- Comment on womp womp 3 weeks ago:
I think it is because we humans are not rational.
In a free market society, over time, every seller would charge for their service as much as they can. And the service they themselves use, will in turn charge them as much as they can.
This would be an optimal system, if only humans were rational creatures. When prices for a service increase too much, we should stop using it and go for alternatives, which would create more incentives for competition to grow and prices to come down etc.
But i think, we don’t think rationally. Sometimes, even when we know something is bad for us, we still do it cuz of lack of self control or other reasons.
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
Your whole point is “you don’t know” without actually providing anything. I may be wrong but at least im saying something. Please try and at least say something, otherwise what’s the point of your comment? Gain upvotes/give down votes on lemmy?
And at least for me, I actually live in EU and many of my friends have worked and many acquaintances are still working as servers so at least my opinion has some worth.
Where are you from btw?
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
Lol, what?
I am literally talking about how much suffering it would cause if we keep trying to “fix capitalism” with bandage after bandage and how each and everything would need fixing which will turn into something not capitalistic anyways.
I don’t want to be rude but people should have better reading comprehension and learn to read between the lines or just read i guess.
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
Sure tipping for things may not be applicable in eu. But here’s another example: imagine the first person who got a loan cuz they wanted to buy a house but didn’t have the money at the time.
The bank who lent the money did a nice thing. Other banks and people started doing the same. And because people had access to more money, the price of houses increased to match with it.
Despite the fact that those people don’t actually have that money and now it is a requirement. Nobody can afford to buy a house unless they go into debt. Again this is capitalism and the free market in action.
The reason tipping so “people can have livable wage” is not a thing in the EU is because the EU does have a livable minimum wage.
The concept of minimum wage is inherently anti-capitalistic. It is against the principles of free market.
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
The issue with tipping is an issue with capitalism.
It is capitalism that has ruined nice things. Imagine the first person who tipped someone because their service was good and it was a nice thing to do. Next other people started doing it as well, which makes the profession with tipping more favorable.
This leads to a higher supply of workers and lower demand and the market adjusts which means lower pay because “they will receive tips”.
Also it is easy to vilify the shop owners for doing something that the system encourages and even demands them. We don’t know how or in what ways the shop owners are suffering because of the system.
Also to acknowledge their suffering is not to say that their suffering is equal to the suffering of their workers but rather we need to identify that everybody suffers in capitalism (except the very rich/elites).
The way to fix this is to stop tipping altogether. This will hurt the workers for sure but their suffering is necessary in order for things to change, at least under the current system.
Or alternatively, we can try and abolish the system altogether.
- Comment on Greens are far-right? Bitch I'm Far-ting. 1 month ago:
I remember germany having to start coal plants after the russian attack on ukraine. No? Am i misremembering things?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
Well, what else did he expect to happen when eating shit?
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
Hey thanks so much for taking the time to answer in detail. I really appreciate it.
It is a bit strange that even though society at large has made so much progress in gender equality, there are still cases that stump me like this. Cuz I don’t remember playing any game with a female protagonist that also had a romance element, but then again I haven’t played that many games in general.
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
Guys i need some input. I know im gonna get downvoted, but i really want some input and constructive criticism. Especially from woman.
How do you play a woman character? Like especially the witcher game?
Cuz i remember how many sex scenes were there, W3 never shy away from that aspect. And as a man I know and feel comfortable making those decisions for gerald you know? But if it is ciri, I would feel reaaaallllly weird controlling her “body” (you know?)
Like combat stuff and any other aspect, its the same. But when it gets to stuff that’s by design gendered, I honestly don’t know how or what to do.
Then there was this aspect of, ciri being a daughter of gerald. And I played gerald so internally i see ciri as like a daughter, and I would be kinda weird if the game starts to explore her sexuality or smth.
Like how many of you would wanna control/watch sex stuff for a character like that?
- Comment on Mitochondria 2 months ago:
But mitochondria is cool, it has its own dna because it used to be a separate organism. It fused with us, only to be made into a joke by us.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 3 months ago:
No it’s not. Both the trolley problem and the prisoners dilemma are individual event thought experiments.
Real life is different, it is continuous. The rational choice for an individual event can be very different than a continuous one.
Take the prisoner’s dilemma (or game theory) for instance, it is the rational decision (nash equilibrium) to rat your fellow prisoner out but if you have to do it again and again, then the best strategy is to NOT rat out your fellow prisoner (only rat when they ratted you out in the last round).
Reality is often like this, and elections are also like this. It gets complicated real fast.
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 3 months ago:
- Comment on NoStupidQuestions 3 months ago:
I think his knowledge was lacking, he did have wisdom to first put enough effort in searching for it and then once he realized, he admitted to it.
- Comment on Trick OR Treat 3 months ago:
It would be ((trick nor treat) or treat) so basically all the non-circle region and the treat circle is filled…
After writing this, i am wondering if you actually needed the information or was it just the funny thing to say…
Guys am I autistic?
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
Realistically nothing. You gain very little by saying something then you lose not saying anything. The only time people somewhat appreciate being talked to is when they already recognise you a little…
- Comment on Pringhouls 4 months ago:
Why how many universes do you have in your cylinder?
- Comment on Mochi 1: A new SOTA in Open-Source Video Generation Models 4 months ago:
For anyone thinking of running this:
“The model requires at least 4 H100 GPUs to run. We welcome contributions from the community to reduce this requirement.”
Taken from their huggingface card
- Comment on Where does the music go? 4 months ago:
“Everywhere, all at once. That’s why if you put your ear close to speakers it might collect too much and that can hurt your ear”
- Comment on Anon likes horror books 4 months ago:
Wtf pay attention it’s not “10th July”. It is very clear what anon wrote and meant.
Are you autistic or smth?
They obviously meant the 7th of Oct.
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
That’s actually incorrect, the light reflected by the mirror is time delayed based on 2 x the width of glass on the mirror so you are just kissing a slightly older version of you.
A world renowned scientist like neil should know better
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
Really? You want an annoying disease to be named after you? Like “fuck me i got the stoy today”
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago:
#Capiltalism #OnlySystemThatWorks #BlessedToBeACapitalist
- Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 5 months ago:
I work as an AI engineer, let me tell you, the tech is awesome and has a looooot of potential but its not ready yet. Because of high potential literally no one wants to miss the opportunity of getting rich quick with it. Its only been like 2-3 years when this tech was released to the public, if only openai had released it as open-source, just like everyone before them, we wouldn’t be here. But they wanted to make money and now everyone else wants to too.
- Comment on America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting 5 months ago:
Do not betray your own tribe brother. After all, why shouldn’t we get 27000 cats?
- Comment on Wendy's 5 months ago:
Nope, you’re thinking of taliban. But there is a new ISIS (ISIS-k for khorasan) now who is actually an enemy of taliban (part of afghanistan comes under khorasan and ISIS-k claims that they should rule it.
Both are classified as terrorist groups but the key difference is Taliban focuses more inwards while ISIS is globally terroristic. Like that threat in taylor swift concert was ISIS.
Historically talibans have always wanted to rule their own country while ISIS has wanted to rule over the whole world by creating a caliphate and sticking to a very extremist version of islam.
If I’m not wrong, the whole conflict with Taliban started when US asked them to hand over Osama bin laden, afghan people said no because he was their guest and culturally afghanis go to extreme lengths in their hospitality (like they take offense if you don’t eat in their house, or in this case, they would fight with their life to protect their guest) so basically US declared war on afghanistan and talibans (early freedom fighters) were formed. But over the years they have become much more terroristy (is it even a word?) and violent, such as their attacks in Pakistan for supporting US and so on.
Morally talibans are slightly better than ISIS.
- Comment on How come zombies seem to have sharp teeth while the rest of their body is rotting away? Or is just fiction? 6 months ago:
Don’t do it don! We still are recovering from covid. Whatever zombie virus you are planning to release, just think about it okay?
- Comment on Re-Evolved 6 months ago:
No you are confusing them with witches