- Comment on Thanks Jupiter, You're a real one! 5 months ago:
But isn’t the asteroid belt there a belt and not a planet because of Jupiter? That sounds more like a racket to me
- Comment on Badgers 5 months ago:
Not that I know of, go for it (idk how to make one either)
- Comment on Badgers 5 months ago:
90% of the time Euro badgers do that
10% of the time they scream “Eulalia!” and tear you limb from limb
- Comment on dream job 5 months ago:
I have a scar over my eye from a trebuchet I built in high school, then I went to college for engineering, so that checks out
- Comment on dream job 5 months ago:
To be pedantic, that’s still covered under E
- Comment on James Cameron says future Terminator projects won't include characters from past movies 6 months ago:
I’m glad he realized his mistake with Avatar 2
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 6 months ago:
Planes cant hold land
- Comment on Coleoptera 4 ever 6 months ago:
As a society we are choosing to have industry that creates cancers to then be treated by another industry.
- Comment on Jet Fuel 6 months ago:
Jet fuel doesn’t need extra tanks of mind control agent, they’re already using leaded fuel
- Comment on title 6 months ago:
Poor gal misses the sponge-on-a-stick from Rome
- Comment on Clueless about Biology 6 months ago:
Luke seems clueless about how information is conveyed in conversation
- Comment on Religious people: The world is ending 6 months ago:
Mine says the world has already ended, does that count?
- Comment on i will never understand scientific fraud 6 months ago:
you can then check the science
Me and what degree? Science is so far beyond what I can understand without spending years of my life studying a single topic that I, and generalizing to we, need to take things on faith as much as anyone in a church.
Actually it’s more on faith than in a church because anyone can pray and see what that results in.
- Comment on Anon isn't a fan of Judas 6 months ago:
Psychedelics are a shortcut to what intense meditation and prayer can achieve, so I see how you can come to that conclusion.
- Comment on Anon isn't a fan of Judas 6 months ago:
For one, it was part of the prophecy that’s referenced a few times in the New Testament.
For two, martyrs maker good PR. My favorite example is:
Who near as I can tell arranged his own arrest and execution in Rome, and preached the entire way there to the crowds that came to see a Christian (novel in those days)
- Comment on Gearbox's first Risk of Rain 2 expansion gets hammered on Steam as developer admits the PC version 'is in a really bad place' 6 months ago:
Or even a decade ago. Dark Souls 2 had some enemies’ attack animations tied to frame rate, like the Alonne Knights. So they attacked incredibly fast on PC compared to console.
Weapon degradation was also tied to framerate :(
- Comment on Don't look now 6 months ago:
Sure, but that still means the photons derender when nobody is watching them
- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
My personal advice is: Making meditation a habit is the main hurdle. Set the bar of success so low you can trip over it, such as “I will meditate at least 3 minutes a day”.
And for more what you seem to be after, you can’t go wrong with the Gateway tapes. They’re some guided meditations, but that’s putting it lightly. This is a good place to start: r/gatewaytapes/wiki/start but I wouldn’t recommend browsing the subreddit unless you want your experience to be influenced by the sub’s communal lore.
(the link in the faq is to a store to buy the tapes, but the discord server on step 6 doesn’t have a link to the store iykwim)
- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
US Government: “A substance that makes people more empathetic? This could destroy the American way of life!”
- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
As an alternative to psychedelics, you can reach the same states through meditation. With modern techniques you won’t even need to sit under a tree for 49 days.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing 7 months ago:
I think what they’re going to do is to change the price based on how much they think you can afford.
Say “I got a bonus today” while your phone is listening? Guess eggs just went up 20%.
- Comment on Carebear countdown 7 months ago:
Start a meditation habit and you get to Care Bear yourself
- Comment on The circle of life 7 months ago:
The packets wait for peer review before going to your feed
- Comment on Science is Magic 7 months ago:
The only people claiming UFOs are disproven are feds or patsies.
Two eyewitness and a whistleblower testifying seeing nonhuman craft under oath to Congress: www.c-span.org/video/?529499-1/hearing-unidentifi…
If UFOs are so disproven, why is congress trying to declassify projects involving them?
I’m not saying believe me, I’m saying that if you take a serious honest look at the phenomenon it’s very plain that there’s something there
- Comment on Anon likes hobomaxxing 7 months ago:
That sounds like a great way to appreciate what you have
- Comment on Anon has a question 8 months ago:
It eventually becomes a huge hill, then we can build a ski slope on it.
- Comment on Anon has a question 8 months ago:
I gave mine to the friendly lady out front. I’m sure it turned out well
- Comment on i loled 8 months ago:
Any time I use an ACOG in the game I try using the sight to range. I’m almost always let down
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
I dislike when they’re used to excess
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
I refuse to vote for Sanders…
Because I don’t live in his state so I’m not allowed to.
He’s done great work convincing progressives that the best way to change the Democratic party is from the inside, and I hope it continues.