- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 week ago:
My uncle, from the time he was a little boy, liked nothing more than farming and gardening. He has one friend and they talk exclusively about growing stuff. He had to be forced to finish high school because all he wanted to do was wrench on a tractor. He barely talks unless it’s farming related.
He apparently takes after other men in the family, always one or two per generation, who were pretty much mute except when it came to their special interest. And they were 100% focused on their special interest.
Back in the day, it was “Uncle Bob just has those family genes. We get one of them every once in a while. He sure is a helluva good farmer.” Today he would be diagnosed with autism.
- Comment on is this how extroverts function? 2 weeks ago:
You know women does not equal extrovert, I hope?
“Women be bitchy unless I am bitchy first” is just too neatly packaged for internet woman-hating bait. Is this AI or someone trying to karma-farm reddit style?
- Comment on Unionized 1 month ago:
My initial thought was “would chemists theoretically be less into labor protections than plumbers”?
I guess that puts me in a third bucket.
- Comment on neotropical cockroaches 2 months ago:
Like my mom always taught me, don’t get into the back of a stranger’s van, not even if they offer you pretty blue cockroaches.
- Comment on conditional probability 3 months ago:
The first time I saw the man or bear question, I assumed it was a setup for victim blaming. Neither choice is going to be a win for the woman.
Based on experiences, she doesn’t trust men so she picks bear? How dare she judge all men. So illogical!
Or she picks man? Then she should be prepared for an inevitable assault because eventually the man in the woods will be one of the bad ones and she should have known. She should have been more careful or just stayed home!
The whole thing was never a maths question. It was a rage bait question to rile up men who hate women and to give women an unwinnable binary choice. The only “winning” answer is to decline to play this stupid game.
- Comment on Just 2?? 3 months ago:
I also have a folder of links to resources that would help me automate this sort of thing.
- Comment on Better luck next time 3 months ago:
Man, that’s like another 4 hours of embroidery. Accurate, but sooooo loooong.
- Comment on lab supplies 3 months ago:
Free pair with a purchase over $1000. I firmly believe in the existence of someone buying a pile of lab equipment for a university grant and they pocketed the undies for themselves.
- Comment on We don't like to label our relationship 3 months ago:
Toxic gas