- Comment on where's my damn plume 3 months ago:
TIL evolution is bad at deleting legacy code
- Comment on where's my damn plume 3 months ago:
Yeah one time I traveled to Europe and everyone was just running everywhere. Very efficient.
- Comment on alpha 3 months ago:
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago:
Can someone explain what the problem is?
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Can’t wait for deregulation to result in a tech bro reinvesting his Facebook money into an Uber But For Psychedelics startup that incentivizes mixing 9% more sawdust into my shrooms to maximize yield
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 4 months ago:
Okay but I wanna know the findings of the study
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 months ago:
Science inherently involves the reproduction of work that’s already been done. That’s how the process ensures reproducibility. Talking about the efficiency of science makes very little sense because the savings bought by science are privatized, viewed like externalities.
- Comment on On Mushrooms 4 months ago:
Rhizomes stay winning
- Comment on Habits of Insects 4 months ago:
Put Netanyahu, Assad, Erdogan, Khamenei and their cabinets and top people from Hezbollah in Hague then we can talk.
So what you’re saying is Assad must go? who-must-go
- Comment on Habits of Insects 4 months ago:
Now if he could start making cuts to the military…
- Comment on Amateur Entomologists 4 months ago:
She got what she deserved
- Comment on Stress 4 months ago:
Turns out everything is political shocked-pikachu
- Comment on hard to argue with 5 months ago:
Look at your bodies, women! You eat and breathe from the same hole, so food getting stuck there kills you. Your reproductive and waste areas and directly next to each other, which leads to unnecessary infection. You lack the ability to biosynthesize various necessary vitamins, so rely on internal bacteria to produce them for you, risking deadly infection. Your eyes have a blind spot and are not optimized for seeing through air nor through water. A loving and intelligent god would not design you this way. Please understand that your unnecessarily complicated feet are not a sign that you are “intended” for anything, let alone patriarchy.
- Comment on hard to argue with 5 months ago:
We evolved to enslave cows and chickens! It’S ScIEnCE!!!
- Comment on Marie Curie, such a drama queen 7 months ago:
Several reverse image searches and searches of the text have yielded little to nothing useful. Just looks like a meme someone threw together as a joke.
- Comment on Marie Curie, such a drama queen 7 months ago:
Me when I don’t get my daily dose of radiation
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
Transphobes are half the reason we got rid of downvotes over here. They’re simultaneously blowhards and too cowardly to speak.
- Comment on Venus Fly Traps 9 months ago:
Just a random guess, but I could see the argument that it would reduce crash bleed into the rest of the kit. It might make it easier to mix the main kit more tightly. But if that’s the case, then why leave the hihat low? It might just be a stylistic thing or it might be for the drummer to remember to not ride the crash. I dunno. It’s certainly not standard. They’re the only ones I’ve seen so it on such a small kit.
- Comment on Venus Fly Traps 9 months ago:
Reminds me of how high up the crash symbol is for the drummer in Silversun Pickups
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
That ratio is sad. Elon stans are deranged.
- Comment on He came with receipts 9 months ago:
Musk criticizing someone for not doing enough science is like my 9 year old criticizing me for not doing enough laundry. Except my 9 year old may have a point.
- Comment on Placeboz 9 months ago:
I’m getting fucked up on cough medicine tonight. I’ve got this homeopathic stuff that I hear is insane.
- Comment on Autism 10 months ago:
Oh no the poor newspapers
- Comment on Autism 10 months ago:
Goddammit you got me
- Comment on Oxygen 10 months ago:
Who’s got that copypasta about how humans breathe poison and if you break their legs they just keep following you?
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
Legalism in shambles
- Comment on time 10 months ago:
“5:30” refers to an uncountably infinite subset of all possible instants. How absolutely useless.
- Comment on waltuh 10 months ago:
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
When my sub isn’t staying hydrated