- Comment on Anons Super Power 7 months ago:
Yet you could also do much more good with mind control powers than the others. You could be the ultimate mediator, force peace through a means other than violence, get massive changes in place to help the environment, etc. The power absolutely has potential for great evil, but a good person could accomplish much.
- Comment on New game announced: Orcs Must Die: Deathtrap 8 months ago:
I miss OMD: Unchained. 😔
- Comment on Anon watches nature documentaries 8 months ago:
This is depressingly accurate.
- Comment on Linguistics 8 months ago:
Hah, that makes sense.
- Comment on Linguistics 8 months ago:
I think spellings and punctuation are still valid. Mostly. Ignore variations between English and Americanese.
- Comment on Anon is an ally 8 months ago:
Be sure to mansplain things to her, too. Oh, “mansplaining” is when you assume they are ignorant about a topic and start explaining it as if they are clueless.
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 8 months ago:
I just assumed. Homebrewing seems to rarely refer to actual brewing.
- Comment on Is it normal to be disgruntled? 8 months ago:
There’s little in the world to be anything but disgruntled about.
- Comment on Anon is anti drugs 8 months ago:
But… most places have banned these drugs. I’m not following your logic. Are you saying they should be legal because we’re free to ruin our health in other ways?
- Comment on Anon has an itch 8 months ago:
Doing weirdly disgusting things spur of the moment is one thing. But deliberately waiting to do it, having given yourself a bit to realize how gross it is? That’s not right.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
Oh yeah, I’ve got mud daubers, too. They’re cool; they don’t mess with me, and I don’t mess with them. It’s really just those big, red assholes (and the occasional yellow jacket) that are problematic.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
I’m fine with bugs that don’t bother me. Around my house, I’ve got a ton of red paper wasps. They’re assholes. My mere existence makes me a threat worth stinging. Same for the rest of my family. They can go fuck themselves.
- Comment on Anon watches romance anime 9 months ago:
If you insist on it being a girl, then yeah, it’s too late. Adult relationships have their own brand of sweet and romantic.
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 9 months ago:
I don’t feel tardy.
- Comment on Anon has bees 9 months ago:
He’s got everyone coming to his desk for the birds and the bees. Not bad.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 10 months ago:
I just thought it was funny. It’s the kind of thing I might say myself, and then immediately poke fun at myself.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 10 months ago:
literally a metaphorical
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:
What’s a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 10 months ago:
It is tacky to leave the sticker on there with the lower price, but you are the one who paid 12£. How does it matter what they paid? If they search for books to resell at a profit, that’s time spent and money earned.
- Comment on Pray they don't alter it any further 10 months ago:
I do the same. It’s just not worth dealing with the ever-increasing shittiness of streaming services.
- Comment on pick your side 10 months ago:
Science is blue (dark blue, if given the option).
Math is red or black.
English is green.
Social studies is yellow.
Everything else goes in whatever is left.
- Comment on bugs 10 months ago:
Merriam-Webster, definition 1:
a: any of an order (Hemiptera and especially its suborder Heteroptera) of insects (such as an assassin bug or chinch bug) that have sucking mouthparts, forewings thickened at the base, and incomplete metamorphosis and are often economic pests
>called also true bug
b: any of various small arthropods (such as a beetle or spider) resembling the true bugs
c: any of several insects (such as a head louse) commonly considered obnoxious
- Comment on bugs 10 months ago:
But they wanted to feel smugly superior! Poor fella can’t even be pedantic properly…
- Comment on bugs 10 months ago:
I’m guessing you missed where that was stated in the image.
- Comment on I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping 11 months ago:
Are there doctors and scientists recommending people NOT to take it?
There are morons in every field. We can’t just look at the outliers.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
Spoon out sugar, spoon out flour, pour in milk, pour in oil, drop bits of other things in until you get to the weight needed. Even if you wash all of the spoons, it’s easier than measuring cups. At worst, you still use a measuring cup or two, but still fewer than before.
Look, I was with you until recently, but your argument really has no leg to stand on.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
f-e-w-e-r D-i-s-h-e-s
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
I’m happy that you don’t need it, but some of us like better precision. Plus, it’s convenient to put a mixing bowl on a scale and add things by weight, rather than using numerous measuring cups.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
Precision. Volume varies by how tightly something is packed, how finely something is diced, etc. I’ve seen recipes that recommend spooning flour into the measuring cup to ensure it’s not packed in tightly, so you don’t use too much. How much simpler is it to just weigh it?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 11 months ago:
As an American who has recently learned to love his scale, I’m with you 100%.