- Comment on Steam :: Introducing Steam Families 11 months ago:
You don’t need to buy physical copies. Games from GoG and, for example, can be downloaded DRM free.
- Comment on YOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 year ago:
Per DIN 5008 before and after the value is legitimate.
- Comment on YOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 year ago:
If this is the pizza for 36 $ I feel pitty for humanity.
- Comment on Love is blind 1 year ago:
Complains about racism. “West Europeans have a superiority complex”. So you actually aren’t against stereotypes? Or are stereotypes okay as long as they don’t target you?
- Comment on Love is blind 1 year ago:
That’s identity politics for you. Don’t belong to the groups which are considered oppressed? You are fair game to be made fun of or insulted.
- Comment on Love is blind 1 year ago:
That’s absolutely disgusting. Reminds me of these subreddits where men come together to discuss countries based on how traditional the women are + how desperate (so easier to get a wife) + how beneficial it would be to have a passport in that country. They talked about the women as if they were dog breeds.
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
“Soul” is the word we use for something we don’t scientifically understand yet. Unless you did discover how human brains work, in that case I congratulate you on your Nobel prize.
You can abstract a complex concept so much it becomes wrong. And abstracting how the brain works to “it’s a probability machine” definitely is a wrong description. Especially when you want to use it as an argument of similarity to other probability machines.
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
Current models aren’t intelligent. Not even by the flimsy and unprecise definition of intelligence we currently have.
Wanted to post a whole rant but then saw vexikron already did so I spare you xD
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
As an artist you draw with an understanding of the human body, though. An understanding current models don’t have because they aren’t actually intelligent.
Maybe when a human is an absolute beginner in drawing they will think about the different lines and replicate even how other people draw stuff that then looks like a hand.
But eventually they will realise (hopefully, otherwise they may get frustrated and stop drawing) that you need to understand the hand to draw one. It’s mass, it’s concept or the idea of what a hand is.
This may sound very abstract and strange but creative expression is more complex than replicating what we have seen a million times. It’s a complex function unique to the human brain, an organ we don’t even scientifically understand yet.
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
In general I agree with you, but AI doesn’t learn the concept of what a circle is. AI reproduces the most fitting representation of what we call a circle. But there is no understanding of the concept of a circle. This may sound not picking, but I think it’s important to make the distinction.
That is why current models aren’t regarded as actual intelligence, although people already call them that…
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
I think the difference in artistic expression between modern humans and humans in the past comes down to the material available (like the actual material to draw with).
Humans can draw without seeing any image ever. Blind people can create art and draw things because we have a different understanding of the world around us than AI has. No human artist needs to look at a thousand or even at 1 picture of a banana to draw one.
The way AI sees and “understands” the world and how it generates an image is fundamentally different from how the human brain conveys the object banana into an image of a banana.
- Comment on OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material 1 year ago:
good value for people without much money
The absolute majority of people can not afford that. This is especially true for huge part of the art that was used to train various models on.
AI currently is a tool for rich people by rich people which uses the work of poor people who themselves won’t be able to benefit from it.
- Comment on Anon starves 1 year ago:
Who also pay your rent, heating, food, prepare the food…?
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
You should perhaps read the whole article. Recent studies have shown that just as likely women have other reasons to use their voice during sex. For example to boost their partners self-esteem, etc.
Please don’t just safe in your head “women moan to indicate best time for ejaculation” just because that fits your worldview best…
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
Men with and without penises also can have multiple orgasms.
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
It’s conditioning by porn.
In my experience, if you don’t make sounds as a woman during sex, the guy will become insecure, ask what’s wrong, straight out demand you make some sounds or even bring out stories about previous sexual encounters with other women.
Also, some men moan a lot. I think it’s hot if it’s natural and not forced because a man’s voice is a turn-on.
- Comment on Have you tried sunning you perineum? 1 year ago:
The one thing that broke me as a child when it comes to movies was Watership Down. Damn that thing should be 18+
- Comment on Have you tried sunning you perineum? 1 year ago:
What? We loved watching the movie as kids and for me it was a beautiful fairytale with some action. I never thought it was scary or anything.
Might be because in Germany fables tend to be on the more drastic side. I still think it’s a great kids movie, on a similar level as The Last Unicorn for example.
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
But the post is already sexist. Why wouldn’t women want to push back?
- Comment on True Story 1 year ago:
Longer lashes look more youthful and healthy. So do bigger eyes and framing your eyes can make them look bigger, that’s why people use black eyeliner and mascara mostly.
This is of course not “organically” in their interest. It comes from our society valuing women almost exclusively for how youthful and pretty they look.
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
Sure, but the question was why humans in the first place have trouble with seeing suffering. And the reason is that we naturally seem to have a tendency of making moral judgements in the favour of being against suffering.
It’s often not easy to decide which decision leads to the best outcome. And people have a tendency to react more to what they are seeing now than to judge the bigger picture.
So, while the outcome may be the same (whether you believe the pain of animals doesn’t matter or that you accept there isn’t a better solution at the moment) the way people react is influenced by their moral compass.
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
Because some people see morality not as something that’s subjective but believe it is a moral objective truth that suffering should be reduced as much as possible.
That’s not more or less rational than to believe humans are somehow ‘special’.
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
The number of comments posting a better solution is funny and somewhat concerning.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
Does one of them demand to clean shave their entire body?
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Yes, it’s really just about how the land is called and who makes the rules. There are Israelis living in Palestine and Palestinians are citizens of Israel already.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
Geldadel (money aristocracy). It didn’t even change that much. In the past their excuse was religion now it’s “proficiency”.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
Why don’t you sell your flat instead?
- Comment on When the pizza party is too expensive, you go with the EncourageMint 1 year ago:
During university I had a part-time job at a business that sells coachings, seminars and online courses to executives and management. It’s disgusting how these people talk and think about their employees.
And it’s disgusting what they learned through coachings. It’s always about how to distract or guild trip employees who dare to ask for more money or who don’t work overtime. They aren’t even shy about it.
- Comment on Philosophy meme 1 year ago:
If you hit two people with a stick, one enjoys it and the other does not, than clearly one is suffering the other isn’t. That’s not morally objective it’s a biological reality.