Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.
- Comment on My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don't know how good they got it 3 weeks ago:
I would guess they used wood pegs either end to make it durable. Wood doesn’t preserve as well and stone.
There’s also no sense of scale. To me it looks like a roller skate. Shaped like a sandal, wider wheel base at the front for stability and it could have have leather or twine round the back of the heal. I could be totally wrong but that was my thinking when looking at it.
- Comment on I watched Arrival (2016), there was a lot more to it than I was expecting 3 weeks ago:
It’s not Terry’s, it’s Extraterrestrials.
- Comment on Supreme Commander HelpLine 3 weeks ago:
I was so excited when this game was released as I was a massive fan of Total Annihilation.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
I enjoy posts like this where Americans get hooked into the legalities of what guns can be bought, the ammo, whether it’s permitted in some states, etc.
It’s a movie about a robot from the future which time travelled. And people are questioning the legalities of buying guns in the 80’s.
- Comment on Wimbledon school crash: Woman rearrested over deaths of two girls 4 weeks ago:
If I remember correctly she said it had never happened before. It would be interesting to know whether it has happened again after and whether she has been driving a car since.
- Comment on for those who know 1 month ago:
Does sex toys with AI built in count?
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
That’s how I felt here in the UK when I woke up to see the majority voted for Brexit. Before that I thought people can’t be that dumb. Apparently they can.
- Comment on Platypuses 5 months ago:
They must have glands. Unless they have milk for blood.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
Blimmin heck! Appreciate the effort in digging that photo up! It doesn’t sound like the same place though.
I’ve done a similar journey in the past and there’s places to stop everywhere. Even in a jungle in north Sulawesi at night, middle of no where, some fella selling durian in a cabin next to a dirt road.
This is covering a few experiences across Indonesia. We stopped at a frozen food shop which had 2 lions in small cages. Stopped at a private collector to see the world’s smallest primate (which I can’t remember the name of now) to find chimpanzees in cages bearly large enough to hold them. Driver stopped at a village which was ravaged by a volcano and people rebuilding their houses, asked if we wanted to stop to take pictures. Asked if we want to visit a wet market selling dog meat. Mid 2000’s, driver asked if we wanted to stop by at the scene of the Bali bombings for photos. Went to a turtle sanctuary to find them baking in bad conditions. Went to a coral reef to find some of the worse plastic pollution I’ve personally seen. Don’t even start me on Jakarta! Although that pace is improving in recent years
Place is crazy. Total lack of consideration for animals and people, unless religion or culture is involved, then the rules are strict. I got in trouble once for handing money over with my left hand.
Totally different to what I’m used to! Place is nuts.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
Do you remember where in Indonesia that was? I visited one near Bandung not realising what this coffee actually was. Bit like you I left without trying or buying. The place was a visitor centre and we weren’t allowed to look at the actual farm.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
I was in Bandung in Indonesia earlier this year. We visited one of these places not realising what it was. The visitor centre had a bunch of cages which weren’t small but I wouldn’t say large enough for the size of the animal. We asked if we can see the actual farm. He said it was the largest farm so we asked to see it. Nope, not allowed.
They’re also on a strict diet. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones not on display are force fed.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Flashing lights. I have to try that now.
Years ago me and my sister walked through our newly built town centre together. They had installed bright white stone on the ground and both of us couldn’t stop sneezing (sunny day, stone reflects sun back up). It’s not as shiny now it’s not new but I hate walking through that area to this day.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Same for me. If I feel a sneeze coming on I look at a bright light to hurry it up. I thought this was normal but appetite isn’t.
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 9 months ago:
I’m curious, why are you putting the £ symbol after the number and not before?
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
Stainless steel has been around only 110 years. Imagine not having it. Crazy.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
Welcome to the fold, brother.
- Comment on I mean have they seen our stipends 9 months ago:
Years ago my wife did an online course, I forget which one, it might have been open university (UK). She worked full-time with a fair salary and studied a few hours each week in the evening. She got a student discount card. The requirements seem (or did, perhaps it’s changed now) quite low.
- Comment on A bad influence 10 months ago:
People do silly things. We have a department at work which pulls data from our ERP system to excel. They’re pulling 10’s of thousands of rows to return only a few bits of detail like product descriptions for a handful of items. I’ve offered to help them but they really don’t want help. They seem to be happy with this monster.
There’s another department which runs reports from our BI system, exports it to Excel, adds some calculations, then builds reports from that. They literally just need to ask the BI analyst to build them a report to their requirements.
I’m convinced people like screwing around in excel because it gives them something creative to do in an otherwise bland job.
- Comment on It is truly magic 10 months ago:
It’s more confusing looking at it from a top view. When driving it’s loads easier. I was expecting a mind numbing event first time I drove it but it wasn’t that bad really.
- Comment on self-defence deez nuts 10 months ago:
I’ve been using one of the hottest sauces I’ve had in a long time. It’s called Satan Revenge made with ghost peppers. I’m in so much pain when and after eating it. It’s good stuff.
- Comment on MP raises security fears over a Chinese firm's involvement in North Sea windfarm developments 10 months ago:
Similar to what they’re doing in Africa with rare earth mining. Control the mining and/or the trade of mined rare earths.
- Comment on Data centre power use 'to surge six-fold in 10 years' due to boom in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, National Grid predicts 11 months ago:
Thank you. I missed that part.
- Comment on Data centre power use 'to surge six-fold in 10 years' due to boom in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, National Grid predicts 11 months ago:
Add to this the increase of electric cars.
- Comment on I'm loose bottom, tag yourself 11 months ago:
They missed Shitterton off the maps.
- Comment on oc based on a true story 11 months ago:
I didn’t know either. Shame I had to filter through loads of bad joke replies to find the one which seems to be the right answer.
- Comment on Public trust 11 months ago:
I tried explaining this to a friend who was convinced masks do nothing. He would say stuff like “if it can still get through then what’s the point”. He claimed only people at risk should wear them.
- Comment on UK minister: Brexit checks ‘price you pay for being a sovereign state again’ 1 year ago:
I work for a a UK food manufacturer which did export 40% to the EU. The added costs of getting food over to EU resulted in the sales teams having to renegotiate the selling prices to EU customers. Most basically said no. Why should they pay a higher price when they can source the same type of product within the EU at a lower price. The big EU buyers stopped trading with us.
When politicians say businesses need to adapt I really have no idea what they have in mind when they say that. We are not in a position to demand customers pay more. And most businesses aren’t in a position to swallow additional costs. The only reason our business didn’t sink is because it’s part of a much larger group so was able to flatten out the financial impact by borrowing internally.
I’m starting to think “adapt” means tough shit.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
I remember that sale and annoyed I didn’t buy one. At the time I thought I’d never use it. Fast forward a few years and I occasionally use Steam Link on a Raspberry Pi, so I would have used it. Oh well.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
Ive had lag once using the Raspberry Pi variant and that was due to using a poor quality usb cable, it was under powering the unit. Aside from that it’s been surprisingly fast on ethernet and WiFi.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I’ve not noticed any problems with Google myself but I just did the same search you did. It brought up Google maps at the top, quite helpful as it showed local photographers. But as I went down to the results the only one in my local area was the top result. The rest were things like photographers in Majorca, Peterborough, a random motorcycle website.
I’ve never noticed how broken Google is until now.