- Comment on poor little mousecell 3 days ago:
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Wild argument. No one is “laboring for land holders”, they’re cleaning up after themselves for their own good and the good of everyone/thing around them
- Comment on It do be like that 2 weeks ago:
I cant read the words “let me be clear” in any voice that isn’t Obama’s
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Ah of course, the people who didn’t want Joe Biden to support genocide decided to vote for Trump so he could support genocide even harder. That makes sense
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I feel like the overlap of fediverse users and trump voters is close to 0
- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 5 weeks ago:
Harry potter doesn’t really fit into the chosen one archetype any more than anyone else. The only person that “chose” him is his mom, which makes him equally special to almost every other person on the planet.
Anyway, fuck jk rowling
- Comment on Seasonal depression 1 month ago:
Fuck i need to go outside
- Comment on Why virtual desktops always have same background? 3 months ago:
I use i3 on linux, and i have some keybinds set to easily switch desktops. If I’m not sure which one I’m on, i just hit the shortcut the one i need
- Comment on Anon crashes on a friend's couch 3 months ago:
Some pepes should stay rare
- Comment on Going splendidly 4 months ago:
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 4 months ago:
Trans girls never waste pumpkins 😤
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
This comment section has led me to more deeply consider the effects that all types of food production have on animals. I previously have just been ok with any non-animal product, but I now realize that this is not enough, and I am still causing harm to animals with the products that I do use. I will try to ensure that I buy the lowest-impact food available in the future, but I don’t think it is even be possible to stay alive without causing harm to some animals.
I think using products produced by animals is generally going to be worse than harming animals to stop them from destroying crops, but I will need to consider this more deeply to make the best choice I can.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
The list of edible products shrink as I learn of new harm. As a modern human, I am addicted to sugar, but I do need to make more of an effort to use less of it, as well as lessen the impact of what I do use.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
You are correct. There is more that i can and need to do. That still does not make it good to use honey.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Genuine question, I would like to know if there is a reason. Why doesn’t she just let the bees keep it?
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Bees can kill their queen and make a new one no problem.
This doesn’t make the mutilation of the queen bee any less bad. It’s still harming the bee. I am not aware if a bee has the ability to make an informed decision on whether to kill the queen and relocate, so I cannot make an informed decision about whether the bees actually want to be in their current hive.
If the colony would want to move away they would just do that.
I don’t know if this is true. It’s possible the bees are being manipulated into staying at their current hive in some way.
I don’t think clipping the queen wings would do nothing
It would hurt the queen, which is more than I want to be involved in.
But I doubt any beekeeper colony would want to move as they are keep at a perfect environment so they can produce more honey that they would actually need to survive. Even industrial ones. It’s part of basic beekeeping that bees must be in a good place so they produce the most honey
Making an assumption about what the bees want is not strong enough of an excuse for me to be ok with their exploitation. I don’t believe we should have the right to make decisions for other organisms, and the bees are not able to tell us how they want to be treated, so we should not try to control them or take what they produce.
Hurt of mistreated bees would not produce honey.
This appears to also be an assumption. I do not know if it is true, so I cannot use it to make a decision
If they are mistreated the try to leave (and as stated they can just kill their Queen if she is crippled), they eat all the honey, or just die.
If this is true, there is likely to be a minimum amount of mistreatment before they take action. I do not know how much mistreatment a bee can take, so I cannot use this to make a decision.
Bees are really complicate to get advantage of. Our relationship with them need to be symbiotic to work.
I do not know if this is true. We take advantage of many animals without giving them much in return, so I am not sure if the bee-beeker relationship is actually symbiotic.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
I dont care. In my opinion, the best way to live is to do as little harm as possible, and it appears that bees are harmed by the human collection of honey, so I will not use honey.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Reasons that I, as a vegan, do not use honey:
I cannot guarantee that the bees consented to their product being harvested. Some beekeepers clip the queen’s wings, which can prevent the colony from leaving.
I cannot guarantee that bees were not harmed in the process of harvesting (potentially getting crushed by the honeycomb frames, for example) or in the process of controlling the colony (like clipping the queen’s wings).
- Comment on Cucumber 🥒 6 months ago:
Grammar is made up
- Comment on Anon isn't a fan of Judas 6 months ago:
The inherited sin thing is kinda the whole point of Christianity isnt it?
- Comment on Anon casts a healing spell 6 months ago:
I believe they were saying that this is a situation where it does infringe on other player’s fun
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 6 months ago:
- Comment on Anon is asking the difficult questions 8 months ago:
I dont think its weird to find autism attractive. Depending on who you ask, it might be called a disorder or just a normal trait. It’s the same way that any trait can be attractive.
- Comment on what goes around 10 months ago:
- Comment on Rules for Life 10 months ago:
Nah i could fuck a cat up easy
- Comment on I am a half-genie, ask me anything 11 months ago:
Whats the other half
- Comment on First Image of Christian Bale as Frankenstein in Maggie Gyllenhaal’s ‘THE BRIDE’ - October 2025 11 months ago:
Cool story + public domain = money
- Comment on Anon ponders modern magic 1 year ago:
The image is from 2022, so i doubt your missing any recent news
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 year ago:
Never said part time, Anon’s job just has a lot of downtime during the day
- Comment on Anon is out of ideas 1 year ago:
But what if they win and just get more money?