- Comment on Nope 5 weeks ago:
omg i have been trying to forget this since the last time i saw it 😢
- Comment on Yeah, but anything could be inside. Even $20! 2 months ago:
i know at least three meth addicts right now. two told me they used because they can’t/couldn’t access their mental health medication. one told me that many people don’t start until they are already on the street, and the misery plus being forced by cops to move over and over instead of sleeping encourages use. one told me it was the only way they could stay awake to work enough to support their family.
addicts need real help, like medical/mental health care, housing, a living wage.
but yeah, desperate people will do desperate things.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
keep in mind, this wording is filtered through the hr fool’s retelling.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
why the heck would someone want to waste time with an interview process if they don’t know the most basic expectations and compensation? no, i don’t think you should have to wait for an official offer to learn things like hours and benefits.
- Comment on chatgpt remembers 3 months ago:
no fan of chatgpt/llm’s generally.
but i feel comfortable calling this a chatgpt win!
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 3 months ago:
a lot of games do this?
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 7 months ago:
i would add tomatoanus for speedruns. really appreciate that he makes a point to remind people to be kind to themselves.
- Comment on Can't argue with that logic 8 months ago:
Ken M!
- Comment on Can't argue with that logic 8 months ago:
Ken M, is that you? (i hope so!)
- Comment on Eat it 8 months ago:
hot air balloons isn’t something i had given much thought to before. thank you for your responses here!
- Comment on Eat it 8 months ago:
what does a crew do exactly? for that matter, what does the work of a pilot look like? i have been reading your comments, and i can see that planning is certainly a part of it.
- Comment on He came with receipts 9 months ago:
which one… Elon? (i’m all for it)
- Comment on Best Buy Membership "discount" 9 months ago:
i posted about having this experience on reddit a year or two ago and people were pissed? but yeah, empty shelves and barely any employees. it sucks, because i used to enjoy going there to see what’s new.
- Comment on Tacos. 10 months ago:
unfortunately, this is often true in big cities as well.
things are a lot better in that regard than they used to be. dv is no longer by default regarded as a “private matter,” laws and resources have improved.
on the flip side, dv can be hard to prove, especially to a busy cop or judge. and policing is also not a profession adverse to abusers.
- Comment on Hardcore 10 months ago:
let me be more direct then - i find it difficult to take your view on the whole of academia seriously when its basis appears to be the “experience” of a “friend,” particularly keeping in mind you have already wholly dismissed social sciences. i understand that statements such as yours are not invitations to actual conversation.
good night.
- Comment on Hardcore 10 months ago:
yes, dispense upon us your second-hand, bitter expertise. i’m certain you have the Truth, the Facts, and the Data.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
i mean, a great many people don’t appreciate being told they are murderers. it provokes defensiveness rather than an openness to pro-vegan arguments.
- Comment on Progress! 11 months ago:
i’m not sure how this could really work. good therapy requires the person of the therapist, and i think it additionally takes place within the context of a client’s living. are there therapists willing to give up subjective years over and over and over? how does the client try new things, gain understanding without the feedback of their life between sessions? also - therapists seek information and process their work with clients between sessions.
on top of all this, i’m not yet convinced this would be psychologically healthy for either.
- Comment on sleep paralysis 11 months ago:
this was me about six hours ago! thanks, brain.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 11 months ago:
i like the idea of AI as a tool artists can use, but that’s not a capitalist’s viewpoint, unfortunately. they will try to replace people.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 11 months ago:
i think you’re missing the point, which i took as this - what arts and humanities folks do is valuable (as evidenced by efforts to recreate it) despite common narratives to the contrary.
- Comment on car insurance 11 months ago:
i have never been in a serious accident. over 30 years driving, probably 2/3 of it in major metro areas with notably terrible traffic, and i have had maybe 5 fender benders… i would have to really think about it.
driving is absolutely dangerous and terrifying. but wow, it’s kinda nuts that the person in the screenshot has had so many accidents!
- Comment on Thrill seekers 11 months ago:
i mean, i hear you on choosing your end, but i have known some folks who enjoyed later life. my mom died suddenly a couple years ago, and she confessed to me over the last couple years that she was ready to go when her time came. that said, i think she was happier in her early 70’s than i had ever known her to be otherwise. and my family certainly doesn’t have money to smooth the way.
i think she just decided to make the most of it, made an effort to enjoy her community and stayed super active. i’m hoping i will handle aging as well as she did.
- Comment on Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life? 1 year ago:
haven’t seen the reboot, but i remember the original connections and it was fantastic.
- Comment on Public trust 1 year ago:
here. just the first two research results for a simple google search “did masks work research.”
i mean… you could look into it? know that it’s difficult to set up a statistically ideal study during a pandemic.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
- Comment on Crunchy. Delectable. 1 year ago:
mmm, forbidden snacks! (some of the rocks at the gift shop definitely look like candy)
- Comment on Anyone remember anything about 2021 1 year ago:
it’s been a long week.
- Comment on Anyone remember anything about 2021 1 year ago:
lol, SCIENCE BELIEVERS like it’s a huge insult
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
i mean, i’m no fan of capitalism, but when i take my car to the guy who has been servicing it for 10 years, i don’t mind that he’s itemized the work to ensure that he and the guys who work for him are paid fairly for their expertise and time.
we do, unfortunately, exist in a system that requires money at present.