Futility is resistant
- Comment on How would you do this Technically? 1 week ago:
There are telltale signs of AI generation in images, much in the same way image editors leave fingerprints of its use. As image generation improves, its detection will too.
It’s not much different than the arms race of spam or malware, for example, tools like have a pretty good detection rate right now.
- Comment on BYD announces charging tech that’s twice as fast as Tesla’s 1 week ago:
Darth Vaders’s main power was not lightning, but telekinesis. I’d bet he would have a greater output spinning one (or more) industrial generators.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
We could rejoin the three Californias!
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 3 weeks ago:
Imagine what would happen if we substituted the water for more brain.
- Comment on Do spiders poop ? 3 weeks ago:
Adult mayflies don’t, they don’t even have a digestive system or even mouth. They just reproduce and die.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
Also, IQ tests are a learnable skill. You can become surprisingly better at them without actually increasing your intelligence, by becoming familiar with the exercises.
A smart non-native English speaker would likely score even lower the first time because many old tests tie reasoning to English proficiency and western culture.
Last but not least, being intelligent is different from being smart. I’ve seen intelligent people get left behind by regular people because they took unwise decisions and wasted their potential.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
Bhank you for not doxin me pal, I would be devastated if odders knew about my low iQ
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
It’s seems like USA’s culture rewards individual success above all else, hence successful people behaving like main protagonists, or even as of others were NPCs.
To be fair, other comments that speak about selection bias are also spot on: not all people there do commercial tourism, even domestically. The ones that do are successful enough to have that disposable income.
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 4 weeks ago:
I know! The United States of North America!
- Comment on Instagram 'Error' Turned Reels Into Neverending Scroll of Murder, Gore, and Violence 4 weeks ago:
It’s Zuck’s private list.
In reality, it’s effective engagement, they just missed the target audience. Meta has plenty of tools to detect and stop this, it just doesn’t have the will to renounce that sweet advertising money.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 4 weeks ago:
PixelPinecone you did a criticism! It sucks but aren’t you adorable? Bless your heart.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
No. Archival means copying, destructive archival means copying and destroying the original. If the copy was as smart as you, it would know the original you was left in meatspace. It would be stupid to claim the copy is you but in a different individual, not different than wishful thinking.
The copy would be based on you, but from its startup it would become a different individual, as your experiences diverge.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
If the upload is me, it will know it’s a clone, not me, but also his own person from now own.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
What I loved is that both knew what needed to be done next because he planned it before being copied.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Spoiler: if you have thought your share about mind digitalization, SOMA has a very predictable game plot. It’s a good game, but not as intriguing as, say, the Talos principle.
- Comment on I still love those little buggers 4 weeks ago:
Your work supervisor has shed a single tear of joy.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 4 weeks ago:
One significant red flag is that GPUs that were selling like hot cakes because crypto are now selling like hot cakes because AI. It leads to a proliferation of gold diggers buying pickaxes instead of a refinement and optimization of the underlying technology.
Paraphrasing Orson Wells, “the next tech bubble must need at least as much GPUs as the last”.
- Comment on smort 4 weeks ago:
It’s fine, it’s a really long test.
- Comment on smort 4 weeks ago:
It seems fitting, but you’re right. The meme is about the journey to acquire wisdom, not intelligence.
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 4 weeks ago:
The problem is, most people are used to politicians lying to get elected, or not able to follow through even if they want to.
We are used to broken campaign promises, so it’s a shock when a politician who was elected because he promised nasty things actually follows through. If at least he had promised beneficial things and followed through even, but he didn’t, so you’re getting only the worse fulfillment.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
As. Mexican, I agree with you. The conquistadores weren’t people of the highest caliber, and while the catholic monks were better, their mission was evangelizing at any cost, even if it meant killing people who didn’t want to. Even prehispanic people could be brutal.
The main difference between colonial Mexico and USA was that slavery wasn’t a thing here, because the evangelized became full-fledged catholics, having a would and all. Something unthinkable for the slavers, who justified their acts because blacks “didn’t have souls”.
Mexican creoles, the hacendados, found a loophole: Catholics could still be exploited by crushing, multigenerational debt. That’s why we had a century of turmoil after the revolution(s), right after the century of turmoil after our independence from Spain.
Guess my point is: by the time USA invaded and forcefully took half our country, we didn’t have slavers (the hacendado’s loophole was gone), and definitely didn’t trade humans as things.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
What if this is karma for invading and taking half of Mexico? There weren’t slavers or shittier-that-usual people in the region before that.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 5 weeks ago:
Of course not, if I was chatting with you I’d feel like I was bothering you.
“How are you?”
“Listening to music”
“What band?”
“It’s on shuffle, I think it’s Metallica”
“What song from them? I live Metallica”
“IDK, let me check. It’s ‘Sad But True’. I think it’s actually good”.
“What are you up to today?”
“Watching TV”
“What show?”
“It’s Rick and Morty, but don’t tell anyone”
“I’m don’t want others to think I’m an incel or something”
My mom and mother-in-law are in their 80s, and they’re not great texters but you can tell they’re making an effort, and that counts a lot. It’s not about caring how well you text, but how a series of dry answers might make your friends feel like a nuisance.
You need to “groom” others to care about you so they tolerate antisocial behaviors, but not all people can be groomed this way.
- Comment on Where did Captain Planet go when he flew away? 5 weeks ago:
I hate to ask this from such a dangerous mind, but… but, does Captain Planet have private parts? Front and back?
If he doesn’t reproduce, he doesn’t need genitals, and he doesn’t need a digestive system if he’s going to dissolve in half an hour.
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 5 weeks ago:
I almost choked with my tongue!
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 5 weeks ago:
Socialization is a skill, not a gift. If you want to become strong, you have to work out at the gym, if you want to socialize, you have to interact more with people.
Very few people are bad at socializing, they’re bad at making an effort to socialize, because it’s painful at the beginning, like working out.
May be due to a traumatic experience, a pernicious environment, even plain laziness; but we are not set in stone, can change if we want to, and grown ups enough to live with the consequences if we don’t.
- Comment on The IT Crowd: Jen has been transported 5 weeks ago:
Maybe it’s a wink to deaf people? They might think she’s speaking actual Italian without the mistake.
- Comment on Apparently Bluesky lets you require a sign in to view a post 5 weeks ago:
TL;DR: It’s convenient for selling porn
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
While I think Luigi is more on the right side of history than his victim, if someone is going to claim stealth censorship they better give the steps to replicate that, and plenty of pictures/evidence so it can be verified.
Anonymous (the activists) accounts were prone to this kind of performative denounce, claiming false things instead of straight asking for help or awareness.
- Comment on pew pew 5 weeks ago:
The (solar) system leaves them no other way of life! We need to make opportunities for them to orbit a stable planet and become moons.