- Comment on Dancing in the dawn 2 weeks ago:
There are a couple of them.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Germany has much stricter requirements to get a driver’s license. That leads to better driving skills on average.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
American university students can protest for weeks over Palestine, but don’t show up when their own country is taken over by a fascist.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 4 weeks ago:
The World‘s Fastest Indian - old guy builds a racing motorcycle in his shed and then takes it to a race.
The Ordinaries - A fantasy world where society is divided into lead (elite) and background (working class) characters, as well as outtakes (underclass). Very meta story about stories and class in society. Can be streamed for free, might need VPN to Germany.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
It’s status. Apple is regarded as more expensive and high quality.
- Comment on Sending the dick pic works on other guys though 4 weeks ago:
This tactic only needs to work in one of ten cases to worthwhile.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Understandable. You seem to have reflected on this pretty well.
Emotions can carry us away sometimes, especially when it’s about something we care about deeply.
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 4 weeks ago:
On iOS, I use the website 9! Safari with 1blocker to block the ads. Works well.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Dehumanization is always a bad idea.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Fascism is extremism of the center. It’s base are the small business owners, petit bourgeois, the pickup driving contractor.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
Laminates are pretty common in many applications. Lots of things built from wood use several layers glued together. Or think of a lasagna.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
Laminates are pretty common in many applications. Lots of things built from wood use several layers glued together. Or think of a lasagna.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
My last boyfriend‘s diet consisted of protein shakes, ass, dick, cum, G, and amphetamines.
- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 5 weeks ago:
I exclusively stick my dick in crazy giving me an exciting sex and relationship life.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 month ago:
Any recommendations?
- Comment on Anon describes the micro-celeb pipeline 1 month ago:
Money and adoration are motivators.
- Comment on Anon describes the micro-celeb pipeline 1 month ago:
I have done sex work occasionally and it actually is work. A surprising amount of time is spent on advertising, communication with flaky clients, making sure you actually get paid your promised share, etc. The industry is also full of exploitation, abuse, mental illness, addiction, and everything that comes with it.
Finding a well paying niche requires actual effort. Competition is fierce.
- Comment on Anon describes the micro-celeb pipeline 1 month ago:
Having an established group of followers helps as well.
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 1 month ago:
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
The public has other things to do than read about politics all the time. Most people only care about it, once it affects them. Even today those news junkies and activists who follow politics closely aren’t necessarily knowledgeable or well informed.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
A successful form of democracy is Swiss style direct democracy. They also have a parliament and political parties, but public votes on all kinds of things happen very regular and are binding.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
A well organized Union will have strike funds stashed away. Saving up is part of organizing a strike.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
Once you have built the list of demands and the political alliance for a one day strike, the infrastructure stays around. So the next one day or longer strike is easier to execute.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
Organizing a general strike is very difficult. You need to find a political position to rally behind and then build and maintain a huge network.
People will strike, if they feel if they feel it’s the only way.
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 1 month ago:
No LGBT on my sandwich?
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 1 month ago:
This is just a joke.
- Comment on No good excuse to still be on Xitter 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 2 months ago:
Schiessen lernen; Freunde treffen! is a popular slogan with German shooting clubs.
- Comment on My computer will remember for me, I'm just along for the ride. 2 months ago:
Common knowledge is often imprecise, outdated, or completely wrong.