- Comment on nets 1 day ago:
I worked at a public disposal area for a little while and can attest that at least my flyover state/zipcode does separate and sanitize plastic. Cardboard was the only thing that couldn’t have touched oil (including pizza). We only accepted plastics #1 and #2, though, and part of my job included climbing into the dumpster and sorting through. I’d miss it if workers rights weren’t simultaneously such shot here
- Comment on The IT Crowd: Jen has been transported 1 week ago:
Theoretically, one could be speaking in Italy, but that’s only if Italy exists
… I’ll see myself out
- Comment on US Department of Labor to cease and desist all investigative and enforcement activity under rescinded Executive Order 11246 3 weeks ago:
I’m ok with discriminating against billionaires to the extent that they shouldn’t exist. I don’t believe there should be such disproportionate power. There is a general trend of white men having the most, but it’s not exclusive. I don’t therefore believe white men all disproportionately have more power and discriminate against them. Does that make sense?
If not, please do explain how anything I’ve said is racist. I’m hoping this was just a misunderstanding and you’re not implying that calling out systemic racism is racist in itself. That would put us in quite the pickle lol
- Comment on Are dating apps a fraud since the beginning? 5 weeks ago:
I met my last long term partner on a dating app, but these days it’s not a route I’d want to take. I met someone on discord more recently in a really wonderful community that allowed me to get to know him and make other friends with none of the same pressure
- Comment on US Department of Labor to cease and desist all investigative and enforcement activity under rescinded Executive Order 11246 5 weeks ago:
Not all people have the same opportunity. To say all people are the same is to deny systemic reality. Lemme know when everyone has similar wealth or power to Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc.
- Comment on US Department of Labor to cease and desist all investigative and enforcement activity under rescinded Executive Order 11246 5 weeks ago:
The Nazi movement would not be competent at all without enough cogs in the machine
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 5 weeks ago:
Have you tried using your toes?
- Comment on JeSUS 1 month ago:
Depends on whom you’re asking, but lots of christians consider it a sin outside of marriage. Super healthy message to give young kids /s
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 1 month ago:
On some models yeah. I’ve had cars that didn’t
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 1 month ago:
I’m pretty sure I have some deficiencies, but I’m lucky I got to learn pretty young on a farm. I’m torn between wanting to advocate kids have access to like go kart tracks at school vs funding more public transit and walkable communities, as someone else said. Both would be dope tho
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 1 month ago:
Welcome to life, where occasionally you deal with things you don’t want to. I do hope you never experience a similar situation, but if you do, I hope it is handled with compassion.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
There’s a small city in the Kansas City, Missouri metro (Raytown) that lobbied to keep it legal in restaurants and bars. I just looked it up, and apparently it’s fine to smoke weed as of 2023, too
- Comment on Cups 2 months ago:
Or Yamaha Or Hitachi
- Comment on Git good, son 3 months ago:
If the follow up to you saying you’re done is them demanding to keep going, that is coercive and fucked up. I wouldn’t suggest lying in response unless you never plan to see them again, though, or if you feel safe and plan to address it later. It’s just as fucked up to keep up with the lie afterwards as it is to be coercive, imo. Both play coercive, indirect ways of refusing respect, and the tit-for-tat dynamic risks setting up a breeding grounds of resentment for at least the person maintaining a lie. It also denies the coercive person the opportunity for growth.
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 4 months ago:
The carton stuff literally tasted like sweat the one time I tried
- Comment on No excuse 4 months ago:
Lmfao I had to start using the covers for litter boxes since one of mine does this. I feel bad, like I know it’s not great for them to feel confined but…I am not letting that continue
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
Such as increased rates of infertility iirc
- Comment on Why did Joker 2 lose so much money? And how on earth did it cost so much in the first place? 4 months ago:
I thought that was just me being ADHD lol. I watched from home and paused a few times to do other stuff. I didn’t think it was great, but not the worst. I also went in looking forward to the musical numbers that somehow people didn’t know about. Overall maybe 6.5/10? (This is probably the first time I’ve graded a film tbh)
- Comment on Clipped it blud 4 months ago:
More like asking “you think I’m charismatic?”
- Comment on Y tho 5 months ago:
Well now I want to know why though
- Comment on Lingering damage 5 months ago:
Ah, maybe try searching household hazardous waste recycling specifically. It’s possible the auto stores might accept all used oil products too, though. At least when I worked in the hazardous waste field for my county program, I mixed all the oil products, and they used it to heat the shops over the winter. We had a separate company that picked up stuff we couldn’t process, and my job was mostly sorting and combining what I could first. Afaik a lot of auto companies are doing the same hazardous waste bulk pick up.
- Comment on Lingering damage 5 months ago:
Rather than throwing it away, you may have free options for recycling nearby, too. My county has a pretty robust program for residents available with regular recycling and hazardous waste like oil or paint in certain locations. There’s sometimes restrictions and sorting required from customers, but it’s usually pretty straight forward if you look it up
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
You can understand the reason!
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
Or. They. Sound like. Words combined. Sometimes in German. It is awesome and creative. As a new stoner, I was obsessed from the get go. Now look at me walking it back. I ran out of space… Here’s the end
(I worked hard of this dammit, someone better catch it)
- Comment on Aldi announces wage increases up to $23 an hour; hiring thousands of employees 5 months ago:
We have some in the Midwest as well
- Comment on President on President Violence 5 months ago:
you my friend are officially based af, thank you! I’m officially invested and going on a deep dive for this weirdo
- Comment on President on President Violence 5 months ago:
Well thank you:) I’ve been thinking of this video through the exchanges: “if the truth is on your side, why lie?” youtu.be/CRtSZXS6wzQ?feature=shared
- Comment on President on President Violence 5 months ago:
I would appreciate if sources were provided rather than sending me on a wild goose chase or being told essentially “trust me bro”
Do you not also think there’s an issue when we start saying “you can find a couple”? If even one doesn’t have a source but it’s being pushed as fact, I will start thinking the claim maker unreliable.
I really mean no offense, I’ve been trying to search and can’t find anything. I’ve asked chatgpt, Google, YouTube. I am trying to give benefit of the doubt.
- Comment on President on President Violence 5 months ago:
That’s cool. I’ll just assume they’re satirical jabs. I certainly don’t know shit about him lol
- Comment on President on President Violence 5 months ago:
I tried searching for these quotes cuz I’m dumb and was close to sharing them with friends thinking it was real
Unless you have sources, in case anyone else is curious afaik these aren’t real quotes. Bout got me though, I was like holy shit lol