hit that and some caffeine, (banned in the Olympics) and you’ll have a ton of energy while lifting.
- Comment on The Wisdom of Great People 7 months ago:
Was Steve Erwin really kind to animals? Didn’t he wrestle them son’s of bitches?
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 10 months ago:
I mean honestly source? Free lean protein which I can acquire while circumventing price gouging and greedflation doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea. Maybe toast them bitches in the air fryer and put em on a sammich. Make a CLT.
- Comment on blast me off, fam 10 months ago:
If only a quart of vodka actually did that.
- Comment on turtles 11 months ago:
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
Markedly. The stuff wrapped in plastic is like play dough in comparison to getting it in a block or sliced from the deli counter.
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
No dude has ever said “she’d look hotter if her lips and cheeks were redder,” either but ya’ll would cry if we stopped wearing lipstick and blush. Quit your bullshit.
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
This site is becoming the same kind of mysognistic reddit was.
- Comment on How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose? 1 year ago:
Frugal is a good character trait…
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
I a sapienbrained humancel. You got me.
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
Dogs? We have a limitless supply, go nuts scientists. Chimps eh let’s say less than 30, the lower the amount of chimps that die the better but at the end of the day, traumatic experiences vastly reduce quality of life for people, so if chimps gotta die, they gotta die.
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
Call me Hitler but it’s only a snail. If this can erase my dad strangling me or watching someone shoot themself from my brain IDC how many invertebrates die for it.