- Comment on Job related: Am I being stupid? 5 weeks ago:
Age is also something that matters here. Are you middle-aged yet? I ended up pulling the brakes on my career to get a better work-life balance, but it ended up stunting my career trajectory a bit.
Once I had more free time and realized I wanted to earn more, I had to hustle to get back to a top-of-market position.
In short: there’s always time on the future to pivot to Option B. If there’s more value to extract where you are, milk it for all it’s worth and then exit before it goes south (as all jobs do).
- Comment on Be safe out there 1 month ago:
EY! I’m swimming’ ova here!
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 month ago:
The payback is knowing that one day their kids will do the same to them, right ;)
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 month ago:
The “slow mornings” one is my favorite.
- Comment on I even had the barbeque sauce all ready 1 month ago:
I can’t even share this in the boys chat, but this shit made me cackle
- Comment on Very sorry in a toilet 1 month ago:
I see myself in this wall hanging…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Being a passenger may cause less anxiety, but if safety is your biggest concern, driving yourself is the safest option to get around currently (besides bus/train transport or walking).
Driving is all about strategy. I’ll be transparent and say that it is not a “safe” activity, but I’ll also say that riding in a car driven by someone else may be less safe than educating yourself on good driving strategy and taking your safety (and the safety of your passengers) into your own hands.
Driving defensively and using good vehicular communication will put you as a driver above 9/10s of the other drivers out there. That 1/10th leftover could hit you as a driver or passenger, but as a passenger, you have no recourse when you see them coming.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
- Comment on I will take no arguments 1 month ago:
That blue ps2 looks dope af
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on lemmy.ml? 1 month ago:
This. Blocking communities you find annoying is the better solution.
- Comment on my flarp plug said he can’t take any more appliances after i gave him my air fryer..idk what im gonna do for my next fix man i gotta flarp tonight this slime isn’t cutting it 2 months ago:
You’re not a piece of shit; you’re becoming a piece of shit.
And flarp is the music of your transformation.
- Comment on I'm old 2 months ago:
All relative, my dear chap! ;)
- Comment on Typical from my so called imaginary friend 2 months ago:
I’m one of the most empathetic mfers to ever grace this earth (and humble too) and it’s ambiguous for sure.
Both the dialogue AND the woman’s expression in the photo. (Though, in my experience, someone who’s being self-deprecating like this isn’t looking for comfort, but a compliment.)
- Comment on I'm old 2 months ago:
I prefer to reduce it to “the dead don’t age”.
- Comment on I'm old 2 months ago:
A person born in 1899 looks exactly the same as the will look once we hit 2035. Let that marinate
- Comment on Do girls also wiggle the fuel hose or is this just a male habit? 2 months ago:
I’m a wiggler
- Comment on This video by Corridor Crew explains the LA fire situation really well. Plus all revenue from ads in it goes to charity benefiting victims of the fire so watch it on YouTube, yeah? 2 months ago:
Thanks for sharing this. I suck at geography and couldn’t wrap my head around the fires.
Also love those Corridor Digital guys.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 2 months ago:
“One pull for each coffee you buy.” And it’s like a collectibles game for each of the donut flavors.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 2 months ago:
That shape is “round”?
- Comment on This could be the costume for a New Super Hero. What would you name him? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Who benefits from the "14 Min Read" estimates popping everywhere? 2 months ago:
I’m interested in it regardless of the length of an article, right?
For you, maybe, but not for me. I literally didn’t read your whole comment that I’m replying to right now because it was too long.
My attention is conditional.
- Comment on Day 174 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
lol, the last screenshot
- Comment on Behold currently! 2 months ago:
Acquire your wages!
- Comment on If someone murdered me, how long would it take (if ever) until they catch the murderer? 2 months ago:
Immediate family (spouses especially) are ALWAYS the primary suspect until they can be ruled out
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
I cringed so hard
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
The first Suicide Squad. By the time the 2nd had come out, I’d sworn off DC movies altogether.
The only one I mourn is Joker (though not as sad about that because part deux has horrible reviews).
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
Nah. Suicide Squad neither.
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
Looks pretty dope. Too bad my mom won’t let me watch DC movies after how bad Batman v Superman was.
- Comment on What are some keto meals that are easy to make in bulk? Bonus points for stuff that can be frozen. 3 months ago:
Chicken chicken chicken. Grill up tons of it. You can add things like a red sauce (go easy on the tomatoes because of the natural sugars), pesto, Alfredo sauce, Italian dressing, etc…
Grilled/baked chicken will likely be a main protein.
I also really love pot roast (there are great keto recipes out there that taste phenomenal). Grilling a steak is always a delightful treat.
Make sure you eat plenty of greens with each meal and take a multivitamin to keep your body from being deficient.
Sugar-free Gatorade is really helpful for fighting the “low carb flu” in the early days of switching to ketosis (as it’s the low electrolytes that make you feel those flu symptoms).
Best of luck! Not everyone can do keto, so I hope it works for you (my SO ended up getting a rash on their back that scarred because of the acetone produced by their body from migrating over to ketosis; never happened to me, though).
- Comment on Good afternoon these are stairs. 3 months ago:
I got pissed off that you were trying to pass off some boards leaning against the wall as stairs, then I saw the trap door on the ceiling…