- Comment on I'm So Proud To Be Deported From The USA - Dorset Eye 1 week ago:
I was always rock/metal/grunge/alternative/thrash and so on in interests, so punk was not a bit of me, only the big names with tracks in the charts I ever noticed, so I missed these guess completely.
- Comment on I'm So Proud To Be Deported From The USA - Dorset Eye 1 week ago:
The article assumes we know who they are. Who are they?
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
So - bad OP for not giving credit/ citing reference?
- Comment on A stranger peeled the clearcoat off my car 5 weeks ago:
That’s a stonechip, the impact mark is the little white dot slightly off centre of the patch of missing clearcoat. Then you can see the almost water mark streaks as moisture has crept under it from that mark, as the adhesion to the layer below is slowly destroyed with heat and cold cycles. Then either wind or washing the car has lifted it and it peeled off. Jetwashing the car is the biggest risk for these little defects.
- Comment on Did you know that sugar derived from field peas can accelerate sour beer brewing? 5 weeks ago:
It infuriates me that people still promote gone off/contaminated beer as a style of beer.
- Comment on Ain't no way in hell... 5 weeks ago:
Sorry, being late for work is not an excuse for driving a vehicle in an unfit condition. Either you prepare the car to drive it, or you don’t start the journey.
- Comment on Unionized 1 month ago:
Or some will say it’s spelled incorrectly
- Comment on Want a Heat Pump? Ask Your Employer | With the rise of remote working, some companies are offering benefits that will help their UK employees cut heating emissions at home. 1 month ago:
Paywall that isn’t side stepped by reader mode
- Comment on Britain will not recognise Trump’s new name for Gulf of Mexico 2 months ago:
Use reader mode and side step it
- Comment on Digital driving licences to be ‘put on phones this year’ 2 months ago:
I mean, written a little anti-establishment, but you’re completely right, the ‘producer’ slip issued to bring your documents in has been standard stuff for decades and all of the digital info is available to them as soon as they stop you, so it’s literally just proving your face matches the documents to have it with you. If they just had your mug pop up on the screen in their car, who would need to produce anything?
- Comment on Digital driving licences to be ‘put on phones this year’ 2 months ago:
I don’t see the problem, if you’ve ever used the hmrc tax app, it’s completely fine.
- Comment on Driver stopped in Tesla Cybertruck banned in UK 2 months ago:
However, it has not yet passed UK road safety tests.
GMP said the car that was seized had been referred to Operation Wolverine, which was established in 2007 to target drivers without insurance.
The owner will have to prove ownership and correct insurance prior to release.
So even if insurance was proven, not sure how for an illegal vehicle, it could be released, but it couldn’t be driven, so knowing the way our authorities work; get this vehicle collected, on a transporter of some kind and get it out of our compound by xx date or we’ll crush it.
- Comment on UK low- to middle-income families far poorer than OECD counterparts – study 2 months ago:
OECD Because as funny as let me Google that for you is, Dan the search results on Google suck. Duck duck go’s first result is this link. Far far better
- Comment on Depressed Man Unable to Afford Therapy Buys 4K Blu-ray Player Instead 2 months ago:
Convoluted advert disguised as an Onion-esque news article.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 4 months ago:
- Comment on I can't where the stupid "I voted" sticker. Because they stick it to the mail in ballot instead. 4 months ago:
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 11 months ago:
You’re entitled, usually required, to add your personal lock onto this when you start working on a locked out job, that way you can be confident they’ll come looking for the last guy to lock off the job before they can get running again, it may save your fingers/arm/life or job. Usually there’s a permit involved and you should know the conditions of the permit, or have your own permit to join a job.
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
Very good. Please carry on! 🎄🎉🥂🍻🍾
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
I’m sure you replied to the wrong comment, but the other poster said it already, multiply by 14 to get the US standard way to describe weight.
- Comment on Comment any opinion and I will disagree with it, no matter what. 1 year ago:
You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
Started because of the 70s Three day working week to manage the rolling power cuts, miners strikes fuel crisis, then tortured by thatcher who was set to nuke the unions of the face of the planet. Blues hate working class, reds hate anyone who makes profits, and each are scared the other will do those 70s and 80s things again and again. Nevermind that Blair’s Labour was a middle right party, and nothing like the Red Ken memories of Labour past, and it seems like tories have moved out to the right while Labour have moved into their old chairs. I don’t know what SDP liberals stand for
- Comment on Uh, just a hint of an accent 1 year ago:
Party-disappearance-feelings? Or “Feeling of party fading” Man the Germans have a word for everything! But seriously any real words compounded together that make anything near to sense, is a word in German.
- Comment on British gas starts to turn off Hive smart home devices forever 1 year ago:
I happened to be on the Homecare service, and I started an online chat with them to improve the discount and got sent the new hub for free. So it means I get a couple of years to plan my connected lights and hearing stern away from them without it being a today problem. Glad I never went beyond a smart lightbulb that was on special offer at the time with them.
- Comment on Being asked to switch to American English if I want to edit my playlist details 1 year ago:
I want to say this looks like Black Country ‘as she is spake’ but I’m only guessing. I could do the Yorkshire above it, but this is just noise. (am from deep south - ‘ampshire)
- Comment on no way........ 1 year ago:
I’m just going to say : double ended fleshlight…
- Comment on I'm trying to prove a point. Without looking it up, what are these? 1 year ago:
But are you old enough to remember Tom Cruise discussing them in the film Cocktail? (in the cinema on the original release‽ )