- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
No one has said anything about any of that, you are making up this argument out of nothing, no one has tried to define what a man or a woman is - except you, actually. You are moving the discussion and muddying what is even being argued about, so you can pretend I’m a conservative for some reason and the doctor is as bad as an anti-vaxxer. Even though you’re the one who tried to declare what a man or a woman is, when that wasn’t the subject at all. You are projecting.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
You are conflating chromosoms, gender, sex. The PhD is telling you that you are wrong. You are claiming that you know better than them. The whole meme is about you, you have Dunning-Kruger, they have a PhD.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
??? No one said it determines your gender. We’re telling you that it happens. Obviously there are XY people who grow up to be cis men, trans women, but also cis women, and surely trans men as well, or anything inbetween. You’re the only one making this all up for some reason.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
That there are men (xy) with female parts
This is your misunderstanding right there. XY is not automatically a man. You are the one making the claim that chromosoms define if you are a man or a woman, and the PhD and the other guy are telling you that there are people born with XY who are cis women with female genitalia. You are wrong.
I don’t think the phd is saying that though because they talk about xx becoming xy
No, they are not. They are telling you that there are people born with XX but who have female genitalia and grow up to be cis women. No one told you that some XY people changed to XX. This does not happen. This is not what the PhD said, and this is not what the other guy explained to you. You are wrong.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
… And you still don’t understand it, and you assume that everyone else is wrong even after it was explained to you.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
You’re the only one here claiming that the PhD is equating gender and sex / genitalia. The PhD says no such thing. The person the PhD is responding to is the one trying to equate gender, sex, genitalia, chromosoms, reducing it to “there are only two sexes, male or female.” The PhD is telling that person that they are wrong, and chromosoms do not determine what comes out in the end. The PhD is correct an you are misreading them, and it has already been explained to you that the PhD is saying, verbatim, that chromosoms do not determine gender. If you think that contradicts the PhD, you are still misunderstanding and assuming that the one who’s wrong must be the PhD and certainly not you. But you really really want to say that the PhD is equating gender and sex, or that the explanation that was given to you is contradicting what the PhD is saying. At this point, you’re just trying to obfuscate what the PhD is claiming and what you are defending, and somehow the PhD is the one who’s wrong and as bad as anti-vaxxers.
Once again: the PhD is correct, you misunderstand what they said, someone explained to you what the PhD was saying, and that explanation is not contradicting what the PhD said. The PhD and the explanation are both correct and they are saying the same thing. You keep trying to pretend that you know better than the PhD and the PhD must be anti science somehow, instead of wondering if you’re not completely missing the entire discussion. The only way you are going is trying to devaluate science.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
Or the thought the phd must have meant something else
But sure the phd is wrong if he meant that; just like those anti-vax doctors and anti-abortion doctors
The PhD is not wrong. The PhD meant what they said, but it is not what you think they meant or said. The mistake is yours, and you still insist that maybe it’s the PhD who’s wrong and meant something else they didn’t say - even after somebody else correctly explained what the PhD said and meant, to which you wrongly responded “that’s not what the PhD claims.”
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
And yet, when someone explained to you what the PhD said and meant, your response was:
So not what the phd claims
And just now you were still comparing them to anti-vaxx doctors “if they meant that”, when they clearly didn’t mean that, and you were already told what they meant. You’re still pretending that maybe they said something wrong. They didn’t.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
It’s crazy how you’re still insisting that “the PhD is wrong if he meant that”’ rather than figure out that no, what you think they meant is not what they meant, you are the one misunderstanding what they said. It has to be the PhD’s fault, certainly not yours.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
It’s weird how your first thought is “the PhD is wrong” and not “I must have misunderstood something” .
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
Regarding Steve Jobs, are you saying he did not steer Apple to a level of success and prosperity that 99% other companies dream of?
Congratulations, you have defended ultra capitalism and the destruction of workers and competition for the personal profit of the shareholders.
- Comment on New Elements Of Ghost of Yotei Teased 1 month ago:
the team went to Japan multiple times to soak in the scenery, the culture, and more, and it was there that the crew got the idea to shift the game’s section to the northern island of Yotei, where things would be vastly different in both topography and the people who lived there.
The site also reminded fans of a previous interview that Sucker Punch did, where one of the team members noted the new region would feature “sprawling grasslands, snowy tundras, and unexpected dangers.”
… What? Are they saying that Yotei will actually be all of Hokkaido?
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 2 months ago:
It’s targeting what they want to sell you depending on what target group you are, it’s never been what might actually interest you personally.
- Comment on Looks like Horizon's unannounced MMO has been quietly cancelled 2 months ago:
To be fair, it was envisioned as multiplayer from the start, then dialed down and “settling” with HZD, then tried again before HFW and into the one with the 3D headset (mountain call or something?) and they kept saying they’d get to that original plan eventually. Does the Lego Horizon game have any of it? I want to believe the success of HZD and HFW as single-player helped them give that up in the end.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Having a drink?
- Comment on IGN Brazil Interview: 'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth' sales don't disappoint but they can't be exclusive to a single console anymore 2 months ago:
I don’t know about Xbox but I’m still seeing reports about PS5 games being optimized for the physical architecture and requiring some degree of overhaul for the PC port; even FF7Remake on PS4 talked about it for the PC port. Though I imagine that only applies to specific high end games, not for 99.99% of games. Just put it on Java or Unreal 4.
- Comment on Video game journalist Jason Schreier's top 10 games of 2024 list 2 months ago:
Rebirth is already out, but it’s still exclusive to the PS5. The PC port was announced for early 2025 I think. so OP is either making a jab at Rebirth not being available on PC or they’re just saying they’re waiting for the 3rd part of the remake trilogy, which is what a number of players are doing.
- Comment on New Virtua Fighter Project Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
Wrong one, REVO is the new update to VF5, this is a new game that will almost certainly be called VF6 (but somehow the teaser won’t say it).
- Comment on skull crushers 3 months ago:
More specifically, “where to find great tits.”
- Comment on Disney's Snow White | Official Trailer 3 months ago:
… Her name is Snow White BECAUSE her skin is white as snow.
“How I wish that I had a daughter who had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony.” Some time later, the queen dies giving birth to a baby daughter whom she names Snow White.
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 3 months ago:
Everyone seems to forget the second paragraph of the quote.
No. The “as long as” does the necessary lifting there. Far-right rhetoric is a denial of reality and of any argument with a complete lack of shame or self-reflection, therefor this second part doesn’t apply.
There was a time when we thought rational argumentation and logic were good enough to convince, but that has been dead for a few decades, and the US just paid that price.
signed under duress
I didn’t ask to be bornthe point is if you don’t sign the contract you’re not protected by it and you get no benefit, that’s not duress. If you sign it but break it, you pay. No one is forcing you to sign, but if you don’t, you can fuck off. - Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago:
Several were defrosted, two woke up
The others didn’t.
RIP worms
- Comment on Sega is delisting 60 classic games from Steam, so now’s the time to grab them 4 months ago:
Exactly, they announced earlier this year that they were working on reviving a bunch of licences, including Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe… We don’t know yet eactly how many titles that includes, and which of them will get remakes, remasters, or brand new games, but it was hinting brand new.
- Comment on Ubisoft boss says it knows players think it has an 'inconsistency in quality,' so it delayed Assassin's Creed Shadows to flip that script 4 months ago:
Shadow of Mordor/war scratch the same itsch as assassin’s creed
??? It’s the first time I’m hearing Shadow of Mordor allows you to run around famous places in ultra popular historical periods.
- Comment on GRIZZLODILE 5 months ago:
But is that a fact
(it’s not)
- Comment on Assassin’s Creed Shadows delay due to Ubisoft finally listening to developers "pushing for a delay for some time", says report 5 months ago:
I’m not reading the article but why does the title still need to phrase it like the devs are the ones who need more time, suggesting they haven’t finished making the game a month and a half ahead of release? We already know that investors got spooked by Star Wars exploding because of its sales model with special editions driving up the prices for some bullshit, and we know AC was supposed to do the same but now won’t. They literally just said “actually we’re going back to simultaneous Steam release and we’re dropping the special editions and we’re rethinking the season’s pass from scratch and so-and-so will now be free instead of paid DLC” like a couple weeks ago. I can see that they did that following devs advice, but it wasn’t that the devs needed time, ever since the advent of DLC there have been multiple games from big companies where we’ve heard that the dev team fought against garbage DLC and sales practice but were told to fuck off and do what they were told and then the game exploded. The sales department is the one that needs more time to rethink the worth of cutting this down and selling the pieces, and then have the devs adjust all that.
- Comment on Archaeology Problems 8 months ago:
I don’t keep up with youtube alternatives but this one doesn’t require login invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=DaJWEjimeDM can’t get the video to load though…
- Comment on Archaeology Problems 8 months ago:
youtu.be/DaJWEjimeDM?si=rwX4eZZQvGV22iiR first half is citing two guys who think the Sphinx is older than we think; third guy and after show that the erosion and the faults didn’t come from rain from outside, but water infiltration from below, from before the Sphinx was carved into the rock, and that yes, we do see it in other places in the same rock layer. Other buildings above it don’t have that erosion from below. So the erosion is indeed old, but it didn’t happen from rain falling after the Sphinx was carved out, so you can’t use it to determine when the Sphinx was carved out of the ground.
- Comment on Archaeology Problems 8 months ago:
I’m only suggesting that theories which are not supported by direct anthropological evidence are worth considering
You can consider an idea and build a theory around it, but once your basic idea is disproven, your whole theory disappears. And the idea that the Sphinx erosion doesn’t match the agreed upon age has already been proven wrong - as in, it has been explained that the observed erosion is perfectly compatible with what rock types are there and with the data that we know since the actual period it was built in, the mid third millenium BCE. So you don’t have your premise that the erosion doesn’t match the official age, and that means there is nothing left to consider here until you actually have something new, anything else is fanfiction.
Considering new idea is perfectly fine, no one disagrees with that, but you are not considering new ideas, you are considering old ideas that were proven wrong and not listening when someone tells you why it’s wrong. Get new material.
- Comment on Anon watches an American flick 8 months ago:
I remembered a Cities Skyline youtuber mentioning this so …transport.ec.europa.eu/…/road-classification_en
Flow, distributor, and access.