- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Gotcha. Thanks🍻
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
What is the depth of field option? When it’s on what happens vs when it’s off?
Side question, why the fuck does everything in IT reuse fucking names? Depth of field means how far from character it’ll render the environment, right? So if the above option only has an on or off option then it is affecting something other than the actual depth of field, right? So why the fuck would the name of it be depth of fucking field??? I see this shit all the time as I learn more and more about software related shit.
- Comment on Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Releasing March 28 on GOG 3 weeks ago:
But this is a contract thing between steam and game studio, or at least I assume. The only thing different is the launcher. The content of the game is going to be the same as the one that’s been out on steam. It’s not like its a console vs PC delayed release where the game is made for different platforms. If you bought it March 28th itd be the same as not buying rhe steam game on its release date and waiting a couple months to get it end of March.
I’m more asking if my understanding is correct to the general audience, sounds like im lecturing but more walking thru the bases to see if im missing something.
I mean I owned fo4 on steam, bought folon on gog and had no problem playing them together so its all the same exact game codes after it launches, right?
- Comment on Anon goes to the casino 5 weeks ago:
Lol why even comment if you know nothing about bail or the context of what a ball or half ball is? It’s a half a ball of coke so 1.5 grams cuz a ball is 3 grams. As for the bail, where the fuck have you ever heard of bail being set for $120 🤣. Bail is a tool used by the justice system to combat flight risk offenders. They set it either just high enough to make sure the person shows up to their court dates so they get their bail money back or they set it so fucking high the offender can’t pay it and must remain incarcerated from the date bail was set at the arraignment until the case is taken complete. The latter is used for people with a history of not showing up to court or for people who are extreme risks to the public.
- Comment on Anon goes to the casino 5 weeks ago:
A gram and half of coke usually tho I’ve heard the measurement of a ball used for other drugs. A ball is 3 grams.
- Comment on Anon goes to the casino 5 weeks ago:
And when I started drinking bars still had $0.25 draft nights and $0.10 wings. Yeah, that’s not a typo ten fucking cent wings. Used to get all sorts of fucked up for like $10. I’m not even crazy old, I’m 37. I was definitely 17-19 years old when a local bar ran twenty five cent draft night but the wings, I was 21-23 when that was running.
- Comment on Anon goes to the casino 5 weeks ago:
I have been known to share similar budgeting justifications but instead of Pirating and video games I used the amount I would normally spend on a night out drinking. Figure $120 for a half ball. $100 for drinks and tips. Food $20-40. If I had no problem pissing all that money out my dick hole the next morning as being all I had to show for it, then I have no problem throwing that kind of money at something I’ll have or use for months or years.
- Comment on Anon is a sore loser 1 month ago:
Letting siblings or children win is never doing them any favors. Beat the fuck out of them in anything competitive from the get go. Anger is a person’s greatest motivator and why so many professional athletes aren’t the oldest sibling.
- Comment on Anon lives with his sister 1 month ago:
Lol stfu theyre siblings. If you aren’t embarrassing or shaming your siblings you aren’t doing it right.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Is it just me or is this a shitty attempt at green text? This has too many “cool story bro” vibes or “that really happened” vibes than the more nuanced green text stories have.
- Comment on Rocksteady is back working on a single-player Batman game, it’s claimed | VGC 1 month ago:
Best goon names ever.
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 1 month ago:
I dont get it. What’s so infuriating about the words, “Beatles Cinematic Universe?”
- Comment on Anon is 33 1 month ago:
Lol are you being serious or are your lights really this dim?🤣
- Comment on Anon has a business idea 1 month ago:
Says anyone without money. If it were so cringe more people would be giving it up when they recieve it but noone ever really likes giving it up once it’s been had.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 1 month ago:
I don’t get what ypur complaint is or is your comment phrased wierd? At least it is talking about an event that hasn’t happened yet correctly, but what else would you want from it for you to say, “DDG’s AI Assist seems to answer correctly.”
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 3 months ago:
I’m late to the thread but am I understanding this correctly? The issue is gaming on a Linux or non-windows pc, right? Also, the general sentiment in this chat room is to not buy the games requiring windows, right?
Are you all high or just idiots? What cinpany is going to give a flying fuck if 1% of their customer base stops buying. 100% of all Linux gamers would have to commit to even make the 1% dent. 🤣🤣🤣
- Comment on FedEx has absolutely no clue what 'economy' means. 3 months ago:
Its based on the delivery location. It’s like Alaska, some shit is cheaper to pay for air freight than ground service because the ground service is basically non-existent. Their shit is based on algorithms calculating tons of shop from and ship to locations calculating what hubs they pass thru and what means they’re shipping via. This shit isn’t designed to come out fucky but there are always going to be anomalies.
- Comment on A real landlord special. 3 months ago:
Yeah why save hundreds of dollars not moving the whole fucking plumbing lines so youe fucking shower spigot is on fucking center line🤣🤣🤣 for every asshole landlord there is a bitchy fuckin cunt renting from them🤣
- Comment on Marvel Rivals | Launch Trailer 3 months ago:
What in the fucking shit? I didn’t make it past the logo with that obnoxious song blasting. Is that the real trailer? I’m assuming I’m not the demographic this game was intended for.
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
Thanks. I honestly didn’t know Britannica was still a thing lol
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
Awesome breakdown, thank you!
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
Fuck me. My own last name is a spin on the word Wales and I completely forgot to include it😂
- Comment on Can someone explain the framework of the current British... idk is empire the correct term? 3 months ago:
You are a god amongst men. Thank you this was fucking amazing.
- Comment on I do not want to do anything. Is this addiction? 3 months ago:
Sounds very similar to the shit ive gone thru.
Get your thyroid levels tested. Can’t remember if its hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism but one of them has symptoms that are very similar to depression. Low energy, tired, lack of motivation, feeling drained. It took a long time to get myself on the right medication but the biggest break thru in that time was getting my thyroid levels straightened out. Most of that time was spent with professionals who thought I was suffering from depression.
Id recommend seeing someone that specializes in ADHD and all the other comorbidity disorders. As well as asking your primary for a script to test your thyroid levels.
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 34 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I think you are confusing development with improvement updates and fixes. It was developed before it was released. Then everything after release are updates. It’s more than just the syntax that matters by this correction because I feel any studio still actively improving its product ten years down the road is commendable. I could be wron, but from my understanding they aren’t adding any more revenue by improving the game at a very high cost it takes paying people to make every update for ten years.
- Comment on Anon creates a business plan 3 months ago:
Cuz noone else pointed it out to you, the comment you responded to was sarcastic. It wasnt a language barrier thing.
- Comment on Wish there was a community called !furiouslyinfuriating for shit like this... 3 months ago:
I was also thinking this could also be contesting the legislation for the freedom of information act by requiring a citizen of the US to own or possess a computer, smart phone or email address. The dept that runs FOIL offers the ability to request information by phone or email whereas this site does not. But I haven’t looked into any of this so I’m prolly 100% wrong. I don’t even remember if FOIL is federal or NY state ran program.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 months ago:
Its crazy how many peeps here cant see there are two separate fences with a no mans land gap between. It’s really weird because Ive seen this on properties more often then I would’ve expected I would.
One of the most common scenarios ive seen this is when neighbor A has a pool and put the required perimeter fence for the pool but not at the property line. Also the pool and fence would be installed first. Then neighbor B put up a fence after and told the cobtractor to run their property line. I say contractor because they do as told by person paying, if it was diy fence by owner theu wouldve talked to neighbor and butted the fences back to back w/ no gap. It’d explain the neighbor not caring about the protruding screw out the back because they’ve never seen a single person between the two fences the entire time they put the fences up.
Other scenarios are quick fix to contain animal till full fence replacing is installed. Or neighbor with bucktooth fence, from the picture angle, looks like they have no sight line to that part of fence from house and said fucked if I care.
- Submitted 3 months ago to mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world | 11 comments