- Comment on I watched Arrival (2016), there was a lot more to it than I was expecting 2 weeks ago:
Then I guess NO movie can be called original, because at a minimum they begin with a written screenplay, so that screenplay is the ORIGINAL work in pedanticland.
And here I thought the grammar police were bad.
- Comment on I watched Arrival (2016), there was a lot more to it than I was expecting 4 weeks ago:
I suppose you are going to tell everyone that Dune was based on a book the next time someone compliments the pacing and direction of that movie?
The poster art for Arrival says it’s based on a story by Ted Chiang, it isn’t some secret nobody knows but you.
What does being original or not have anything to do with what the original commenter wrote? MOST movies are based on previously existing stories. They were focusing on the movie. If you read the book and want to show everyone how much more you know than they do, it would be more impressive if you had said “i read the book the story the movie was based on, and comparatively, <your opinion here>”. It might have even made for an interesting and productive comment.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
OK bud, why don’t you tell me if the kid’s story makes sense, ok?
Kid was home alone petting the dogs, when he heard a noise upstairs. He was scared and grabbed a knife.
A man then appeared in the stairwell, saw the kid, and ran back upstairs. The man then reappeared moments later, and was now holding a gun. Making sense so far?
Now the man is coming down the stairs and this is when the kid claims the man is now telling him “he is going to kill me, [expletive] you, and all that”. Instead of running, the kid said he “upgraded his weaponry, picking up a 9mm handgun that was in the home”
So now the kid says he threatened to kill the man and ordered him to get out of the house, “I guess when I pulled the gun put on him he didn’t think it was a real gun cause he didn’t worry about it, he just kept walking”
Are you with me so far? The man supposedly has a gun and threatened to kill the kid, but doesn’t shoot. The kid suddenly has a gun and threatens to kill the man and orders him out of the house. The kid described the man as LEAVING the house.
Once the man is outside, the kid “fires a warning shot”. The man, carrying a stolen laundry hamper, starts running. That’s when the kid empties the magazine by firing 12 shots at the intruder.
“I shot through the hamper he was carrying. It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby.”
That is the kid’s story of what happened, and it sounds like the kid invented a gun and a threat to his life in order to justify shooting someone who was running away.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
I’m sorry, but is “tipping out” no longer a thing, where the servers are expected to give a percentage of the tips to the hosts, bussers, food runners, kitchen staff, and anyone else who supported them that night?
- Comment on True Story 4 months ago:
Oh, look how smart you are, you figured out the REAL issue! Conveniently, it had nothing to do with people like you doing everything possible to spread voter apathy, what a coinky-dink!
Look how smart you are, you didn’t vote for the “PrO-gEnoCiDe candidate”, and now we have the actual Pro-Genocide PARTY in charge of the Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court.
What’s first on your agenda? Email Trump, ask him to stop the genocide, LOL?? Oh hey, maybe the Trump administration will allow Palestinians to seek asylum here in the US right?!?! We all know how friendly they are to immigrants!
You’re so effin’ smart, man! We are all in awe of your genius political acumen.
- Comment on Oh Elon 5 months ago:
First off, Elon isn’t the guy who goes on Lemmy repeating clichés he’s heard and accepted as fact without ever questioning… is it even true? Or applicable? Sorry, but I think I’ll go with Mark Twain and Voltaire on this one: the best way to deal with a narcissist is to let the air out of their ego and slam them with satire, exposing them for the idiots they actually are.
Elon isn’t going to disappear just because you dare not speak his name. He’s far too busy blowing up billions of dollars of taxpayer money while his mindless fanboys gargle musk and cheer.