- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 7 months ago:
I hope that one day we can judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their brew.
- Comment on Cass review urges ‘extreme caution’ in prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth 11 months ago:
We’re trying to solve with medicine what we should be solving with therapy.
- Comment on Twitch's Sexual Content Policy Update 1 year ago:
Less. They’re rolling back their recent, more open, policy.
- Comment on The death of ownership: Companies are taking away your ability to actually own the stuff you buy 1 year ago:
It doesn’t look like it’s labeled as AI written, but who knows.
- Comment on 'This is only the beginning': Metal Gear Solid fans lose their minds as David Hayter returns to voice Solid Snake in a new teaser 1 year ago:
I feel like a lot of these problems could be fixed with proper management. Just because Kohima creates interesting worlds in video games, doesn’t mean that you should let him do everything he wants. It seems like Konami themselves creates that environment. But also, maybe they are actually going to try hard to recapture what MGS meant for a lot of people. I personally like the mixture of very serious plot with completely insane elements, like zombies, vampires, ninjas, and a white haired black guy with a monkey addicted to coca cola that sells you guns.
- Comment on 'This is only the beginning': Metal Gear Solid fans lose their minds as David Hayter returns to voice Solid Snake in a new teaser 1 year ago:
I don’t think it will be the same without Kojima. Did everyone forget how Konami completely gave up on gaming a few years back?
- Comment on The Biggest Lie About Veganism - AsapSCIENCE Response 1 year ago:
For survival, sure. Dogs and cars have evolved alongside humans as our companions, so we treat them differently, but they’re still just animals. I get that cows are cute and can be seen as a companion animal as well, but we’ve changed their evolution to be cattle, because we have a need for their meat. I all for making that process as humane as it can be, but if we gotta kill cows for meat, then we gotta do it.
If plant based alternatives were cheaper than meat and satisfied my natural human craving for meat, then I’d stop eating meat. Until then I understand that a certain level of suffering need to be accepted.
- Comment on The Biggest Lie About Veganism - AsapSCIENCE Response 1 year ago:
When you make a plant burger that I can eat and not notice that it’s made of plants, and it’s cheaper, then I’ll stop eating chickens and cows. And pork. I could go for a good gyro with lamb though.
- Comment on Is there any way to open a pop can stealthily? 1 year ago:
That is a blast from the past
- Comment on Do life insurance rules that deny payment after suicide discriminate against those with mental health issues? If those rules didn't exist would suicide rate increase? 1 year ago:
Little column A, little column B
- Comment on What's the difference between asking someone title or someone's pronouns ? 1 year ago:
I don’t bother with either. If I mislabel, then it’s by accident and not meant as an offense, and if you get mad anyway, then there isn’t much for us to talk about anyways.
- Comment on Unity boycott begins as devs switch off ads to force a Runtime Fee reversal - Mobilegamer.biz 1 year ago:
That’s true. Although, having that limit probably got more of them to participate. So while the impact was short, it was more noticeable.
- Comment on Unity boycott begins as devs switch off ads to force a Runtime Fee reversal - Mobilegamer.biz 1 year ago:
I bet it’ll last less time then the reddit standoff. But I do wish them all of the luck. Fuck Unity and their bullshit fees.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 11-09-2023 1 year ago:
Still grinding Tarkov. Trying to see how far I actually get in this wipe.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
His a wrestler that became a podcaster. At the time his podcasts gained popularity because he was able to get very high echelon guests and he would have a very simple conversation with them. It was new at the time.
As time goes on things got muddy. He’s a bit of a doofis who likes to say things without thinking, and some people claim that he is irresponsible with what he says because he has a large platform . Two people having a poorly thought out natural conversation becomes something different when it’s being broadcast to millions of people.
I’m the US he has become associated with the “right wing”. He has a bit of a cult of personality following him. People lable his fans as “dude-bros” who think they’re smart, but aren’t.
Personally I think that just like Howard Stern’s interviews, they shouldn’t be taken as informational, but can be entertaining. He does have a lot of interesting guests. I treat podcasts like these like I’m going to the zoo. The animals are interesting, but that’s about it.
- Comment on Union Lets Tom Cruise Act During Strike From Fear Of What He’ll Do When He Can’t Make Movies 1 year ago:
We ate the onion.
- Comment on Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs & More 1 year ago:
I love PBS Space-time
- Comment on Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs & More 1 year ago:
Stupid speed of causality.
- Comment on Lara Croft will be joining Call of Duty as an Operator in September 1 year ago:
Call of Duty is now Fortnite.
- Comment on Anyone remember Xfire? 1 year ago:
Also, GameSpy arcade. My parents had McAfee blocking the internet, because the literal first thing I did was save porn to “My Pictures” directory. But it only blocked the browsers. So I used the built in web browser in GameSpy to download Star Wars BF2 mods, amongst other things
- Comment on Anyone remember Xfire? 1 year ago:
English is my 2nd language, so I always read it as “X” Fire. That;s funny, I never though about it.
- Comment on Do I have incredibly weak thumbs, or does this instruction exist on boxes just to mess with us? 1 year ago:
It’s possible, but it’s a very high Dex roll.
- Comment on Delta Force - Gameplay Trailer | gamescom 2023 1 year ago:
Bioshock got copied by Atomic Heart and then AH gets copied by Delta Force. I’ll still play it. Might be good.
- Comment on The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning 1 year ago:
Can you still legally obtain a copy of the 2006 version? Because with music, if it’s a separate release, it doesn’t affect the past work. This is all, obviously, just my opinion. I feel that games suffer from the effects of this more because often when a “remaster” comes out for a 15 year old game, then it’s the only way to play it, because there’s no legal way to obtain a new copy of the old version.
Now that I think about I think the real difference is that games and other software require constant support, then music audio files don’t. Most people do consume music from a streaming platform, but you can still buy most of it in a physical format that you then are allowed to back up. And theoretically once the license runs out, it can be share. Although Disney has been ruining that for a while now. Games, for the most part are less “stable”. And since there’s almost no legal protection for people sharing old dead games, then the remasters can effectively erase prior art if they change content.
- Comment on The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning 1 year ago:
I’ve been an adult for a little while now and I can confirm: Adults don’t exist. We’re all children with various levels of impulse control. But it is frustrating when you feel like you’re being treated like a child. The reason I learned not to repeat swear words on TV wasn’t because they took all the swear words out. It’s because I repeated them, got in trouble, and learned my lesson. So, I’m not against it, but it shouldn’t be news worthy that someone chose not to butcher prior art.
Fuck me I sound like I’m 60.
- Comment on The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning 1 year ago:
I think it’s stupid that this behavior is considered worthy of an article. This is how we should be handling this all the time. If the values change, then update the content rating, but don’t touch the content. And for some reason the norm right now is to completely memory hole anything that doesn’t fit the values. I should have been clearer with my comment.
- Comment on The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning 1 year ago:
Well, I’m glad that they’re not butchering it like other games, but still this is just stupid.
- Comment on Uncharted's Tom Holland and Chris Pratt Teaming Up for Jak and Daxter Movie Adaptation 1 year ago:
Who thinks that they’ll actually make the movie about the game characters, vs just using the same names and not caring beyond that?
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
Just because it’s already very bad, doesn’t mean that you should make it just a little worse.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
I wish they would install camera inside my hope as well. For added protection! I must feel safe, but I’m too scared!