- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
Trump is a businessman, and apparently a good one if you look at his past results, like it or not.
Hence, business making is what he does and encourages in the American populous, again, like it or not.
Of course a Trump presidency will stimulate the stock market. It is what it is.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
Lol… friend, take the shit outta your head and heart.
They want you to feel helpless/hopeless. Don’t. Don’t let them win. Be positive, show love, and feel love.
Right now, this is what the left wants. They WANT you to be helpless/hopeless. You’re a lot easier to control that way.
Everything is fine (sorta). Ok, maybe not, but don’t freak out.
Trump won’t do everything right, but he’s taking an axe to the federal government, and that is always a good thing.
Screw the feds. Take down the feds. (Now I’m on a list)
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
What do you mean by “nazi”
- Comment on Racism nas gone too woke! 2 months ago:
Some people just think society runs most smoothly/efficiently when people are mostly segregated by race.
I mean, there is some truth to that.
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 2 months ago:
Yeah, or not
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
- Comment on Can the public expect to get to see Luigi Mangione's 3 page manifesto in its entirety in a reasonable timeframe? 2 months ago:
Weak… I’m completely underwhelmed.
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 3 months ago:
Saved this for sure.
- Comment on Under Trump will anything happen to my brothers Social Security Disability? He is 42 and draws it for mental illness. 3 months ago:
Lol. About what?
- Comment on Under Trump will anything happen to my brothers Social Security Disability? He is 42 and draws it for mental illness. 3 months ago:
As someone who is also on permanent disability, I believe we’re going to be just fine.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
Especially in the digital age, lots of people have digital usernames like SarahSmith1727373. So the last name clearly doesn’t mean much anymore…
but you also just used 2 names in your example… others here already said the right stuff, but I reiterate, it’s a lot of symbolism helping create feelings of unity in a family unit, but also there are legal issues/benefits for changing a last name.
- Comment on Trumps all 3 months ago:
Omg. I really want this card. Where can I get one?
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
It’s business as usual.
- Comment on It's never a bad time to check your biases 4 months ago:
It’d make sense because Dr. Pepper is gross.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
How come *some people who are against abortion are *also in favor of the death penalty? (Ftfy) Kind of seems like a contradicition/
What contradiction do you speak of? Save a life, take a life. Seems logical doesn’t it?
- Comment on Anon enjoys a quiet night at home 5 months ago:
Don’t be a puss anon…
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 5 months ago:
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
- Comment on Gender 5 months ago:
Lol. Your ignorance is unbecoming.
- Comment on Gender 5 months ago:
What is this bullshit?
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Born in '84 i also don’t it. Image
- Comment on Anon goes to school with a menace 5 months ago:
… But no… First, we shouldn’t over generalize or stereotype. Although I’m sure some private schools are shit, most are better than shit public schools because they make a lot of money and can afford to higher teachers that aren’t inept… Occurrences like this are much less likely to happen in a private school. Nothing even close to that kinda shit happened in my private school. The kids I graduated with went to college and got a job. I also had many public school friends, and many of them didn’t go to college after high school. The ones that did go to college were much less prepared than their private school counterparts.
I realize this is only my own personal experience, but there it is.
- Comment on Anon goes to school with a menace 5 months ago:
Yeah… and people want to argue there is no difference in public schools vs. private school.
You get what you pay for. If one pays for a better education, one gets a better education.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago:
Half the things in your list are just wrong falsehoods.
You, being oblivious to why Trump is a desired presidential candidate, is the symptom of isolation from opposing opinions. Likely from absorbing information only from social media, MM, and fellow democrats. It makes you unable to fathom perspectives not derived from these sources.
I’ve mostly quit social media, including FB, reddit. Etc. For some reason, I can’t quit lemme, even though it’s a trash heap of ingorant opinions. I believe it may be because this is such a hot bed of socialist, communist, and Marxist rhetoric. It’s fascinating and extremely disturbing and at the same time. On one hand, people here worry about dark agent influences working on the American public, but they don’t understand this is where it’s happening, on social media. This is easy ground for anonymous agents with nefarious intent to sway opinion… anyway, I’m rambling now.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
The divisiveness is insane and scary. So many feel such a devotion to “their side.” They don’t realize these politicians love getting them all riled up and emotional about an issue so that they will fight for their political agenda with passion. And they just sit back and laugh.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
Ahh, I love you, bro. This place is wild, ain’t it? If one doesn’t fall in line to their militant liberal agenda, you’re ignorant MAGA scum.
I’m just glad to see someone else here trying to talk some sense.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
You’re asking good questions, but I don’t think you’re actually open to hearing the actual right answers.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Egads! This is quite terrible when you realize the implications.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Dick don’t work
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Where would one go? Socialism?