Sure tipping for things may not be applicable in eu. But here’s another example: imagine the first person who got a loan cuz they wanted to buy a house but didn’t have the money at the time.
The bank who lent the money did a nice thing. Other banks and people started doing the same. And because people had access to more money, the price of houses increased to match with it.
Despite the fact that those people don’t actually have that money and now it is a requirement. Nobody can afford to buy a house unless they go into debt. Again this is capitalism and the free market in action.
The reason tipping so “people can have livable wage” is not a thing in the EU is because the EU does have a livable minimum wage.
The concept of minimum wage is inherently anti-capitalistic. It is against the principles of free market. 4 weeks ago
So the answer isn’t simply “Abolish capitalism” the answer is actually “Capitalism but with logical rules and regulations” 4 weeks ago
Lol, what?
I am literally talking about how much suffering it would cause if we keep trying to “fix capitalism” with bandage after bandage and how each and everything would need fixing which will turn into something not capitalistic anyways.
I don’t want to be rude but people should have better reading comprehension and learn to read between the lines or just read i guess. 4 weeks ago
So the “easier” solution is to tear the entire thing down and make something new from scratch? Seems like it’d be far, far harder to do that 4 weeks ago
When the house starts to fall, you can either add a support and pray it keeps going, or rebuild it all.
And the more you take the first option, the more it takes you to just keep the thing upright. At some point, a sane person says “the time has come” and rebuilds the house.
Same here. Rebuilding an entire economic system, especially when the most powerful people on Earth try to preserve it, is no easy feat - but it is a more permanent solution.