- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 2 days ago:
So words are no longer allowed to describe themselves? Hmm I might need to rethink a few languages…
(But sure you may consider it cheating, languages in general are weird.)
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
Tap for spoiler
You don’t technically need particles! Meet me next week for more hot physics takes nobody needed.
- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
Me too! Am I finally part of the cool and hip Lemmy gang now‽
- Comment on Like Trump says that the cartels have invaded Canada wouldn't they have to pass through the US, avoid checkpoint, border control on both sides and many other things? So Canada can only blame the US? 3 weeks ago:
Couldn’t they also just legally request a route and land on an official airport (no matter the exact size) with a few people on board as a sort of “VIP” flight and then just smuggle the drugs out of the plane/airport?
It wouldn’t be the first nor last time someone in a harbor or airport was bribed to “misplace” some cargo they handled/saw/whatever.
- Comment on Yes biologists use tiny tiny tweezers to change DNA 5 weeks ago:
No no, that’s a different enzyme to cut your DNA!
- Comment on Instant removal 5 weeks ago:
But all of those are so complex!
- Comment on With powers combined, idk 5 weeks ago:
But not with the same body part right? Right‽
- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
Wait wouldn’t that only be super saying? As in we would super be talking about it?
- Comment on Cat 2 months ago:
Well the thing is: it’s even worse! We HAVE measured ‘the’ neutrino mass, sort of (not really). We have an absolutely fricking tiny upper bound! For all three masses added together… And yes, there are three separate neutrino masses just like there are sorta three ‘types’ of Neutrinos. But the real kicker is: it is literally impossible to assign any specific mass to any specific type!!
You can either talk about the type of a neutrino OR it’s mass but not both at the same time because apparently we looked too close and quantum mechanics decided it needed to fuck with us some more to discourage further probing.
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 2 months ago:
This particular version wouldn’t work because the exit point is not lower than the entry point so after a possible initial splash from the first glass the outside air would rush in from the top of the straw and thus push down the water to its own level again…
So sadly no singly linked lists without stairs!
- Comment on The last thing Brian Thompson saw before he died 3 months ago:
It’s fascinating to me that nobody has yet responded to one of these with:
Luigi, once again delivering us from ghosts and ghouls living in mansions!
- Comment on Heavy Metals 3 months ago:
Wait GregTech has its own iron ores in real life now as well‽
- Comment on rocketman 4 months ago:
Everyone here is talking about how not having eyelids is messed up while I think being able to rotate your eyes either completely upward or completely forward is crazy!
(Also having no eyelids to protect against the aggressive blinding lights of your predators/prey probably beats having your eyes destroyed by said predators/preys toxin spewing tentacles any day if the week!)
- Comment on But yes. 4 months ago:
Unless you WANT your transistor to be this way and use it so you put an actual led inside the plastic as well to mess with (i.e. turn on and off) the transistor!
Also I would argue that wind could also be considered ‘steam’ turning a turbine. It’s just vapour pressure ‘steam’ with a LOT of other pollutants which somehow increase the efficiency!
- Comment on It's a learning exercise 4 months ago:
Also they are all way too spaced out! Every good physics teacher should know that the objects should really be touching before impact to properly transmit the energy of the impact…
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 5 months ago:
Fine! I’ll use a second order polynomial to fit this instead. But that’s the last order I’m willing to go to!
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 5 months ago:
Hmm but couldn’t we then also go even further and assume an idealized muscle car with an effective transmission to its wheels of 1:1 running at its optimal torque vs speed point and thus with a given speed of its wheels rotation for a given time?
Aka convert energy into miles (traveled) or something (with the choice of motor and wheel diameter and everything else standardized ofc.)?
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 5 months ago:
Well I rather prefer 95% of my enemies be left as waste and only deal with 5% of them!
- Comment on It hertz 5 months ago:
So is the lack of sp-hybridising and resultant ~120° angle a second layer of this joke? 🤔🙊
- Comment on Bees 6 months ago:
Just because you waste 80% of the food you get doesn’t mean you can’t still be twice as fast as everyone else at getting new food!
- Comment on Platypuses 6 months ago:
May they said it “twice” because they actually fluoresce under green light as well?
- Comment on The Button 6 months ago:
Only if it meant more cocaine because it needs to be redone…
- Comment on Seriously. 6 months ago:
I absolutely agree! Both should get degrees, because that would make temperatures finally make sense!
(I am aware that the degree symbol has something or other to do about not being absolute yada yada yada 😅)
- Comment on Seconds 6 months ago:
Just as particle physicists measure everything in energy (eV to be precise…)
Mass? eV Energy? eV Distance? 1/eV Time? Guess what: 1/eV as well! This also means velocity has unit 1…
And the worst part: it turns out to be edtremely useful!
- Comment on I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt. 6 months ago:
For anyone else stumbling about this revelation: It very well wouldn’t be Unicode otherwise now, would it?
There’s a reason linguists and computer scientists sometimes get mental breakdowns over emoji because the know that those same emoji were on the same agenda taking up actual time as discussions about which ancient language or newly discovered grapheme/symbol/lexicogram/whatever should be added first/next. (Not saying emoji aren’t also tremendously important/good/what ever additions!!)
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Didn’t one of the original devs die and his son “take over” for a last few polishing updates/as a memorial?
Or was that another “small” game series? 🙈
- Comment on Alas Moths 6 months ago:
I mean don’t we also sort of carry that same image (obviously not exactly, but sorta) in our genes?
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 7 months ago:
Also some of them close to me allow you to rent/lend actual telescopes with a library card!
- Comment on Mushroom Guides 8 months ago:
Eh, it’s sort of a tradition at this point. You just win some and lose some (and as is quite obvious the outliers of both categories are really out there!
- Comment on Electrons are easy 8 months ago:
Which constantly stays as a stream but looses density with r^2 (while still being a liquid!)