- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
talk about me being confidently incorrect huh? i definitely confused the two.
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
I feel like a good bit of people don’t understand how FMLA works.
An FMLA violation would be dependent on if the FMLA claim was even opened which usually falls on an insurance agency not your company. You can’t violate something that hasn’t happened yet, right? A request for time off is not the same as using time available on an intermittent or continuous FMLA claim. No one has an intermittent claim for medical leave in case they are shot and hit by a truck lol
So even in a normal circumstance of not being shot say you’re taking care of an individual at home. You open an FMLA claim. But you still have to call off. You try and call off but it’s denied because Ricky the dick from packaging is already off. Well you’re obviously not going in so you get points either through an automated process or a supervisor with no spine that won’t exercise discretion in the name of floor coverage. In the meantime you call your insurance agency responsible for your company’s FMLA claim handling and they process your claim. Once your claim is approved by a case manager and supporting documents then your points go away and you can choose to consume paid time off or have excused unpaid absences and any point accumulated from this leave is negated.
This tweet was captured on 1/3/25. Today is 1/4/25. Claims do not process this quickly to have the potential of being violated.
- Comment on MS new captcha: Why did it have to be that hard!?!? 2 months ago:
Someone shared with me having to calculate the resistance of a resistor once. I sent them the color band chart to figure it out lol
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
It was more of a convenience thing. If you had 1 drive you had to babysit the read portion to then install the CD-R after. If you had two it was just load both and carry on for 20 minutes and come back to it.
That was just if you were burning a copy and not ripping. But you’re right it wasn’t necessary. I just remember more than once wanting a second drive so I didn’t have to sit and wait to put the CD-R in after.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 3 months ago:
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 months ago:
No table saw needed. You could use a 10 dollar hand saw from horrible freight, measure the length and pull from the finish end and cut it like a normal person.
I guess it’s good he didn’t cut them to match so its stands out for the guy who pulls weeds in between the property lines. They’d be less likely to get stabbed by a 16 penny nail. Even getting scraped by a nail hurts like fuck. Anyone dismissing the nail portion of this job as “ok” or “have a friendly conversation” is missing as many brain cells as the person who fixed this fence.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Cerberus was next in line to the house of Hades, but Charon was not his master. Hades was.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
I enjoy the mythos around Charon. If you lived your life to the point where you didn’t have a single person to care for you enough to make a small payment in your name (think 2 pennies), you suffer the fate of merely waiting. He’s like a minimalist renown filter of sorts. It’s like a judge of character, so to speak, based on what others would do for you when you can’t act.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
You swear correctly. He is the boatman of the river Styx. He ferries souls to Hades in the afterlife if the individual was buried with the ferry toll. If they didn’t have the ferry toll they’d be fated to wandering the banks of the river Styx for 100 years before they could cross.
- Comment on The 1900s 5 months ago:
I put this on an unlabeled squirt bottle once at work. It was wrong to do because technically it’s an OSHA violation for being improperly labeled because it was just in sharpie and not a standard label. But it was night shift I was bored and the bottle was already unlabeled so it was already out of compliance. Why not write on it?
A week or so later I heard people talking about this squirt bottle that said dihydrogen monoxide. Two safety guys were there so I didn’t take credit for my shenanigans based on the reception not being great.
I said I think it’s just water, but the chemical name. Ya know? Nope, they didn’t get it. The kind of doubled down and started talking about things in that link because they “researched the name” and it was actually harmful.
It was a strange experience.
- Comment on Lingering damage 5 months ago:
If you don’t know someone that burns old oil put it in an old container and throw it away in the trash.
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
The spaghetti must grow
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
Thanks I didn’t really think of it that way. Never really used the service before so I was taken back at the idea but that makes sense.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
Maybe this is a dumb question but why are people willingly using a third party app to order food if they’re going to go get the fucking food themselves anyway? I had no idea this was a thing. Do we not like looking up phone numbers? No access to online menu? Pay a premium to avoid having a conversation? The only thing that makes sense is not wanting to have a conversation.
- Comment on LinkedIn 7 months ago:
5s your posts and perform other Japanese buzz words created by our Lord and Savior Toyota
- Comment on Absolutely deranged 8 months ago:
Laughs in obsolete industrial controls hardware
- Comment on I put my number in a secure form for a trusted bank and immediately got spammed 8 months ago:
Go to your DMV with your birth certificate, social security card, and a utility bill with your name and proof of address for a replacement id.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 9 months ago:
I got 40-90 C down pretty well monitoring my PC temps in that I know more of what it should read in C compared to F.
- Comment on A bad influence 11 months ago:
The coolest thing that happened to me with teams was somehow being invited and automatically accepted to some corpo training event. 1000 attendees. My computer would not shut the fuck up with random people in chat. It was so strange. It was like a twitch stream chat but talking about excel instead.
- Comment on Don't call before 9, my minutes aren't free 11 months ago:
Yeah but at first it was only Cingular to Cingular or Verizon to Verizon “free unlimited”
- Comment on I dont understand why I have to bring a bottle to the restaurant 1 year ago:
Wasabi ketchup would just be DIY shrimp cocktail sauce with a green tint.
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
not if you jump first!
- Comment on the Perks of ownership... 1 year ago:
too complicated to bring in the busted piece
time to get good at projecting your project visually on the ceiling like beth harmon in the queens gambit.
- Comment on The Sacred Hole 1 year ago:
Nothing wrong with some trench brace awareness.
- Comment on Weird 🤔 1 year ago:
Me as a healer causing a team wipe in FFXIV because I pressed the wrong button multiple times and being met with positive reinforcement.
- Comment on Gen Z is forcing a workplace reckoning that should have happened years ago 1 year ago:
Not to mention I feel like I spent my whole working life having the “grateful to have a job” mindset. I’m not now, but worked construction through the housing market collapse, a recession or two thereafter. Many corporate bailouts. It wasn’t exactly easy to find a decent job if you didn’t “know” someone.
The global pandemic was a neat addition to the chaos of it all.
- Comment on UAW preparing the US for a general strike in 2028 1 year ago:
He’s speaking as a union rep, I get what you’re saying but he just can’t call a general strike. It would take years alone to get different trade union contracts to align to expire on the same year to get what he wants to do across. For example I’m in a steelworker union and my contract expires in 2027. If we sign a new contract in 2027 and participate in a general strike it wouldn’t be backed by our union and could be punishable. However if they vote to extend the current contract 1 year near the end of the contract (very likely) we would actually have steelworkers and auto workers contracts expiring on the same year which could be interesting if these assholes actually communicated with each other union to union.
Sorry if you knew all this but I took your comment as in a “why not sooner?” or “what are they waiting for?” context so I felt compelled to answer.
- Comment on But my WiFi is just fine! 1 year ago:
just a heads up for anyone deciding to make their own cables, make sure you buy pass through rj45 ends or it becomes substantially more annoying to make a successful crimp. with pass through you can prep your cable and it doesn’t matter how long you make the strands you’re working with because you cut the excess off, with non-pass through you have to cut them to a specific size and if it’s too long when they bottom out, your conductors will stick out making your crimp weaker inviting poor connection issues later in the cable’s life.
thank you for tuning in for this controls tech tip
- Comment on 31-year-old teacher quit her job. Now she works at Costco—and boosted her income by 50%: ‘I've never been happier' (these are not feel good stories, this is sad) 1 year ago:
welcome to costco, i love you