- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 3 weeks ago:
How long it lasted?
Between '94 and '98, after they mandated the background checks but before they had the infrastructure to do instant background checks.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 3 weeks ago:
Background checks started in '68, they didn’t become instant until like '93 because internet but they still existed
They may have existed and some states imposed them but they weren’t required federally until the Brady bill in 93 .
there’s never been national waiting periods.
There was a 5 day waiting period between when the Brady bill was first enacted in 93 and when the national instant criminal background check system came online in 98
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 4 weeks ago:
Not so fun fact: early on Hitler was a zionist, or at least considered it a good “solution” to the “Jewish question” before he came up with the final solution.
- Comment on What's making it into the good parts, my fellow philosoraptors? 5 weeks ago:
Usury (lending money for interest) is a sin.
Make Christianity socialist again!
- Comment on Par for the course 5 weeks ago:
Fuck yeah, here’s hoping she’s like MacKenzie Scott ( bezos’ ex) and takes half his money and donates it all away.
- Comment on Glorious 2 months ago:
She may not be a state leader, but she is a spiritual leader and civ has had a lot of those. Some people lead with a military and troops, but others lead by embodying a spirit, becoming a symbol of it and inspiring others to do the same. This spirit could be patriotic, religious, ethical or liberatory, either way a person’s passion and commitment to that spirit can draw others in and spread its influence just as much if not more than a state institution.
In the same vein tubman is a leader so is confucius who is also in the new civ. During his lifetime he was just an advisor to a petty king who rarely listened to with a small following. But after his death he became a symbol of ethics whose spirit looms large over much of east Asia. His influence is far greater than the Zhou or any of the other kings of the spring and autumn, yet he ranked far below them during his time.
- Comment on Glorious 2 months ago:
They also have Confucius in this one, who also only became popular after his death. When he was alive, he was just a middling beuracrat with a following of maybe a couple dozen people.
Don’t think he got many complaints…
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
A few questions for the study:
What’s the data source? If they’re just doing news reports and traditional history that can hide a lot of failed non-violent protests. A non violent protest, especially one against the medias interests, is way less likely to show up in the historical record then a violent insurrection. Only the successful movements like the civil rights movement will get mentioned on the non-violent side whereas every insurrection or riot, successful or not, is captured in the historical record.
What’s the breakdown by method? It seems they’re including strikes in this which has a very high success rate and high occurrence, so much so it could drown out all the failed protests.
- Comment on How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW 2 months ago:
To be fair, if that is a woman in the bottom panel then she probably would’ve had just as much luck in the 70s
- Comment on Splat 2 months ago:
Hate to be that guy and ruin everyone’s fun but this is science memes, dinosaurs like that would not have there head up like that. They rarely raised there head above there shoulders.
Yeah, that classic image of tall sauropods 🦕 is probably wrong. Also like someone else mentioned they wouldve probably lowered there head anyway to vomit.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO's murder sparks online outrage at health insurance industry 2 months ago:
I’m mad at the health insurance industry. It’s a parasitic middle man in the health industry that does nothing but profiter from the system. Doctors don’t like them, patients don’t like them, hospitals don’t like them. The whole system would be a lot cheaper, simpler and better for health if we got rid of them and had a single payer system. The only reason we haven’t done so is because they spend millions to lobby politicians and on ads to convince us it’s communism.
- Comment on Are implanted subdermal trackers in SciFi movies at all a realistic possibility? 2 months ago:
Pacemakers have batteries and modern ones broadcast a lot of telemetry, and last up to a decade. Not sure how much more power would be needed to broadcast to a satellite or cell tower though.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
To be fair, non-mineral sunscreens do fuck with your hormones. Still better then skin cancer though.
- Comment on Comparative anatomy 4 months ago:
Kangaroos hop because they can store a lot of energy in there Achilles tendon and use that to propel them forward without using much energy. It’s good for covering long distances over flat terrain while using as little energy as possible , which is good for the Australian outback as they hop between small patches of vegitation separated by miles of desert. It’s not that good for ambushing or quickly chasing prey in a rainforest like the t rex is probably doing.
- Comment on 2 life pro tips in one meme! 5 months ago:
Also good for the environment, mostly the not eating meat part. Especially if you buy them dried in bulk you can cut down on your food and packaging waste. Even the lack of fruits and vegetables is good for not drying up California, probably not good for your long term health though. Also fuck billionaires
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 5 months ago:
That’s an imperial war where local knowledge is extremely limited and your relying on sympathetic locals to let you know the terrain and who the enemy are. If that sympathetic population is low like in Afghanistan or Vietnam then you’ll walk into every ambush and never root out the enemy. In this environment guerilla war with small arms can work
If tyrrany comes to the u.s. though it’ll come with at least 30% support if not more, ironically most likely by the 2a nuts. They’ll happily point out every enemy of the state on there block and warn you about every ambush, hell they’ll probably shoot them for you.
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 5 months ago:
Read “insurrections” as slave revolts and you can get a real sense of what the 2a was for.
- Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 5 months ago:
It’s the trans women in sports of veganism, it’s such a small part of the issue and no one in the group will usually bring it up. But people who are against them will use it to discredit and divide them even though they don’t really care about the underlying issues they claim to be for: women’s sports, cat nutrition and the way larger problems with them.
- Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 5 months ago:
I mean a lot of people are feeding there cats cheap dry kibble that has almost no resemblance to the meat it was rendered from. If your argument is that it’s abuse if you aren’t feeding your cat what it wants then there’s a lot of cat abusers out there.
- Comment on Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)? 5 months ago:
If it’s libertarian it’s libertarian socialist. There’s no property or capital on here, posts get boosted by collective voting, not based off your following or account. There’s not even an idea of karma, your account means basically nothing here. A capitalist libertarian social media would be something like nostr or what bluesky is claiming it’ll eventually do where you completely own your account and your following and you can use that social capital as you wish.
- Comment on Palms 6 months ago:
Conifers aren’t trees by this definition. It seems to completely ignore gymnosperms and even misclassified a couple as dicots like sequoias and junipers.
We need to stop looking for a scientifically coherent category for a tree and embrace the true, intuitive, childlike definition of it as just a form, like a fish.
- Comment on The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found. 7 months ago:
Where are you getting that they’re potentially worse? They may have some adverse effects but they seem minor compared to sugar. For aspartame there seems to be some studies possibly linking it with cancer, but those are very limited and even after those studies came out the WHO reaffirmed it’s safety at normal levels. Meanwhile actual sugar has been proven to cause diabetes, heart disease, obesity etc. Sucralose doesn’t seem to show any adverse effects at normal doses.
A lot of the controversy on artificial sweeteners comes from the sugar lobby combined with moral panics and conspiracies on using “chemicals” in foods.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
Where is this reasoning that “Biden should withdraw” is a Russian talking point coming from besides the paranoid delusions of liberals who blame everything bad on Russia. Putin knows even less then us on whether Biden withdrawing would be good or bad for trump.
It’s not even like this is a fringe idea any more, members of the house are calling for him to step down and even pelosi thinks it’s a legitimate question, are they Russian trolls? We need to have a serious discussion on this and not dismiss the other side as a psyop like alex Jones, otherwise we’re gonna let inertia carry us to a loss like in 2016.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
This isn’t 2020 though, at this point in 2020 Biden had a 8 point lead on Trump and even then he only won a narrow victory in the electoral college with Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin, now he’s down by 2 points overall and down even worse in those swing states. Then he was a relative unknown and people were willing to give him a shot against the known evil of trump . Now people have gotten to see him and they do not like what they see, his approval rating is worse then Trump’s was at the depths of the pandemic.
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
According to wikipedia this is the less likely and imo less interesting explanation. They did find coconuts that are genetically distinct from the ones the Spanish brought over from the Philippines, but those ones are more distantly related to the ones in polynesia so they probably didn’t float over. Instead they are more likely evidence of pre-columbian contact of Polynesians with south and central America, along with sweet potatoes originating in South America but being present in polynesia and SEA prior to columbus.
So this would boot Columbus off the podium in people who discovered America.
- Bering strait people
- Polynesian people
- Vikings, Leif Erickson
- Columbus
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago:
My guess is the fat part of the bell curve is 25-40 here, probably similar to Twitter, younger than Facebook, older than tik tok and maybe Instagram.
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago:
What’s your issue with big tech?
I know a lot of libertarians oppose corporatism because they say the corporations market power and monopolies derive from government, but for big tech they mostly come from economies of scale and network effects, neither of which I think right wing libertarians oppose.
If you oppose it because corporate power, even if gained through fair free market principles, is a barrier to liberty than I think your on the left for a libertarian. The recognition that corporate power can be just as tyrannical and coercive as state power is not an idea held by most libertarians in the u.s. who tend to focus solely on state power. Recognizing both puts you to the left of most of them, and on the far left you have Chomsky who identifies as a socialist libertarian and thinks corporate/capitalist power is so much more of a threat than state power that we should give the state more power to be able to reign in corporations.
- Comment on well shoot 8 months ago:
But what if there’s taki dust on them?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Adam ragusea has some good video explaining both why we use volume and why we don’t use metric
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 11 months ago:
I do care about pedestrians, I walk way more than I cycle, that’s why I’m proposing a solution that will make both safe. The city would maybe spend a bit more money up front to put down some paint , but long term it would save money because cars wear down the road much more than bikes. Cars are the thing that’s draining the city budget by forcing constant road maintenance.
I don’t understand what you want , if you want bikes to stop being on the sidewalks and for the city to save money along with a bunch of other benefits put down a bike lane, unless you have some better solution. You haven’t suggested any solution though which makes me think you want to just be mad at cyclists and stew in your anger without doing anything, which doesn’t sound like a good way to live.
If you do want to get mad at something get mad at cars which are an exponentially larger threat to you as a pedestrian then a bike. Unless your main means of transport is a car and you can’t get mad at them so you take it out on cyclists instead.