- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
God your dad sounds cool
- Comment on (Meta) Proposition to exclude twitter links and screenshots. 2 months ago:
No links but screenshots are fine imo
- Comment on if you're the kind of person not to burn bridges when leaving a toxic job or toxic coworkers, why? 3 months ago:
I do it because it really frustrates the people who don’t like you when you force them to shake your hand and look you in the eye.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It’s very simple, and works very well. When I got a new PC it took 7 months for me to realize I didn’t have the software, and as usual was because I wanted to change a mouse button.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
I can’t remember how to do it offhand, but you should be able to save the settings to the hardware itself, then disable Logitech from opening. I changed settings not too long ago (2ish months) and this worked.
- Comment on What started “weirdo” as a slur just recently? 6 months ago:
That’s a super normal reaction though, really proving Walz wrong.
- Comment on Youtube replaced unicode emojis with fucking images 8 months ago:
Would love to see actual use vs intented use on that one lol.
- Comment on Long Dark dev criticises Manor Lords for lack of updates, Hooded Horse CEO replies that not every game needs to be "some live-service boom or bust" 8 months ago:
One of my favourite examples of this is still Rust. Sure, it’s not a perfect game, I don’t always like the updates, but do I feel like I got my money’s worth, from a purely online game I bought in 2013 and can still hop on with thousands of other people? I do.
- Comment on How are engine sounds in racing games played ? 8 months ago:
EV drivers are legally obligated to get an 18 inch sub and crank it.
- Comment on How are engine sounds in racing games played ? 8 months ago:
This is kinda similar, just neat to me.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
I paid $13.30 Canadian for a small Pepperoni pizza and cinnastix like 2 nights ago, that price seems nuts
- Comment on I bought a car with a bad engine 10 months ago:
If it’s a 5k euro fix on a 10k car, please consider it. Especially if you can get warranty from the repair shop for a few years, it’s still likely cheaper than vehicle payments on a 3-5 year old used vehicle that may have issues still. I’m not saying fix it, or not to, but look at it as costs of transportation and having to buy a new vehicle still.
- Comment on Canoo spent double its annual revenue on the CEO’s private jet in 2023 11 months ago:
God I hate Canoo. I was so into the design the first time I saw a photo, and it’s felt like vaporware ever since. Always seems to be 6 months from delivering something, some new deal signed with Walmart getting publicity and stuff like that without anything to show for it.
- Comment on Just banned from Worldnews for defending Israel against Hamas terrorism 1 year ago:
The response from OP to you is genuinely mind boggling.
- Comment on Are mall Dojos more common these days? Given the vacancies. 1 year ago:
Partnered with Dairy Queen in Canada, I still get one every time I go to the mall.
- Comment on Starbucks accused of manipulating app payments for $900 million profit 1 year ago:
I drink espresso (like just shoot a double shot back) and their stuff leaves a terrible aftertaste.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Because you’re an idiot and I’m not wrong :)
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Lmao you know less than nothing about me, holier than thou prick.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
And again, what gives you the absolute right to be the decider of consequences? Do you not see how that leads to problems? I have to drive for 6 hours straight in a small city, if I decided to give people consequences literally the only thing that would happen is I’d look like an asshole. And btw, if you live in the states, you’re a fucking idiot of you don’t think this could easily lead to the person “giving consequences” getting shot.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
You seem very tough, I bet you have rank road rage but also drive like shit.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Go outside lol. That’s not how life works, you gotta be the bigger the person or it only leads to negative consequences.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Leave a note, embarrass them on socials, call parking enforcement. Consequences aren’t for you or I to give, it literally only leads to bad shit happening. You don’t know if this is a single mom who borrowed a truck, an elderly person who shouldn’t be driving, or maybe something like a tweaker who did something like this because they’re fucking insane and want an excuse to attack somebody.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
What in the fuck is wrong with you.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
This comment section is fucking brutal.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
Are you stupid? “My day was inconvenienced, better destroy a vehicle in a place there’s almost certainly security cams”
- Comment on Does the USPS, FedEx and UPS give a crap about weed shipments since Hemp sprayed with th same terpenes and looks the same as weed has been shipped legally for 9 years now? 1 year ago:
The absolute best is flying with weed inside Canada. Accidentally bought too much on your trip? Not a worry
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
I’m not in a major city but I absolutely believe you have full rights to use the bike lane, no questions asked. I would say you’re going far above and beyond by jumping off for a second and letting people pass.
- Comment on Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad. 1 year ago:
Ngl my dream house is a 400sq ft loft style apartment with an 8 car garage.
- Comment on Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? 1 year ago:
I typically eat around 730 8 630 sounds early to me.
- Comment on What was the best performance by somebody not primarily known for their acting? #MovieDiscussion 1 year ago:
Yup, couldn’t finish it. Just could not deal with the anxiety it created lmao.