- Comment on Anon is Turkish 5 days ago:
Oder Truthahn
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 month ago:
Yeah, I’ve got one maybe two of that list. FML
- Comment on Meme gift (and note in thread) 1 month ago:
As a child I was watching ANIMALYMPICS I think I probably will recover any day now.
- Comment on Amazon: The same 31 products you don't want, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again 2 months ago:
Amazon search was never good, but it was not a problem before it got flooded with cheap Chinese crap.
The cheap Chinese crap makes Amazon worse, which results in loss of customers, which frightens the Shareholders (line has to go up), to increase the profit the management milks their cash cow (AKA cheap Chinese crap sellers) so more Chinese crap is in the site. The circle of life.
- Comment on Implants 5 months ago:
It’s the poster child of vapid consumerism. Pseudo-deep “words of wisdom” often bought by the most shallow people you can think of.
It’s the battle cry of the suburban Karen, the mantra of the soccer mom.
Often combined with the consumption of rigorous amounts of wine and sings declaring how hilarious this socially accepted alcoholism is.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
Everybody wants to rule the world in my ass
- Comment on party poopers 10 months ago:
With a sigh he cleans the up the tally for the 7th period. “Can’t call it near death anymore”
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
Oh yes. The company where I work at does these performance reviews: doing 100% gives you a ‘C’ (as a grade). I do everything that is expected from me without anything to complain about? Yeah, that’s not good enough.
Fuck that.
There is the silent complaint that you could do more… Give up your spare time for your work. Work yourself tired and burn out for your company! That’s what they want to see.
I’m looking for a new job while I still work there.