i am he as you are me and we are all together.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
That’s shit. I never give people my real number for this reason - google voice. I can easily change it if I have problems.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
His crows feet looked odd.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
I don’t believe you…. Link?
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Dling metallica…
- Comment on I live in the green part 2 months ago:
It’s not hard to stay skinny/lose weight while eating sugar/fast food. At one point I was doing intermittent fasting - I had 1 slice of cake a day and it was delicious. I just ate that slice and I lost weight.
- Comment on Anon watches an old concert video 5 months ago:
Well I got up feeling soo down…
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
My dog couldn’t use the bathroom or drink water. Had a healthy appetite though lol. I felt so bad for him because I should have went outside earlier in the day. This year my neighborhood went all out. I also feel bad for vets.
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 9 months ago:
Weed is a gateway drug to the fridge.
- Comment on Waiting in a queue to see a Web site 10 months ago:
Why would non Americans know what the dmv is?
- Comment on Waiting in a queue to see a Web site 10 months ago:
I love that you automatically assume that the majority of us are us based. Are we? Anyone know the stats?
- Comment on The way this is spelled out really irks me. 1 year ago:
He isn’t deep either.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
I gave away my tv to a friend in need. That was the best thing I did for the both of us.
- Comment on Interior design 1 year ago:
If I was red foreman I’d ask if they ever shoved a foot up their ass.
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
that’s a good suggestion. thanks
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
do they take a request? they’re missing at least one…
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
the most interesting thing about this is the fact that “removed” is blurred out, but not “gay ass queer”. times have changed and i feel so fucking old.
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
they don’t. striving for perfection is the first step to failure.
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
while i agree that perfection doesn’t exist, i disagree to be happy with what you got. you can make improvements without seeking perfection.
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
my favourite is the one that shows 2 people at the park with a stroller, arguing about which one of them needs to go to therapy, and the baby in the stroller thinks that they’ll be the one to go to therapy since neither parent will.
- Comment on Elon offers Wikipedia $ 1 billion to change their name to Dickipedia 1 year ago:
- Comment on Elon offers Wikipedia $ 1 billion to change their name to Dickipedia 1 year ago:
It’s the effects of capitalism. It’s pathocracy.
- Comment on High winds lift a forest’s floor in Scotland 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t get close or stand on it myself… I don’t feel like getting pinned by a fallen tree.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
yeah, you have to do the math to calculate the total expenses since maintenance fees can be very expensive in condos, much higher than paying for a rent control or stabilized apt.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
One of my neighbors lived in a large 1 bedroom apartment. It was in the family since the 60s. It’s rent stabilized and in a popular area. A decade ago she was paying $850, market value at the time was $2k+. She renovated her kitchen when I lived there…. The downside was that her new upstairs neighbor was a musician and had a full sized piano that he’d practice on daily for hours at a time…
- Comment on Study: Streamers Now Wasting Record Amounts of Time Finding Something to Watch 1 year ago:
i started to watch shows that i was too busy to watch when i was younger… ie: i just finished watching the oc, i watched scrubs and degrassi for the first time during covid. i’m thinking of watching skins (uk) now.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
They believe in traditional values - patriarchy and religion. Can’t have a patriarchy if women get to choose whether or not they have a family. Also, they want to punish the women for having sex.
- Comment on Wikihow brutally kills 36 year olds 1 year ago:
it reminds me of online dating.