- Comment on Quarter of Gen Zs consider quitting work as young Brits cite mental health as key reason to go unemployed 1 week ago:
Just offer euthanasia to keep costs down. It is probably ethically superior to the options available to sufferers now.
- Comment on Jobless, isolated, fed misogynistic porn… where is the love for Britain’s lost boys? 2 weeks ago:
There’s an odd tendency amongst certain sections of society to immediately dismiss issues that other people are experiencing based on disgust at some of the people airing the issues. Just because someone unpalatable to you co-opts the issue doesn’t mean it’s a none-issue.
If we want to stop being surprised by things like Brexit and Donald Trump being elected then attempting to silence discussion like this above piece isn’t going to help.
- Comment on Jobless, isolated, fed misogynistic porn… where is the love for Britain’s lost boys? 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been told that free markets are just as good.
- Comment on Erasure 1 month ago:
I find this opposition to DEI somewhat perverse since to my mind it has mostly been a tool to add some limited legitimacy to a cruel system devoid of humanity; it was there to wash away the more obvious biases of an unjust system.
To my mind to remove DEI is to accelerate the collapse of the West.
- Comment on We're in the endgame now 1 month ago:
What a woke perspective.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 1 month ago:
Good, I didn’t want to get scammed by someone who says they are in to findom when really they just want my money.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 1 month ago:
Do you promise you won’t put a charge on my credit card if I send it down to you?
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
Your brain is constantly processing the inputs from all of your senses and pretty much ignoring them if they fit with what it is already expecting.
Your brain is lazy. If everything seems to fit with what your brain expects then you believe that what you are seing is reality and you generally ignore it.
Generally the mind only focuses on what it believes is salient/interesting/unexpected.
- Comment on Mars brings Marathon name back in UK as nostalgia rises for retro sweets 6 months ago:
Well, it depends where you want to stick it, doesn’t it?
- Comment on Launches 6 months ago:
Yeah, but propelling them out of the solar system just sounds like the kind of fake-ending that ends up with the super villain coming back stronger in a decade. Have we learnt nothing from science fiction? You have to destroy your foes whilst you can.
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
How does that freedom taste?
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 8 months ago:
Shampoo cleans, conditioner binds moisture in. Cleaning is good, binding radioactive goop in is bad. Don’t condition.
- Comment on Speed 10 months ago:
So true