- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
I think you missed my point, entirely. I wasn’t saying that governments committing atrocities in other countries versus their own people were any different, morally speaking.
I was simply pointing out that the quality of life for the working class, and low amount of wealth disparity, etc in this country is largely due to Socialist policies keeping Capitalism in check, and also pointing out that Capitalist policies cause atrocities, in general.
This was in response to the comment saying that countries were hiding atrocities behind the banner of Socialism.
Atrocities of any kind are abhorrent and I agree that they need to be denounced. I also agree with pretty much everything else that you said. Socialism is near dead and dying in Europe. I just think that the sprinkle of Socialism that is left in the EU still holds back Capitalism from being quite as horrible as it could be.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
All of those ‘Socialist’ governments in the EU, with the highest quality of life, highest quality of happiness, and some of the least wealth disparity in the world, are committing atrocities against their own people?
Some of these governments probably commit atrocities in countries other than their own, but that would be because of Capitalistic and Imperialistic policies, not Socialistic ones.
- Comment on If a word can have as many meanings as we assign to it. Can was assign every meaning to one word? 3 months ago:
Marklar yea, marklar.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
When people talk about psychedelics converting everyone to the left, I think about Joe Rogan, and how he has had many many more psychedelic experiences than your average person. Also, assholes like John McAfee, exist. So, psychedelics don’t seem to automaticallymake everyone empathetic, like is so often preached.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Does fluoride-enhanced water actually do this, though? Or just pure fluoride? Yes, pure fluoride has an effect, but I always thought the miniscule amount in our water is not enough to actually make a difference to the natural calcification of our pineal gland, anyways.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
I think with the beginning stages of this kind of technology would work better with a removable option, for this reason. We are already getting able to make better human appendages, with super strength and dexterity, etc., but the touch is something that will probably be hard to implement for awhile.
- Comment on why do most celebrities/influencers & some normal people have those fake-looking teeth? 3 months ago:
It’s really weird to make a blanket statement like that because different people have very different salaries and expenses. Especially in reference to the US where these things heavily depend on the state a person resides in.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 3 months ago:
Who’s your favorite Hectress, though?
- Comment on Post-election blues 3 months ago:
One could hope, but the evangelicals got many of those Catholic judges installed. So they won’t get to that point anytime soon. There’s too many progressives, LGBTQ+, POCs, and atheists left in the US for them to target, still, and it will be that way for a long time.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 3 months ago:
That’s a horrible outlook, and I’m sorry you’ve been driven to that point. I understand, as I have been there before.
Now that I’m older, I don’t think letting apathy win and watching the government go full Fash was the correct choice, but I don’t blame you. The system isn’t going to collapse, though, it’s just going to get a lot shittier for awhile.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Orange asshole is definitely going to get more of those court appointments over the next 4 years. And they will all pretty much be there for the rest of our lives. Any sort of sense of democracy that the US had was probably dealt a death blow today.
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 3 months ago:
News Flash
Black and Latino people can be racist, too. Even against their own races.
- Comment on Going out the way he lived 4 months ago:
It’s pretty crazy to think about, but regular passenger jumbo jets experience hurricane force winds constantly. What actually puts a lot of stress on an aircraft fuselage is sudden shifts in wind speed, especially if the forces are vertical and cause the plane to rise or fall rapidly.
So, most modern planes could fly through a hurricane as long as they travel with the direction of wind and avoid major pockets of turbulence. The C130s are extra strong because they are built to handle the stress of transporting very large payloads. The hurricane hunters use these while they are pretty much empty so they have a lot of extra stress tolerance to work with.
- Comment on "The father of PlayStation" says everyone at Sony thought the PS1 would fail when it was first pitched 5 months ago:
Not really. Just Sega CD. The PlayStation and the Saturn both came out in 1994 so they were directly competing with each other. The Dreamcast came didn’t come out until 1998, after the PlayStation was already successful.
- Comment on The Signal 5 months ago:
Even.our STDs have carcinized.
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 5 months ago:
Best rally Sim is definitely debatable, but it most definitely still holds up pretty well against more modern rally sims like Dirt Rally 2.0, and that is insane enough considering it’s age.
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 5 months ago:
Dirt Rally 2 with even a cheap driving simulator setup is incredible. It’s like the dark souls of racing games, and doesn’t hold your hand at all.
Assetto Corsa is another great one with a simulator. The amount of mods, cars, and tracks added to the game has made enough content to keep someone entertained for probably their whole life.
Really, any modern racing game that uses wheel and pedals are amazing compared to what existed before that. Luckily, even the good direct drive wheels and good pedal setups have gotten more affordable in recent times.
- Comment on Dave was giving someone the best! The best! The best! Of himself. 5 months ago:
I would argue that Arnold kind of has a brand around being wholesome nowadays.
I think it’s more the fact that all male celebrities got away with this kind of behavior and worse in the past, but more recently people have started to look back on it with a critical lens. The nature of social media amplifies that critical lens.
- Comment on Anon isn't a fan of Judas 5 months ago:
I can’t agree with this disagreement any harder.
- Comment on Anon isn't a fan of Judas 5 months ago:
One account says he started a wicked metal band.
- Comment on Grok do a good 6 months ago:
Grok is a verb, meaning to understand something intuitively or by empathy. It was first used in the novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.
Grok has been adopted by the tech community for use when someone is very advanced at using a certain program or a command line utility, etc. When somebody gets to such an advanced level, they don’t just understand the program and it’s uses anymore, they grok it.
It’s actually kind of annoying and sad that Elon is stealing the word to use for his LLM.
- Comment on Inconceivable Horror 6 months ago:
Like, sure, Nutsomic and Dessalinator are pieces of shit with abhorrent views who are transphobic and murderous and support genocide
I was aware and dissapointed by the transphobic Nutomic messages. I haven’t heard anything bad about Dessalines, though, besides the fact that they continue to work with Nutomic after said messages were exposed. Dessalines did at least make sure Trans mods were installed in c/transgender, so they seem to not share the same opinion.
What did Dessalines do? Or is Dessalinator someone different from Dessalines?
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
I like your funny words, magic man.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
You are very right, and I feel your pain. I’m not judging you for feeling that way, at all.
I just don’t think that abstaining from voting is going to work in favor of fixing this issue. If anything we need to keep voting to keep the country as left as it can be for now, until we can shift the two parties we are forced to pick from farther to the left.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
I hop off the train at the part where the top-down dictatorship comes into play. Probably a bit before the level of authoritarianism where the Joseph Stalin type starts killing people for having a dissenting opinion, and what not.
Using the state to enforce good wages and end the terribleness of the stock market/landlord culture does not need to involve a top down dictatorship and a lack of democracy.
I know about the “dictatorship of the proletariat” and all that, and in my opinion, it should involve all of the workers, not one person or a small group of people. A top down dictatorship just makes it all that easier for the party to be infiltrated and controlled by bourgeois interests. If said dictatorship is a true democracy, with each worker having an equal say, it makes it pretty hard to control the proles.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Tankies have read Marx and Engels, yes, but there are many other forms of leftism besides ML. Also, it’s possible to do the reading and disagree with the methods of implementation.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
If Project 2025 is successful, we won’t ever have another democratic election. Our election is going to work like Russia’s does after that point, and we will have a dictator of she kind that pretends to hold elections.
So, unfortunately, this is not the way.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
I see now. Intriguing take you have. It’s different than the way everybody else classifies things, but I guess I can see where you are coming from. In my opinion, ML theory is pretty left leaning when it comes to economics and the end goal of it, but the authoritarian plan for transitioning to it does not align with most other leftist virtues and ideas.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
This just pretends democratic socialism doesn’t exist. Like there’s nothing between liberal and ML communist.
So, you are saying that if someone wants the same end goal as you, but has a differing opinion on how we accomplish that, you insult them. I’m sure you change a lot of minds and make a lot of friends with your method.
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
I am aware that not all furries are animal abusers. An uncomfortable amount of them are, unfortunately. Some of the most prominent furry ‘celebrities’ have been outed as zoophiles, and they still have had a fanbase and are allowed to attend cons afterwards.
That being said, I am just making a dark joke. One of my good friends is a furry who calls out and protests zoophiles in the furrydom. Most furries are pretty wholesome. I just don’t think we should hide the fact that a part of that community were drawn to it because they are sexually attracted to animals.