Same person as @Gobbel2000@feddit.de, different instance.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Just wait until they figure out how much carbon is captured by planting a tree.
- Comment on I predict that this post will get approximately 01000011100101100000000000000000 3 months ago:
Writing the same number a different way does not make it rational. There are no two natural numbers p and q so that p/q = 1 base pi.
- Comment on Carcinisation? 3 months ago:
Yes, please put tracks everywhere.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 5 months ago:
What bias is it if the only entry I’ve read in this table is the one for confirmation bias?
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 5 months ago:
It’s not just ugly, it’s against the spec. The quiet zone is meant to be 4 “dots” wide on all sides for the code to be optimally readable.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
Like rocket engines in space, the sun has its own oxidizer tank. Let’s hope it won’t run out anytime soon.
- Comment on Based on a true story 6 months ago:
No, you absolutely don’t need to care at all about the memory management when using Linux. This rabbit hole is really only relevant when you want to work on the Linux kernel or do some really low-level programming.
I would say the most obscure thing that is useful to know for running Linux is drive partitioning, but modern installers give you a lot of handrails in this process.
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 6 months ago:
Why not go with the base version then?
- Comment on Could an American please prove me wrong? 6 months ago:
Monaco got stung by a wasp.
- Comment on near zero 10 months ago:
IEEE 754 is the standard to which basically all computer systems implement floating point numbers. It specifically distinguishes between +0 and -0 among other weird quirks.
- Comment on *sweating intensifies* 11 months ago:
Ever since I’ve understood that it accepts objectively wrong answers as long as it somehow seems as if you gave it some thought, I’ve made sure to hinder the accuracy of models that try to use my data.
- Comment on It is truly magic 11 months ago:
I enjoy this meme. Truly a Lemmy original.
- Comment on Anon learns about nuts 11 months ago:
Natürlich! Wo sollen Erdnüsse sonst herkommen, wenn nicht aus der Erde?