Comment on Intruder 3 months agoOK bud, why don’t you tell me if the kid’s story makes sense, ok?
Kid was home alone petting the dogs, when he heard a noise upstairs. He was scared and grabbed a knife.
A man then appeared in the stairwell, saw the kid, and ran back upstairs. The man then reappeared moments later, and was now holding a gun. Making sense so far?
Now the man is coming down the stairs and this is when the kid claims the man is now telling him “he is going to kill me, [expletive] you, and all that”. Instead of running, the kid said he “upgraded his weaponry, picking up a 9mm handgun that was in the home”
So now the kid says he threatened to kill the man and ordered him to get out of the house, “I guess when I pulled the gun put on him he didn’t think it was a real gun cause he didn’t worry about it, he just kept walking”
Are you with me so far? The man supposedly has a gun and threatened to kill the kid, but doesn’t shoot. The kid suddenly has a gun and threatens to kill the man and orders him out of the house. The kid described the man as LEAVING the house.
Once the man is outside, the kid “fires a warning shot”. The man, carrying a stolen laundry hamper, starts running. That’s when the kid empties the magazine by firing 12 shots at the intruder.
“I shot through the hamper he was carrying. It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby.”
That is the kid’s story of what happened, and it sounds like the kid invented a gun and a threat to his life in order to justify shooting someone who was running away. 3 months ago
Your story doesn’t make a lot of sense, but there are a bunch of extra details that don’t appear in either of the articles I’ve seen:…/chris-gaither-11-year-old-boy-shoots-i……/he-started-crying-like-a-little-b…
So if you want to discuss the story’s details, maybe we should agree on those details, and you can give us something more than “trust me bro”.
Also, eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, and traumatic events make it even less reliable, and when you’re talking about a kid it’s even harder to get straight. I ask my kid what they said 10 seconds ago and they can’t give me a straight answer. Maybe just fucking lay off the child. Jesus christ.