- Comment on Anon sets up a prank at school 1 month ago:
I was a fan of leaving the orientation normal, but moving the start bar and setting it to auto-hide. A long time ago I put a simple bat file (like “shutdown -l -t 0” or similar) in a coworkers startup folder… I guess that was a step too far though and he thought I broke his computer. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
- Comment on Just read an article somebody stole 40k from an atm. How is that possible that an atm carries that much? And is it even possible to get inside an ATM if so? 4 months ago:
Came back to drop a link (sorry for the delay) and it seems others have already provided it. Dropping it here again just because it’s an amazing talk by an amazing dude that was taken too soon.
- Comment on Just read an article somebody stole 40k from an atm. How is that possible that an atm carries that much? And is it even possible to get inside an ATM if so? 4 months ago:
You’d be surprised how insecure they are (or were) from the non-physical side. Check out Barnaby Jack’s talk from DefCon 18 (Jackpotting Automated Teller Machines Redux).
- Comment on IPhones' default photo format is HEIC, something that Windows doesn't open by default. 4 months ago:
Someone tried to send me a picture they took and it looked like hot garbage until they sent it over email. Not because it couldn’t be sent without feeding it through a potato first, because Apple wants a worse experience for anyone not in their ecosystem.
When they are the oddball in the group though, it just makes iPhone’s look like a worse option.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Is it invisible to accessibility options as well? Like if I need a computer to tell me what the assignment is, will it tell me to do the thing that will make you think I cheated?
- Comment on Anon plays DnD 5 months ago:
I liked to play where if my players tricked me, well they got me, we’ll adjust and keep going. They always realized that I may ask a similar question to them though, and it could always go the same way.
In this specific case, I’d let it happen and they’d probably going on an adventure for a wish in the next session (depending on how important the NPC is to the story, they might need to have him as a humanoid). Just like if you have an asshole paladin, they might find themself trying to atone to get back their favor with the gods.
- Comment on Anon plays DnD 5 months ago:
Haven’t played since 2e… Polymorph should have been a way higher level spell with how it was written. Mice fail saving throws constantly… Super useful to derail a campaign.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
This is the first time I’ve heard about a “human feeling” scale so sure, 50 must be perfect.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
Why would you pick 50 for the perfect temp? Genuinely curious why land on that number.
- Comment on Anon uses a phone book 6 months ago:
I remember it being iffy when I used it back then, the 8320 didn’t have GPS so it was trying to use cell towers to figure out the turn by turn. It was slower, but not as slow as the connection speed would seem because every page load wasn’t dependent on a thousand different CDNs and a hundred different trackers.
A dedicated GPS was essential for cross country (if you didn’t want paper maps or printouts).
- Comment on Anon uses a phone book 6 months ago:
Do you mean the Cisco iPhone from the 90s or the Brazilian iphone from the early '00s? I’m totally just taking the piss though, I know you mean the Apple one from the later '00s but it wasn’t that rare to have mobile internet before it, they were just riding the wave that was already breaking across society.
Apple had a major advantage though, lots of people were already eyeing their popular mp3 player, if a phone could be a phone, internet, and a good music player you can sync easily, it won for a lot of people. I couldn’t justify the price and really liked physical keyboards, by the time those became rare I disliked Apple too much to try them.
Somewhere I have my old BB 8320 from 2007, it was awesome because it had WiFi so much better speed when WiFi was available.
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 6 months ago:
I’m with the whole ‘metric is better crowd’, I mean base 10, c’mon that makes shit easy. On the other hand, I prefer Fahrenheit for temp 100%, Celsius is just not good for it (personal preference I guess). A lot of that is probably due to growing up in the USA, but having lived in a few other countries I just prefer Fahrenheit.
- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 6 months ago:
Totally agree, buses suck! More to the other one, I haven’t had a real cigarette since 31 July; it had been 28 years of smoking with a few short breaks scattered in.
It is insane the tastes I’ve tasted recently, as a die hard Dr Pepper fan I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep drinking it, it’s just too sweet now. Quitting smoking might lead to a healthier lifestyle all around.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Old Nintendo security screws were easily overcome by melting the end of a pen tube (the clear plastic Bic’s were always my preference), and jamming it in there holding it still while it cooled. Could work in this case.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Flossing and brushing like everyone said, but toothpaste matters I used to swear by the Sensidine with “Novamin” (Calcium sodium phosphosilicate), from what I understand it can actually repair minor damage (e.g. prevent a soft spot from becoming a cavity). Sadly last I checked there was some patient in the US preventing it from being sold here. I brought back a decent bit when I moved back from the UK, but its all gone now. or may ship it (but then it becomes legally questionable, I don’t know how close stuff like that is watched for at customs).
- Comment on Anon knows what he likes 9 months ago:
McDonald’s seemed way different to me while I was in England. The burger’s actually seemed to have seasoning on them (despite being in England), they had rotating ‘Taste’s of America’ (called something like that) menus that featured interesting variants that I never saw over here. I think there was a really good one with a sour dough bun.
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
Cheap land in the desert, and if they always grow well… Could have your own grape themed garden of eden.
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
I’d think the box one would have to be real if you pick it. Hard to take a nonexistent pill.
- Comment on Steam :: Introducing Steam Families 1 year ago:
Or, you set your steam account up as a company. Still a “person” for legal purposes, but can be handed down.
Totally just joking, but maybe…
- Comment on 1 year ago:
That looks awesome man! Congrats!