Reddit refugee
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
I have never (not asking for info, I can look it up) seen it, just heard it mentioned by name. Couldn’t tell you the actors or even the genre off hand.
But I can tell you that every time I hear the movie my brain (for juuuust a second) always thinks it’s a Star Trek movie that’s specifically about pon farr.
For those not in the know, Vulcans (aka the race of aliens that Spock belongs to), while very disciplined, will get super horny every 7 years. So horny that they will just up and die if they don’t bust a nut and for whatever reason they can’t just take care of it themselves.
Now I’m no kid from the 60s, but I did hear of it first with Tuvok in the Voyager series. And now that reference is just as dated now as the original show was when I watched Voyager. And I just had a whole existential moment between those 2 sentences in this paragraph.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
I still think 90s when I hear 8-9 years ago.
- Comment on Dozens of spam messages daily now 1 week ago:
I feel like I (and probably a lot people now) don’t have a clue what most of their emails are. I don’t subscribe to anything anymore. I have no reason to routinely check it.
It’s just where receipts and account management messages (verification codes, click here to finish logging in type stuff), along with automated reminders of activities that have happened it need to happen. I haven’t checked email that wasn’t a log in thing for a very long time. And even then it was probably to check a record of some sort.
It used to be used as a primary communication protocol, now it’s just the account you need to have to make an account on what you’ll actually use.
Has anyone used it intentionally for anything more than that in the last 10 years? Personal email I mean, not for work email.
- Comment on Anon works from home 2 weeks ago:
I kinda did some of this kinda thing at one of my old jobs. It wasn’t an office job, but I found shortcuts to do stuff that the other non computer geniuses weren’t even able to begin to learn.
I was a king. Until they random’d me (I still didn’t think it was random, but I’m still curious who it was because I got along with everybody as far as I knew.)
Others would come in talking all about how high they were, but I’m the one that gets fired for it when I wasn’t even high at work at all. Sad. I was good at that job too. Haven’t been good at anything else since, and there aren’t any similar jobs elsewhere in town. Feelsbadman
- Comment on jorts 2 weeks ago:
I feel attacked
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 3 weeks ago:
Next it’ll be the NoeyePhone, sold without the eye contact-tracking hardware.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 3 weeks ago:
The entirety of a political right shouldn’t actually exist as anything more than theory. It should be the “dark version” of possibility we tell kids to avoid.
But here we are, actually dealing with their mental disease.
I don’t know what version of a hospital I went to, but I should give it a great review after coming out of it from how deep in it I started. shudders
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 3 weeks ago:
Didn’t hate Jews, hate the government of Israel.
I honestly wonder what the Christian circle would do if Israel gets wiped out and there is no rapture, Armageddon, or tribulation.
Would they finally admit they’re wrong then, or will it have morphed by then?
This is the kind of thing I would look up if I could just open the book of time and look at the pages past this. Fuuuuuck the lottery numbers, I wanna watch some post and future events, or different timelines.
That’s honestly what I wish afterlife was
We die and wake up, but can travel through time at will, then that version of us dies and becomes 5th dimensional, etc.
I didn’t actually believe this of course, but I wish it was true.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 3 weeks ago:
But Nazicide is.
- Comment on Question about (what I think are) gay selfies 3 weeks ago:
Oh for sure. This guy is just flamboyant as hell and it just kinda seemed like this was part of it. No one else I’ve known did that. Again, small sample size bias, but that’s why I thought to ask before assuming. I came here to see if these 2s added up to 4 just based on the vibe I felt.
- Comment on Question about (what I think are) gay selfies 3 weeks ago:
That’s kinda why I was asking. I didn’t think a search would really find that, so I just cast a net to get human insight.
- Comment on Question about (what I think are) gay selfies 3 weeks ago:
OMG you know him! Lol
- Comment on Question about (what I think are) gay selfies 3 weeks ago:
Fair enough. Thank you sir/madam/other.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
And it looks a lot like the ol Nintendo seal of approval (or whatever they call it).
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Imagine believing that taking ANOTHER medicine that is definitely totally unproven (but the commercial has a guy in a lab coat reading a script, so you know they absolutely “did their homework”- even if this didn’t phase them before- but it’s ok when they already believe it), just so you can make sure you’re more vulnerable to a disease.
These people have noticed no ill effects, yet they’d rather pretend to get rid of that and take on a new risk.
And when the pill is later proven to not do anything (if it hasn’t already, hell if I know just from seeing this), they will claim the vaccine was pointless when they still don’t get COVID.
I hope and wish this pill is super poisonous and they have a hellish vomit sickness that wrecks them for days. Some of them will claim they’re proof to suffer to get the vaccine out, but it will give others pause for sure.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
The short answer is capitalism. Wasting money is a status symbol.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
You right. I shouldn’t have been commenting shit yesterday. I’m honestly not like that, I just let this news vortex get in my head and I boil over sometimes.
They’re such an easy target to get righteous anger over. Part of be realized it even as I typed it, but I should’ve just deleted it like you would trash a handwritten note just to get it out of your system.
Right Wing did deluded me for years (almost at 10 years since I started leaving that culture behind. Nazis kinda combine the hatred I have for them specifically and lately it’s combined with my triggers for how right wing garbage poisoned me for so long that it doesn’t just boil over, it goes from soup cooking temperature to a nuclear reactor when they’re in lockstep.
And of course the blind rage reverts back to it’s familiar roots, and I fucking destroy what I’m trying to be with what I say.
Good on you for calling it out.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Someone that bought his place at the white house did it and didn’t get shot by a flamethrower, so all the Nazis hiding literally just below the surface feel ok to talk a little louder now.
Honestly, with sufficient evidence it should be legal to kill them in public and receive any inheritance from their wills. I don’t typically enjoy personally hunting people down typically, but these aren’t people.
One comment blatantly in favor of it Goodies any human rights in my opinion. It’s the only way. They may say it too (vermin, poisoning the blood, etc) but they’ve only ever been right about themselves.
I would give a pedo human rights before them. And that’s saying something.
They’re just rabid animals, and I defy anyone to give a reason they deserve a single second of life at all, for any reason, in any context. Maybe with the one exception of using them to find gatherings of others. But that’s it.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 4 weeks ago:
Kinda. But this “comment” system is more set up to encourage replying to others rather than the original subject.
That would be an easy fix though.
I feel like we can’t use services anymore at all. We need protocols and clients to connect to each other using those protocols and stop using centralized anything at all.
99% of what I’ve done in discord is a private server with like 5 or 6 regulars just to use voice coms in game.
But we already had that with TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble. The UIs were fucking ugly as dog shit, but they worked.
Discord just came along and and combined a global (to a set of members) chat room and a voice service, where before those were separate.
Now if something is “just” a website then no one under like 25 will be able to hear of it, much less figure out how to use it. They need apps to be able to communicate.
The problem is that bigger services obviously have a problem of scale with that setup, so they start simple and get a bigger audience, then start the spying with some tiny change no one will check patch notes for.
These days we’re all guilty of that.
Capitalism is again the bad guy here. Monetizing everyone’s actions and identities is the particular issue. No one would feel a need to do this if it didn’t lead to more profits. I’ll bet there are a bunch of companies that started off good and fell to the dark side when they couldn’t control their monetary appetite. (Or when younger employees took on promoted positions and saw opportunity- all they had to do was (cough cough) stop not being evil (cough cough)).
- Comment on Spermageddon - Official Trailer (yes,this is a real movie!) 5 weeks ago:
You remember sexy meatballs? xD
- Comment on Spermageddon - Official Trailer (yes,this is a real movie!) 5 weeks ago:
See I knew someone would know. I didn’t have the spare moment to look it up at the time.
- Comment on Spermageddon - Official Trailer (yes,this is a real movie!) 5 weeks ago:
This just looks like a more blatant version of that food movie. I can’t even remember the name of it, but y’all know what I mean.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Good first step, but I’m scared by the word “unbiased”.
For a conservative, there’s no way that means “unbiased”, it’s gonna man “un-leftist”, because clearly there are only “wokes” and “normals”, and he’ll expect you to see a “normal”.
Maybe he’s ahead of the curve, but that word strikes great in me.
At the very least he does seem to actually understand it without resorting to insulting terms or snide comments, so I have hope for him.
I really hope this works out for you, OP.
- Comment on sterile rot 5 weeks ago:
Needs more jpeg.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
Not the regular people. I’ve got no problem with them. Known several, never had any issues.
This is more of on the scale of a “big pharma” kinda thing. I think the biggest benefit that idiotic system could ever have to have any hope of getting even half way back to breaking even on their good/bad balance is completely dissolving and actually donating their billions of dollars to something besides buying a new golden throne, and secondly, to execute every priest in their ranks who did the CSA.
Then there’s the whole spreading their beliefs by force thing.
I mean they probably all have secrets that are terrible, but that group in particular hasn’t been good, ever.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
I mean I hate everything about catholicism too. I mean I hate all religions, but catholicism specifically. But I don’t burn their symbols. I just avoid any circumstance I would have to be exposed to of it.
But yeah, still doesn’t make sense to burn a symbol you share with the people you hate. This is just their silent screams of self hatred. Not loud enough to drown out the “everything besides white people” hatred, but still somehow present. I guess they can’t even like themselves. Too busy hating.
Gotta get that hate-love ratio under control.
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 1 month ago:
I’m still hoping that second year is incorrect. I hope at the very most it is equal to the first year.
So many problems cease to exist when he does. Few would come up from the same.
Unless he does and by then Elon becomes the actual president instead of all this play acting. Trump is sucking his cock raw.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Plot twist: this is just OP’s dom texting him, not father.
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 1 month ago:
Game fuel was just another flavor of regular dew.