- Comment on Important life choices 2 months ago:
Also a lot of municipal waste systems just don’t pick up general recycling from commercial buildings. Usually just one dumpster for trash and one for cardboard.
- Comment on Mitochondria 2 months ago:
Not in the US. Professor is for college teachers.
- Comment on Starbucks wants a Bachelor's degree for a barista 2 months ago:
Migration to Europe or Canada is essentially impossible unless you have skills that are in high demand.
- Comment on "Florida is a conservative Christian state" 3 months ago:
Your updated number is still off by over a million. Not everyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. Not that it changes the point much, but you want to look for eligible voters vs over 18.
- Comment on Anon has priorities 3 months ago:
Solar eclipse is when the moon is between the sun and the earth. Lunar eclipse is when the earth is between the moon and the sun. A “new moon” is just when the side of the moon that we can see isn’t facing the sun.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 4 months ago:
Because they love everything from China. Genocide, pollution, woks, they love it all.
- Comment on walking along the beach... two pairs of footprints 5 months ago:
Outside of Australia and maybe NZ, a thong is a particularly revealing piece of underwear. A g-string. Thongs are called flip-flops.
- Comment on There can be only one winner 5 months ago:
Bioavailability of oral melatonin is very poor though. IIRC it’s about 10%, so that 5mg sounds about right.
- Comment on Anon is Wario 5 months ago:
It wooshed me on the first read, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the joke if your comment didn’t make me do a double take 🙂
- Comment on We used to be able to just take a duck and now, in this political climate, it's a problem?! SMH 5 months ago:
The goose is only a nuisance if you don’t want to harm it (I’m in the not harming geese camp). If you’re planning on eating it, the aggressiveness just makes it easier to grab the neck and shake until paralysis.
- Comment on We used to be able to just take a duck and now, in this political climate, it's a problem?! SMH 5 months ago:
Thank you for reminding me of the duck rape arms race. I had blocked out the reason behind the corkscrew penis.
- Comment on Anon is Wario 5 months ago:
He had to look up the word sex.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 6 months ago:
COBOL predates DOS by more than 20 years though. It truly is ancient.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 6 months ago:
COBOL was developed in the late 50s
- Comment on Absolutely deranged 7 months ago:
Type-C ports are a lot more sensitive to dirt in my experience. I can keep it working if I clean the port every couple weeks, but at this point I just pretend phones don’t have charging ports.
- Comment on Anon knows what he likes 8 months ago:
Through the wonder of colonialism the British do have good food. Just not their own.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 9 months ago:
commercial airlines crash less than once a month.
A lot less if you’re only counting advanced democracies. The last multi-casualty commercial plane crash in the US was in 2009, 15 years ago. I only make that multi-casualty caveat because otherwise you get weird one offs like a guy running into a landing strip and getting run over.
Even the one in 2009 was a fairly small propeller plane.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
It’s an AMD Athlon!
Totally fine for gaming.
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
Your link says shoes off is considered rude in all of Central/South America and all of western Europe.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
My hardware is twice as powerful as anything that existed when the game was supposed to release. Still runs like dogshit. I log in once a year to see if the game is still trash. The game is still trash. It’s not a literal scam, but it might as well be because Chris Roberts hasn’t been able to actually complete a game since Wing Commander. Which I loved, and unfortunately that spurred me to flush $40 in the toilet.
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
Their source is linguistic history. The English decided that the letter R only exists if it’s surrounded by vowels in the late 18th/ early 19th century.
- Comment on Is It Still Worth Going to the Movies? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Durham Public Works Employees “Illegally” Strike for 1st Time 1 year ago:
It’s a crime for teachers, fire fighters, or police to strike where I live. They can literally be arrested for it.