- Comment on 'We've lost a partner and a friend': Ukrainians somber as U.S. partnership disintegrates 5 weeks ago:
I like option 2 better than option 3 because I don’t think America should go back to “their is an international issue send troops” mentality. We are known for being to trigger happy with that. While I love the idea of sending troops and putting putin in his place where does that end? Where do we draw the line on when sending troops is acceptable or not? I couldn’t say what is right or wrong for sure or if my thoughts are even the right ones to have.
I do know their is a time and a place to send troops I just don’t know when that may be in this instance. They are not an “ally” but someone is doing something bad to them. So send equipment/funds is my middle ground.
- Comment on 'We've lost a partner and a friend': Ukrainians somber as U.S. partnership disintegrates 5 weeks ago:
I mean yeah, but if Russia is able to start invading neighbors because they want to, the eastern tip of Russia is a lot closer to the western tip of Alaska that would make a great staging point into north America. At least according to my 14 year old risk strategy anyway. (I got news for Australia though)
All joking aside you have put forth 3 options
- Don’t care about the war and let Russia do it’s thing
- Fund the war with money/ arms
- Go to war with Russia.
To me it sounds like your taking option 1. Which you have the right to vote/ think is the best way. To me I’m going with option 2 until option 3 is needed. Because if you let a bully get their way they are just going to keep doing it until someone stops them. And I have the right to think that as well.
In this day in age everything is a lot closer than it appears on a map. Cyber incidents are happening all over the world. Russia doesn’t need to put troops on the ground in America to attack us, it just needs to meddle in our elections, hack our infrastructure or do any other cyber activities to harm us.
- Comment on 'We've lost a partner and a friend': Ukrainians somber as U.S. partnership disintegrates 5 weeks ago:
There is an old adage or saying about if you don’t care about something happening to your neighbors long enough that thing you didn’t care about will eventually happen to you.
- Comment on I'm trying to use Microsoft Excel 2019 and have Outlook as the default email program. Excel won't open outlook and I can't figure out why. 2 months ago:
I would take a look at your default apps. Check the ‘mail’ app and make sure it’s set to outlook and not the builtin mail app. If it isn’t outlook at it to outlook restart your computer and try sending from excel again.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 2 months ago:
I would guess the “money-driven mindset” had a lot to do with it. The interview went well, he was a good fit, but they didn’t offer him enough. With some back and forth on compensation souring communications enough to make the owner butt hurt enough to post this.
- Comment on Best City Builder 2024: Manor Lords [as per PCGamer] 2 months ago:
Frostpunk 2 released and is pretty solid. Maybe not for everyone but it’s a full title release I believe
- Comment on Best City Builder 2024: Manor Lords [as per PCGamer] 2 months ago:
I don’t know how I feel about this game getting an award in Early Access. But it feels weird.
I have nothing against EA I played several ea games including this one, but this is getting closer and closer to the norm.
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 3 months ago:
Hahaha, because I do have friends that I do like to see. But we are all of the age where we actually have responsibilities (kids, wives, husbands, family, jobs etc). Not everyone can be available at 3 weeks notice. And that’s fair
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 3 months ago:
It sucks for sure. On average I invite 20ish people and expect 5 to show up. If nobody shows up in still eating the good food and having a couch bonfire. Ain’t nobody stopping my fun
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 3 months ago:
Disclaimer: am American.
I say the 4th of July because it’s a holiday. July 3rd, 5th, etc are all month/day. I don’t know why just what “sounds right” and it’s what I was taught. It threw me for a loop working with people over seas when I saw 13-10-24. We quickly noticed the confusion and swapped to spelling months out
- Comment on UK experts warn against buying ‘XL bully cats’ 5 months ago:
Because the last dog I rescued cost me $7k in vet bills and needed to be put down a month and a half later due to health issues. We had him just long enough to get attached. Then i spent all night with him puking up more blood then i thought he could have in him. If I buy a puppy from a breeder I know it’s genetics and can make sure it doesn’t have pre existing conditions from abuse.
Miss you Fen…
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Thanks for taking the time to explain that for me!
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I try giving people the benefit of the doubt but yea pretty sure they are trolling.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Yes you do. But you are either being dense or a troll. Have a good day
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
That isn’t how supply/demand works. If you are creating a demand, which you are when buying the product, you are incentivizing someone to create a supply.
If enough people didn’t buy the product then there wouldn’t be a demand and the person that pays the “milker” wouldn’t pay them anymore.
I believe that’s in the laws of macroeconomics (?)
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Buying the product increases the demand for the product making the store want to provide the product so they purchase it from the farmer. If nobody bought cow milk from the store then the store wouldn’t buy from the farmer and then the cows wouldn’t be milked.
And I believe the “rape of animals” vegans refer to is taking their milk without consent. I’m not an expert on either side of the argument so I may be wrong.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
But you are when you buy the animal products. You are paying them as indirectly as you are supporting the animal abuse indirectly.
You pay the store for the milk, the store pays the wholesaler and the wholesaler pays the farmer who is committing “animal abuse/ rape”.
At least that is the logic flow they are using. I personally agree that there is no problem with this as long as it is done as humanely as possibly.
- Comment on How did Call of Duty get to this point? 6 months ago:
Thank you, I wonder how smooth that is going to pay on a controller.
- Comment on How did Call of Duty get to this point? 6 months ago:
What’s the new movement system in this one?
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
I agree with the others but here is some advice when you are happy being alone.
Don’t let the search for a gf become a large part of your life again. I was on all the dating apps and whatnot thinking I was ready to have a gf and I still think I was. But the search started consuming me i spent an hour or two a day reading profiles and going through pictures to try to find the right one. i would read the bios of girls and think about how perfect we would be together and swipe on them. If a girl swipped on me even if she wasn’t up to my standards I would swipe just because… maybe if I give her a chance… it would work.
After maybe a year of that, numerous dates and spiraling depression I realized what it was doing to me. I found a half way decent dating app and canceled all the other subscriptions. Then I just started trading it as a game, 5/10 minutes here or there throughout the week and that was it. I was in a much better place. Fast forward 3 months and my gf actually swiped on me, fast forward a year and we are expecting our first kid.
- Comment on How is Lemmy better than Reddit? 7 months ago:
For me it was also the API issues. I hated the normal client and only used sync. When they shut down the API I left. Unfortunately I feel like my /all is mostly political and the niche communities I follow don’t have enough content. I’ll always be a lurker.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
I would rather not assume someone is just out to troll. I’m sure in a life-threatening circumstance, they could do any of the lines you listed.
But if they don’t have to and could just pay a little more for someone delivering it oh well. Will they pay through the nose for the convenience? Sure. Is it still a lot of money for the convenience? Yes.
Given how active flying squid is I don’t think he is just out here intentionally trolling. I could be wrong.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
To OPs defense, i didn’t put 1 and 1 together until you spelled it out either. Wouldn’t have crossed my mind that the smell in an enclosed space would bother you.
Regardless of the rest i hope your daughter enjoyed her treat!
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
I mean the 8 year old child didn’t really know better
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
OK so yeah, that guy doing it if crazy. That has been covered. But that also looks to be at ground level where anyone can walk by and touch it?!?! That seems like a bad idea too
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
I’m going to go out on a limb and say i don’t think they found the pyramid whole and moved the entire thing. I think they took small pieces, possibly block shaped and moved those one at a time
- Comment on Grindr loses nearly half its staff to strict return-to-work rule 1 year ago:
Less negative than ‘Grindr lays off half its staff due to economic troubles’
- Comment on FOUR whole parking spots 1 year ago:
That’s what gets me on these things. If you want to be a dick and make sure your car isn’t hit go park or in the boonis! Nobody goes out there, don’t have to worry about carts, take as many spots as you want! Shoot for a record of you want try to get 6! But why tf are you doing it in close parking spots?