- Comment on gigachad 19 hours ago:
It’s cute
- Comment on gigachad 20 hours ago:
You can have my Project 1999 when you pry it from my cold, dead, fingers.
- Comment on New poster for "A Minecraft Movie" 4 days ago:
I don’t understand. I mean that honestly. Is it really this hard to make a movie that’s true to its video game roots? You already have a built in fan base, so you know they will help with ticket sales and word of mouth. You need it to be accessible to normies, which is fine you can dumb things down but it’s MINECRAFT, it’s not like we’re talking super dense lore here.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
I’ve not often seen such a perfectly on the nose example of a slippery slope argument, so I guess thank you for that.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 5 weeks ago:
That is absolutely insane. Black coffee? What am I a savage?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
Well since we’re trying to compare the cuisine of a single country against the cuisine of many countries why don’t we just acknowledge that each and every one of them has their own unhealthy food they sometimes indulge in?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
So a kebab then?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
I wonder what the nutrition is of the average fish and chips meal. That would be a slightly more reasonable comparison, wouldn’t it?
- Comment on Anon's sad story 2 months ago:
Seriously those chocolate chip cookies are NOT a good alternative.
- Comment on What has Critical Theory actually achieved? 3 months ago:
I would say it’s hard to quantify specific examples of it helping in the sense you mean, the point of it is to create more awareness of institutional prejudices that affect groups of people. Becoming aware of these prejudices is the first step towards finding ways for those institutions to provide their services more equally to people.
- Comment on Prince Andrew's funding cut off by King Charles, claims book 3 months ago:
You shouldn’t trust talking books, imo.
- Comment on Why does my beard grow back faster after shaving? 5 months ago:
It doesn’t, it’s a perception bias caused by a few different things like others here have mentioned, but also freshly grown hair tends to be thicker, then tapers off as it grows, so it SEEMS thicker.
- Comment on Hitchcock didn't make Birdemic. This whole sign is invalid. 5 months ago:
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 5 months ago:
Truer words were never spoke.
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 5 months ago:
One man’s trash is another man’s steaming pile of bullshit. Or something like that.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 62 comments
- Comment on We Got You 5 months ago:
This sign is bullshit, I accidentally put my prostate massager in my butt all the time, sometimes twice in one day.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Just gonna take a quick stroll over to and see what there is to see…
- Comment on P.E.N.I.S. 6 months ago:
Thanks title, I definitely wouldn’t have figured it out after getting to the word “acronym”.
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
Batman Arkham Asylum and (probably) Arkham City.
- Comment on FTC bans fake online reviews, inflated social media influence; rule takes effect in October 6 months ago:
How long before Trump publicly rants about this?
- Comment on Speeding ticket goes from 0 to 100 with the quickness. 6 months ago:
Sure but there is rarely a benefit to going out of your way to be an asshole.
- Comment on KRAVEN - New Trailer 6 months ago:
It’s Madaming time! Wait that’s a different thing… but I’m not against it.
- Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 6 months ago:
Don’t tell me how to stab a baby.
- Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 6 months ago:
Also in the wizarding world they have a device that makes it incredibly easy to kill a baby. It’s called a knife.
- Comment on Well done 7 months ago:
I don’t agree they’ve been fucking up Marvel, certainly nothing like what’s going on with Star Wars. No matter which direction they went in people were going to complain, I happen to like the different flavors of movies they’ve tried of late (epic fantasy “Eternals”, semi horror movie “Multiverse of Madness” etc). And most of the tv mini series I’ve loved, Loki was AMAZING and I loved WandaVision. Also the MCUs least profitable movie still made 50 million plus, so it’s not like even their misses are hurting them much.
- Comment on Well done 7 months ago:
Ok, but everyone else in the thread is talking specifically about the MCU. Disney has absolutely had issues with Star Wars specifically because they didn’t plan things out, but that’s not a complaint you can make about Marvel.