- Comment on GET REKT 7 hours ago:
Supportive Emu noises
- Comment on And black gloves of course 1 week ago:
Depends on if you plan to encounter any CEOs when you go for a walk outside.
- Comment on Stat of the day 2 weeks ago:
So far…
- Comment on Uno what really happened 2 weeks ago:
Life denied due to preexisting case of terminal Affuenza
- stolen from another lemmy
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 weeks ago:
For some people, this is a problem. For others, this is a solution.
- Comment on Poo science 1 month ago:
- Comment on Eat lead 1 month ago:
Yes, it’s in your brain.
- Comment on FAQ: Yes We Suppirt Kinect 2 months ago:
This is why you should always give your developer “free dev time” where they work on what they feel like, or what they think is important outside of the approved scope.
They have fun and will likely fix something your players will be asking for.
Someone is going to stream that 0.1% run on twitch and market the hell out of your game. Just look at Luality that completed dark souls with a DDR dancepad.
- Comment on risky abbreviations 2 months ago:
Correction, he should absolutely call it that.
- Comment on Gender 2 months ago:
404, sense of humor not found?
- Comment on Gender 2 months ago:
Woven core rope memory for me
- Comment on 💸💸💸 2 months ago:
Lots of stolen US aid money
- Comment on Oxygen 2 months ago:
It’s the weight of responsibility for keeping the solar system together.
- Comment on no no, nothing going on here I swear 3 months ago:
The happier the dog, the angrier the tail gets.
- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 3 months ago:
At least what you are looking for, is on the first page. With Google you get half a page of ads not relevant to your search, and two pages of SEO garbage, before you get to a relevant search.
- Comment on At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars 3 months ago:
Thx for the info. I think SpaceX has a bigger construction/manufacturing operation compares to other launch providers who tend to oursource most of that work.
Pretty dire numbers as a significant portion are not high risk jobs.
- Comment on At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars 3 months ago:
Just playing devils advocate for a moment. Not saying that SpaceX should be doing everything it can for worker safety.
But how do these numbers compare against similar industries like construction or fabrication?
- Comment on Seriously. 3 months ago:
It’s not limited to 100 steps. The decimal system gives you infinite granularity.
- Comment on Jackhammer 3 months ago:
Or evolve the ability to echolocate with the reflections of the background noise. Like our eyes does with light.
- Comment on Jackhammer 3 months ago:
If the sound is more of a loud hiss, you might find that echolocation can work very well. Much like our eyes collect available light bouncing off surfaces, similar techniques can be used with sound.
- Comment on Cucumber 🥒 3 months ago:
But did cucumbers look like that 4000 years ago?
- Comment on Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era – Official Reveal Trailer 3 months ago:
They are legally obligated to do it at this point.
I have the fact that development studios are so beholden to publishers.
- Comment on Have had my LinkedIn Profile Deactivated for over a year now, yet still reciving emails from LinkedIn... 3 months ago:
I reject any smtp connections from their mail server.
- Comment on I Signed Up For Mike Huckabee's Christian Nationalist Homeschooling Program 4 months ago:
Maybe the IRS should investigate their non profit status.
- Comment on Helth 4 months ago:
Also, processed foods are usually made with lower quality ingredients in unbalanced ratios.
Just look at how high quality medically prescribed balanced food can be and compare that against the average breakfast cereal or training supplement.
- Comment on I feel really bad for laughing at this. 4 months ago:
Anyone who has spent any significant time near the ocean knows that you are its bitch.
- Comment on The Terminator returns to theaters with 4K transfer...Will AI ruin another James Cameron film? 4 months ago:
Visually, there are just as many differences and impairments as with hearing.
Many people don’t do well with unnatural shakeycam and rapid cuts.
- Comment on Machine Learning 4 months ago:
Same here for the southern hemisphere. Google lens has no clue.
- Comment on Congressman Gaetz: "Robots should not be subject to Free Speech" (I'm Not a Robot) 4 months ago:
I love your work!
But would you be willing to make the sacrifice, if it means we can get autotune and beauty filters made illegal?
- Comment on The Terminator returns to theaters with 4K transfer...Will AI ruin another James Cameron film? 4 months ago:
Why waste AI on this. It should be used to make unwatchable movies better.
Like fixing the audio editing in Christopher Nolan movies, so you can hear the dialog.
Or removing camera shake and pointless cuts.