- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 2 days ago:
I cringed so hard
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 2 days ago:
The first Suicide Squad. By the time the 2nd had come out, I’d sworn off DC movies altogether.
The only one I mourn is Joker (though not as sad about that because part deux has horrible reviews).
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 days ago:
Nah. Suicide Squad neither.
- Comment on Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 days ago:
Looks pretty dope. Too bad my mom won’t let me watch DC movies after how bad Batman v Superman was.
- Comment on What are some keto meals that are easy to make in bulk? Bonus points for stuff that can be frozen. 4 days ago:
Chicken chicken chicken. Grill up tons of it. You can add things like a red sauce (go easy on the tomatoes because of the natural sugars), pesto, Alfredo sauce, Italian dressing, etc…
Grilled/baked chicken will likely be a main protein.
I also really love pot roast (there are great keto recipes out there that taste phenomenal). Grilling a steak is always a delightful treat.
Make sure you eat plenty of greens with each meal and take a multivitamin to keep your body from being deficient.
Sugar-free Gatorade is really helpful for fighting the “low carb flu” in the early days of switching to ketosis (as it’s the low electrolytes that make you feel those flu symptoms).
Best of luck! Not everyone can do keto, so I hope it works for you (my SO ended up getting a rash on their back that scarred because of the acetone produced by their body from migrating over to ketosis; never happened to me, though).
- Comment on Good afternoon these are stairs. 4 days ago:
I got pissed off that you were trying to pass off some boards leaning against the wall as stairs, then I saw the trap door on the ceiling…
- Comment on Those poor kids 1 week ago:
Sacre Bleu!
- Comment on The Witcher IV (tbd, creator CD Projekt Red) 1 week ago:
I’m so jacked rn
- Comment on 2025 is set to bring a ‘manager crash’ after all that burnout and lack of support adds up 2 weeks ago:
Damn paywalls
- Comment on ambition 2 weeks ago:
I want to be an astronaut :>
- Comment on Man in charge of Diablo thinks we should start calling games that he thinks are like Diablo 'Diablo-likes' 3 weeks ago:
I just call them “wester-style RPGs”. It’s like the contrast to JRPGs.
- Comment on Brazilian's impression on the united states(i have never been there and this is based on nothing) 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Sony reportedly prepping PlayStation 5 portable, plans to battle Nintendo's handheld dominance 3 weeks ago:
Already do remote play through my phone with a backbone, so this would just give me a bigger screen, I guess
- Comment on Found this while going through old stuff. I'm terrible at chess, but I would play expecting to lose just to watch the animations. 4 weeks ago:
Man, I don’t know why, but I remember the animations from this game. I think maybe my dad had an old demo of it?
- Comment on Is it cheaper to use a plug-in oil radiator to eat an individual room, or run the central heater to heat an individual room and living room? 1 month ago:
I actually did some googling and there are some okay-ish articles debating this topic. All of them said “it depends”, which isn’t really helpful.
It got me thinking, though… how much savings would you need to make it worth it to you? ($20 savings? $100 savings? $500 savings?)
The oil heater is going to cost ~$50 to purchase if you don’t already have one. That means you’ll at least need to save $50 just to break even. So over the winter, your electric bill will need to drop by $50 plus whatever the dollar amount you need in order for it to be “worth the trouble” for you.
If an extra $50 over the winter in savings ($100 total) is worth it to you, I think you have a high chance of an oil room heater getting you that savings over your central heating. I’m doubtful how much more you’d be able to save beyond that. (I didn’t do the math on it, but based on the articles I read, the oil heater is going to be cheaper in general.)
Another thing to consider: The oil heater is likely to be a lot more convenient to use than the central air option and having to close all the other vents in your house though.
- Comment on Y=-x² 1 month ago:
Is this AI generated
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 2 months ago:
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 2 months ago:
lol, definitely missed some important context.
I guess it thought OOP meant “clean” as in how do you dress the bird before you cook it. (As in: “clean a fish” means to filet a fish and prep it for cooking.)
- Comment on Data is a plural 2 months ago:
I just realized I do this too. I need to hit myself with a folding chair.
- Comment on Data is a plural 2 months ago:
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 2 months ago:
I don’t end up playing new games much because I’m such a deal hog, so this is really nice to read :)
- Comment on In honor of the start spooky season (yay!), I have a question about an apparently beloved spooky meme/skit. What about "David S. Pumpkins" is so funny? 2 months ago:
You are not a buzzkill, I think. This skit had a couple of things going for it:
- Halloween can always use more “mascots” and this is one.
- I admit that I originally didn’t like this skit, but my brother-in-law did, and I like him, so after watching it always made me think of him until eventually it became something I genuinely liked.
- I quote lines from this skit to my SO all the time, so it’s become kind of embedded into my life.
- SNL during this time wasn’t very funny to me. I think that since SNL sucked during this time, even moderately funny skits ended up exploding in popularity just because they weren’t the usual onslaught of comedians stumbling over their lines and ruining jokes. Weekend Update was pretty funny, though.
So in short, my friend, it’s not really funny. It was a moment, and you may have missed it. But let me say this, I think you’re cool for kicking off Spooky season…
… Almost as cool as DaViD ESS pUmKiNs!
- Comment on Name generator 2 months ago:
Thaddeus Pai
- Comment on Why does Facebook and Instagram still provides web interface when most of their users use the Android or IOS app? 2 months ago:
I was really hoping this would say “why does Facebook and Instagram provide a web interface when their crappy platforms rarely show content unless you’re using their app”.
At this point it’s purely a performance that they even offer a web interface to their platform.
Same goes for Twitter.
- Comment on End of the World 3 months ago:
- Comment on Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray in a pitch film for Ghostbusters for a distributor convention (1984) 3 months ago:
Holy crap that was awesome
- Comment on Begone Beast - Announcement Trailer | gamescom 2024 3 months ago:
Looks kinda fun tbh.
Release date seems to be Q2 2025
- Comment on I feel like a flashbang went off in my head, so the only question that I can think of is, "What now?" (Details in body.) 3 months ago:
It is definitely scary. I want to remind you that you were once a decently happy person and that therapy (both individual and couples therapy) is likely one of the few options you have to move back in that direction.
It’s worth it (speaking from experience). That weight on your shoulders is just waiting to come off, but you likely need a bit of help to get things started.
“hire good private teachers, and accept the resulting costs as money well-spent.” - Marcus Aurelius
- Comment on ‘Longlegs’ Becomes the Highest-Grossing Indie Horror Film of the Last 10 Years 4 months ago:
Oh really? Oh dang well then I’m excited!!
- Comment on ‘Longlegs’ Becomes the Highest-Grossing Indie Horror Film of the Last 10 Years 4 months ago:
I looked up a few reviews and it seems tepid. The trailer looks rad though.