- Comment on This year's AGDQ included someone speedrunning Elden Ring bosses with a saxophone 1 month ago:
And Crazy Taxi with a live band!
- Comment on Don’t ban TikTok 2 months ago:
I was takings out the rubbish and I saw a girl trying to parallel park, a man walking his dog decided to help her and he couldn’t. Felt worse for the Samaritan than the person in need
- Comment on Only RAR product. I am buying 4 months ago:
I also paid for WinRAR, as a gag present for a friend who’s an Apple fanboy who never used Windows.
- Comment on Looking for Overwatch alternatives 6 months ago:
bot problem has been largely fixed now, there are some random human cheaters still, but they tend to get banned fairly quickly
- Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 6 months ago:
my business ethics professor was fired for sexually abusing a student
- Comment on Anon sets the mood 6 months ago:
My ex told me she never ever wanted to talk to me ever again, ever!
Next week she texted me asking access my plex server.
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
FWIW, It was working before it stopped working
- Comment on Progress happens with every death 7 months ago:
One if my favourite stories is the accidental discovery of synthetic purple dye. IIRC there was a chemist researching something completely unrelated and when he disposed some assorted chemicals down a sink he noticed they turned purple.
- Comment on Is it just a coincidence that Chromium and Firefox have similar version numbers? 8 months ago:
that’s the reason why we got Xbox 360 instead of Xbox 2
- Comment on What's does "ffmpeg" really stand for? 9 months ago:
corrected, thanks
- Comment on What's does "ffmpeg" really stand for? 9 months ago:
fast forward motion picture experts group
I know this is a shitpost community, but you can always learn something new everyday
- Comment on Autism 9 months ago:
thanks, the paper won’t be sad anymore!
- Comment on Food Delivery Apps: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 10 months ago:
VPN to South America
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick starts tomorrow! 1 year ago:
and the rhythm games, I really enjoyed the Pump it Up and In The Groove showcases
- Comment on Awesome Games Done Quick starts tomorrow! 1 year ago:
I’m glad they’re back to in person events, their online stuff didn’t kept my interest over the past couple of years.
Looking forward to this event
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
Another common argument I’ve heard is regarding crime and criminals. Some politicians in my country tout that you cannot arrest criminals and we spend a fortune maintaining jails as if they were 5 star hotels. This is of course not true, but it does rail up the tough on crime crew who believe the only reason crime is rampant it is because it somehow allowed by human rights.
- Comment on Instagram's monthly subscription 1 year ago:
Twice I’ve been blocked out of my account, the first time it was because I was accessing from too many different IP address (VPN). The second time.I didn’t even bother to contact support and was willing to loose my account.
Also, I recall many years ago in the early days of the app there was an app update that would straight up not work on my phone and had to sideload an old app in order to keep using it. And according to google I wasn’t the only one.
Took me a few months of manually testing new updates until a newer version worked for me. Not to defend Facebook or Twitter, but a fuck up like that one would never make it past their QA teams.