- Comment on What's so important about keeping military operations secret? 1 day ago:
Because surprise is important, and if the enemy has precise intelligence on what’s going to happen they can act to make it not happen. Which means that any assumptions your plans make might be outdated or even actively countered.
To quote Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.” The lengths militaries have historically gone to in order to keep operational security or obfuscate the details of an attack is utterly absurd.
A real world example: In WW2, ahead of the allied invasion of Sicily the British launched Operation Mincemeat. They took the body of a homeless person that had recently died, gave him an entirely fictitious service record/life, and some fake letters heavily implying that the allied invasion of Sicily was a feint and the true invasion was going to be in Greece and Sardinia. Then they took the corpse onto a submarine and let it go where the tide would take it to Spain. The Spanish shared the letters with the Germans, and the Germans then reinforced… all the wrong places. Which made the Allied Invasion of Sicily easier than it potentially could have been.
- Comment on How the fuck do I find out where and when all these protests and rallies are happening? 3 days ago:
Always been like that in my experience.
I remember being frustrated asf as a teenager by people not understanding words or knowing how to spell things. My brother in christ, you have a phone and an internet connection in your pocket with access to basically the entirety of human knowledge. Fucking Google it.
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 5 days ago:
I used to be into HP fanfiction and my god I got so tired of hearing about HPMOR. I didn’t hate it, I didn’t feel nearly that strongly. I got a handful of chapters in and put it down, but that’s reasonably normal for me. But my god you could not escape that fic. It’s fans were rabid and it’s detractors were even worse than that. If it could vaguely fit a req, they’d bring it up. And then get three replies about how it doesn’t fit the req and it’s the worst thing since My Immortal within fifteen minutes.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 6 days ago:
By nature, the fediverse is hard to tie back to individuals… But if they’re looking for you individually, they can find you
Yeah. Bonus points if your instance isn’t hosted in the US. I’m pretty sure mine is hosted in Canada, and with the way it’s going currently in a year or two Canada wouldn’t be willing to piss on the US government if it was on fire much less hand over a server full of IP addresses.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 6 days ago:
Further, pretty sure the entire contents of the internet have been sucked down into that NSA Utah Datacenter since it opened in May 2014.
There is a truly prodigious amount of weird porn on a government server somewhere if true.
- Comment on Do zinc tablets and toothpaste counteract each other in the mouth? 6 days ago:
I have no clue about your stupid question but it’s inspired one of my own.
Why are you taking zinc? I was under the impression that intaking zinc is a terrible idea and should be avoided at all cost.
Maybe it’s specifically inhaling it that’s the issue? I’ve always heard this in a metallurgy context: that you should be careful heating up brass/welding galvanized steel etc because the zinc will turn into a fairly toxic gas.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
The horror!
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
Since I have no clue what argument you’re talking about I definitely can’t provide context.
I think maybe we’re all confused lmao.
But yeah, you summed up the original context pretty well. A lot of people, primarily women, basically pointed and said “see how much women don’t trust the average man.” A lot of men pointed at it and said, “see how much women hate men.” And it was a whole gender argument for awhile. I just sort of thought it was all around sad and depressing. I got very tired of hearing about the whole thing personally.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
I’m confused, can you provide some context?
I know about the bear vs man thing that went viral for awhile- “Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man?”, but I haven’t ever seen it in a Lemmy vs Reddit context.
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
what he thought was a quick trigger that only made it so that if you racked the slide wrong, it would drop the hammer
Okay, until this part I was like “it’s not really a safety issue, still illegal and stupid but not unsafe.” Jeez. I could see modifying the barrel or stock of a gun if you just really really wanted to- as long as you don’t plug it you can’t really cause any harm to anything but your accuracy. Absolutely fuck trying to rig up modifications to the trigger or anything involving the actual firing mechanism. I’m not tryna kill someone on accident.
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
Our gun laws are more permissive than a lot of places, but still an absolute mess.
Federal laws define anything under a 16" barrel as a short barreled rifle- SBR. That’s a colossal no-no and a felony. That is enforced.
The other big thing is that one trigger pull = one round fired. If it breaks that rule, or fires from an open bolt the ATF considers it a machine gun and those are pretty tightly restricted. You can’t manufacture more machine guns for the civilian market, they have to be grandfathered in from before they were banned.
There’s tons more whacky Federal stuff- like how they treat suppressors. Federal laws have nothing on state laws though. Man does that get confusing when your gun is absolutely fine in Nevada but is a turbo-crime in California. God forbid you bring a thumbhole stock into California. And then there’s concealed carry permits- a lot of places it’s illegal to carry a handgun concealed with a permit. But the permits are all state issued and whether they’re valid in other states is entirely fucking random.
TL;DR: we get a lot of shit for having lax gun laws- and we do- but they definitely exist and navigating them can be a gigantic pain.
- Comment on [META] What instance receives the least amount of downvotes on average per comment? 1 week ago:
That answered my question exactly, thanks very much!
- Comment on [META] What instance receives the least amount of downvotes on average per comment? 1 week ago:
I mean more in relation to federation. I’m not sure how downvotes work with federation as a whole, honestly.
- Comment on [META] What instance receives the least amount of downvotes on average per comment? 1 week ago:
Some instances just disable downvotes. I have no idea exactly how that functions exactly, but I’d guess that matters. IIRC Beehaw and Lemmynsfw have both disabled downvotes. There’s probably more.
- Comment on Can someone recommend me a wireless headset? 1 week ago:
I also have an Arctis 1- I paid ~$70 USD- and I’d recommend them as well. They’re very comfy, and the mesh pads mean they’re reasonably breathable. I have zero complaints with the battery life- I’ve never had it manage to die during a very solid day of use. Though if I forget to charge them overnight they usually die sometime the next day. And that’s after nearly 2 years of use- I bought them in June 2023.
Interestingly, I’ve had a very different experience with the mute switch. I find it pretty stiff. Which I’d say is a good thing. The volume wheel next to it, however, is really easily moved. I occasionally turn the volume down accidentally just taking the headset on and off.
Also: If you have a phone case the USB C dongle might not fit. I have to remove my case to use them with my phone. Not a huge deal, but worth mentioning.
Maybe a plus, maybe not depending on your preferences, but I think they look normal. They’re not explicitly gamer-y, or anything. I wouldn’t feel embarrassed wearing them in public like I might some jagged RGB’d monstrosity.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
God, I decided to make a new Reddit account yesterday after deleting mine back a bit after they shut down the mobile API.
I deleted it again this morning. I might have some minor issues with Lemmy, but my god Reddit is a toxic cesspit. People just suck there, and I’m not sure exactly why.
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
It depends? I’ve honestly never heard of a firearm being irreparably broken- there’s not usually a ton of different parts involved like with a car so repairs are drastically similar.
The amount of use and abuse a gun would need to be broken in some kind of semi-permanent way would be a lot. Generally if you’ve got the money for that amount of ammo, you’re going to have the money to have your gun- which you clearly like- repaired.
If you really just want to get rid of it, though, from my understanding you can take it to any police station (probably call ahead showing up with a gun randomly is a bad idea) and they’ll dispose of it for you.
If you’re asking about the mechanics of it, all you need to legally ‘destroy’ a firearm is an oxy/acetylene torch. The ATF has a nice little guide.
- Comment on How can a military buy fighter jets that the seller has kill switches for? 2 weeks ago:
It’s entirely possible that the F-35 or F-22 has something like that. Even if it doesn’t, it’s definitely expecting regular software updates which it wouldn’t be getting.
The older jets, like the F-16s they’ve given to Ukraine, I highly doubt have any kind of kill switch.
- Comment on Suppose you were a dissident facing political persecution, how would you preserve your personal files so that you can retrieve it many years later, in case of imprisonment? 2 weeks ago:
Even if they’re obsolete there will almost certainly be some way to retrieve your data unless you’re expecting to go away for a LONG time- if you went away in the 90s and did this I’m pretty sure it’d be as simple as buying a sata-IDE adapter.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
It’s literally their fifth most recent post, from three days ago. I found it by just looking at the community and searching IQ. It was on page 2 for me.
Also, what do you even mean doxxing them? Nobody said anything about posting their real name and address.
- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 3 weeks ago:
Ah, good advice. Thanks! The first one I spotted had an i5-7500T in it, so I don’t think 7th gen ones will be all that rare.
- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 3 weeks ago:
This is a fantastic idea, thanks. I’ve been intending to set up a media server for awhile now.
- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 3 weeks ago:
…maybe some of them?
I have no idea why a laptop with dedicated graphics would do that because it would add latency and simply not be necessary.
- Comment on I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me? 3 weeks ago:
Then why is your political affiliation relevant?
There’s an incredibly simple solution to not caring about politics: not caring about politics.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 4 weeks ago:
It’s a little more complicated than that.
I’ve been interested in mythologies for a long time and in my experience this phrase literally always applies.
But I didn’t actually know most of that, really interesting! Thank you.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 4 weeks ago:
Pete Buttigege
Jesus christ. And when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 4 weeks ago:
Shinto’s Izanagi wasn’t really the “head god” I thought? From my understanding that was Amaterasu. Wikipedia agrees, for whatever that’s worth.
Often considered the chief deity (kami) of the Shinto pantheon, she is also portrayed in Japan’s earliest literary texts, the Kojiki
- Comment on What is a season pass in computer games? 5 weeks ago:
It’s just a preorder for DLC, basically, or if they’re all released it’s just a DLC bundle pack.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 1 month ago:
I don’t know. I have played very little CK3.
- Comment on what are “female jocks” called? 1 month ago:
Honestly I’ve never really considered Jock a properly gendered term. I think personally I’d probably just use Jock as a gender neutral term.