- Comment on I have a level that is a tribute to The Stanley Parable in my game, here is my progress. Any feedback? 9 months ago:
Looks cool. Kinda hard to understand your post though, to be honest.
- Comment on Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue 9 months ago:
This is like the modern equivalent of the encyclopedia that added wrong “facts” to prove the makers of Trivial Pursuit infringed on their copyright.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Obviously I’m not referring to that, but to what large tech companies call AI. And they are in fact trying to convince people these AI systems they are developing will soon be clever enough to be considered general AI.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
A much larger problem is that the energy consumption is several orders of magnitude larger than that of our brain. I’m not convinced that we have enough energy to make a standalone “AI”.
This is a major issue I have with basically anyone who talks about current “AI” systems - they’re clearly not even close to AI, as they require an extreme amount of energy and data to perform tasks which would be trivial to an actual brain. They seem to lack any ability to comprehend their input, only mimicking it through brute force, which is only feasible since computers got fast enough and we can currently keep up with the energy demands.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 10 months ago:
Is it really surprising? It’s not like it’s their first competetive shooter.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 10 months ago:
There’s no chance this won’t happen again IMO (though since they abandoned their own engine maybe it won’t be as buggy this time).
- Comment on It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion) 10 months ago:
They didn’t close Campo Sango though, and haven’t closed other studios they bought historically (like Turtle Rock, which eventually became independent of Valve again and released Back 4 Blood).
- Comment on It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion) 10 months ago:
Why are we quoting each other? I remember the comment before yours. I made it. Idiot.
Grow up
Here is a response without any quotes, I’m sure their ommision makes this comment much clearer:
Valve hasn’t done this.
At the end of January, Xbox fired 1900 employees:
It’s Phil Spencer’s fault that they released Redfall at 70$. It is his fault that he promised the game will be polished. It is his fault people who paid for the DLC will never get it.
He also closed Tango, which made a critically acclaimed game.
- Comment on It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion) 10 months ago:
They list something that every single large game company does: buy studios, move talent around, close the old studios.
Not every large game company acts this way. This is also not what he did at all - he didn’t restructure the studios after buying them, he closed them and laid off their employees.
They also talk about how he claims to champion preservation and emulation, something we all agree with.
He’s a known liar (just a year ago he claimed Arkane will continue to polish Redfall, now Arkane Austin has closed before giving people DLC they already paid for)
Phil Spencer has been the head of Xbox for a decade, a decade where Xbox consistently got worse. The only smart decision they made this entire time is Game Pass IMO.
- Comment on Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home 11 months ago:
From the article:
Using blind quantum computing, clients can access remote quantum computers to process confidential data with secret algorithms and even verify the results are correct, without revealing any useful information
This is a breakthrough because this level of security is impossible currently (as you allude to in your comment).
Availability will still be an issue, of course.
- Comment on Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home 11 months ago:
My point is that the article is about making cloud quantum computing secure; the article doesn’t even mention quantum encryption.
- Comment on Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home 11 months ago:
That said, cloud-based quantum cryptography has a big hole in it: the connection to the cloud.
Read the article, the whole point is making the connection the the cloud actually secure.
- Comment on Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home 11 months ago:
However, delegating quantum computations to a server carries the same privacy and security concerns that bedevil classical cloud computing. Users are currently unable to hide their work from the server or to independently verify their results in the regime where classical simulations become intractable. Remarkably, the same phenomena that enable quantum computing can leave the server “blind” in a way that conceals the client’s input, output, and algorithm [6–8]; because quantum information cannot be copied and measurements irreversibly change the quantum state, information stored in these systems can be protected with information-theoretic security, and incorrect operation of the server or attempted attacks can be detected—a surprising possibility which has no equivalent in classical computing.
From the paper the article talks about
- Comment on Why is this sub so ban happy? 11 months ago:
OP is a real asshole, judging by his comments.
But you were the one who started a petty argument with him. He expressed his fear, and you made light of it.
- Comment on Why is this sub so ban happy? 11 months ago:
Why did you care enough to make this comment?
Why do you care enough to “mass downvote” posts on this community if it’s a joke?
- Comment on Why is this sub so ban happy? 11 months ago:
In my experience many people who talk about politics on Lemmy have very extreme and inconsistent views, I won’t be surprised if the mods of this community also do.
Since you’re new to Lemmy, you will either get used to it or go to another platform.
Since you’re conservative, be prepared for some petty arguments, since (probably) most of Lemmy users are leftists.
I like Lemmy anyway, but it usually sucks for political discussions IMO.
BTW I’m not conservative, I made this comment because I believe a larger diversity of opinions is beneficial to Lemmy.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 1 year ago:
Four prominent members left at once, including the lead designer and the game’s artist. They claimed the studio was acquired through a fraudulent purchase and went to court (and the suit was dismissed). There are many more details, look it up if you want to know more.
The studio has since laid off 25% and cancelled a standalone expansion to Disco Elysium and and its sequel.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 1 year ago:
It’s a good game, but you should know ZA/UM (the studio behind the game) was sold under suspicious cirucmstances; the lead designer and other major memebrs are no longer part of the studio (they sued, but it didn’t go anywhere). Personally I wouldn’t give them any money.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
In Sekiro, while it is not made clear that the decision will end the game (after a boss fight), it is obviously a very important decision, so I don’t think making the stakes actually high is bad design - the stakes being high is one of the reasons I like souls games.
I didn’t like Nier Automata and didn’t play it much, so I don’t know about its abrupt endings, and how they are presented and handled.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Then don’t play those games? I don’t understand the point of your comment.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
The fact you can’t rollback means every choice really matters.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Fallout New Vegas - You can literally help a gang take over the starting town like 5 minutes into the game.
Souls games - The games constantly autosave in the background and (sometimes out of nowhere) present you with some very unclear choices. In Sekiro you have a choice around two thirds into the game which causes the game to end immediately (with a very bad ending); since the game autosaves all the time, once you make that choice you have to start the entire game over and get to that point again to make a different choice.
Most CRPGs I played had meaningful choices (sometimes having extreme effects on the game world):
Planescape: Torment - Best CRPG ever IMO.
Tyranny, Pillars of Eternity - Modern CRPGs by Obsidian, both amazing. I haven’t played Pillars of Eternity 2 yet.
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago:
You can literally say the same thing about any fork, and yet nobody ever does. I’ll reiterate, Kodi is XBMC - there was no fork, no split in development, only a rename.
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago:
No it’s not. Kodi is XBMC, they just changed the name.
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago:
It’s fun
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago:
Plex is actually a fork of Kodi (XBMC). Kodi is still actively developed, and easily supports both local media (for example, downloaded using one of the *arrs) and streaming from various sources using addons.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Fallout New Vegas, Dark Souls/Sekiro (can’t decide), Hotline Miami
- Comment on Microsoft’s CEO say it’s ‘doubling down’ on being a game producer and publisher | VGC 1 year ago:
Stadia is Google
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I didn’t have any direct interactions with “hexbearians” but I do see a lot of posts and comments by them.
Honestly, people from Hexbear do comment a lot more, and seem more ready to defend their position (which can sometimes lead to petty arguments), but I don’t really care - I can always just skip a few comments.
Your politics also don’t align with mine at all, but I still find a lot of posts on Hexbear communities interesting or funny, so I don’t see what the big deal is there either. I think people with differing political opinions only benefit by discussing and sharing knowledge.
I don’t see why people who want to block hexbear.net don’t just block some communities they don’t like and users they see commenting a lot.