- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 3 days ago:
Perhaps surprisingly, dietary cholesterol has less an effect on blood cholesterol than a handful of other things. Saturated fat intake/balance in diet correlates more strongly, and vitamin D levels negatively correlates (vitamin D deficiency positively correlates).
Dietary cholesterol is used for a lot of key things such as hormone production, so some people might actually want to increase their cholesterol intake (super active lifestyle people like endurance athletes - can help combat RED-S aka Female Athlete Triad), but the elephant in the room for bad lipid profiles is saturated fats, refined sugars, and sedentary lifestyle
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
I have a newer C4 and I don’t think it’s bad. It’s not too obtrusive and there are guides to opt out of everything, but then again I’m not too concerned with data privacy in regard to my television, so I might be biased
- Comment on Why do games like Minecraft require a launcher? 2 months ago:
I think the biggest thing is convenience. It’s a lot easier for the launcher to do some handshakes and check/update to current patch. Other way is client opening, client closing, patch applied, client opens yet again, that type of deal
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 3 months ago:
Torx is cool and all but all the touted virtues such as less cam-out go out the window if you have to drive them in at wonky angles, like tight fitting spaces. If you gotta angle the driver it’s not gonna seat well at all, apt to jump and wear out your bit. And if your only T20 rolls away and falls under a deck, yuck, 10mm problems.
Phillips has a place and that place is ‘a wonky place to hold a power drill’. That said I’m a huge fan of square head because it’s a happy medium between those two
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 3 months ago:
Any important document I have is named ‘yyyymmdd(number)(briefdescription)’. Sort by name or date, I don’t care
- Comment on It has nothing to do with your right to work 3 months ago:
The most common argument I’ve heard, totally boiled down: “unions just protect the bad workers and if there weren’t unions the best workers would be able to get get paid more than those guys”.
But I also hear this kinda stuff predominantly from people who aren’t in professions that commonly benefit from collective bargaining. Most pipefitters understand that even a free rider benefits from collective bargaining, and that without unions it’s more often a race to the bottom rather than getting obscene raises for meritous reasons. The dude who drives parts for NAPA or whatever is usually the guy to say unions are dumb
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
They’ll be thinking the same thing tho and if there is a greater than 20% chance of them pulling the lever it’d be worse in terms of losing family members than not pulling at all.
But in terms of overall death, not pulling the lever is 1 or 4, and pulling the lever is 4 or 13
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
The outcome from both levers pulled is so steep that it really makes no sense to pull the lever
- Comment on Tiger Predators 4 months ago:
I’ve seen people get out of vehicles to try to take selfies with grizzly bear cubs. But yeah you get slapped once by either and you’re pretty much dead if you aren’t within 10 minutes to a hospital.
- Comment on hard to argue with 5 months ago:
Look at your bodies, women! An internal inguinal canal less likely to cause a hernia, lower center of gravity, higher body fat, and less body hair for easier cleanup. God created you for spending long hours in the coal mines!
- Comment on No excuse 5 months ago:
Let’s say you turn right to park in a spot but your turning radius sucks so you’re at an angle and your rear right is really close to the next car.
Crank the wheel right as far as it’ll go and crawl forward a handful of inches so the front of your car is equally close to the car on the right and you’re parallel with that car but really close.
Straighten your wheels, reverse out all parallel to that car until your front bumper clears that car, then crank the wheel left and crawl in reverse a handful of inches, until the rear of the car is aiming in the other direction.
Straighten the wheel and crawl another couple of inches, until your rear axle is centered in the space, then put it in drive and pull right in now that the rear is centered
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
I can’t vouch for the others but I just remember seeing that truck pic make its rounds on reddit. Hard to tell what’s real and not with the compression in this pic tho and with all the AI stuff floating around, never hurts to be skeptical!
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
That one’s real tho - higher res image here. Truck beds are mega flimsy up top aside from the stake pockets
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
I got carried away with a 2004 Chevy Cavalier coupe at Ikea like 15 years ago. I bought a bedframe, nightstand, dresser, and a couple cheap wood chairs.
And then I saw a small cheap couch and decided to grab it impulsively on my way to checkout like it was a pack of gum or something.
I got everything except the couch to just barely barely fit, and I started looking at that huge box for the couch and thought “have I lost my mind” and had to go back in and return it right then and there
- Comment on Useless Otters 6 months ago:
And then we have beavers which have seemingly mastered the use of gates in order to direct and impede flow
- Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 7 months ago:
They still don’t want an honest 95%+ ethical person in any role because it might conflict with the corporation’s desire to have workers rationalize that the needs of the corporation are more important than ethics, ie not wanting to hire potential whistleblowers.
They want ethical but only to the point that they’re willing to be unethical for the corporation, but not to the point that they’d ever be unethical towards the corporation. Basically sketchy ‘ride or die’ logic
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 7 months ago:
Gross metabolic efficiency is gonna be around ~25% so you’re best off measuring kilojoules of work as an approximation of calorie burn, and then compare that to how many gallons of gas would be consumed when in a car, but you’d still probably wanna drink the gas
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 7 months ago:
Be me
Download Pokemon Go
Start running to work
Gotta catch them all
4 months later run a 50K
“What was your training like?”
“I dunno, run more?”
(true story back in 2022)