- Comment on Windows 11 8 months ago:
Improvements in tracking, skyward, advertising… ie general shitification.
It’s only faster at gaming…oh wait it’s slower at that too
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 8 months ago:
Sadly, this appears not to be the case. Burnie all the way
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 8 months ago:
The media teams on here chose poorly with this one…cops aren’t exactly popular
- Comment on love eating bread ties and bread tags 8 months ago:
I swear this is the strangest racism I’ve seen in a while
- Comment on poni 8 months ago:
South Park ftw
- Comment on I pinky promise I'm not a demon that was summoned during an unfortunate ritual 8 months ago:
Yep who cares? Ask Obama how much people cared about his maybe.
- Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 8 months ago:
Three nights minimum in each location. It feels rushed if it’s shorter.
- Comment on I have solved this great mystery. The answer is: no. 8 months ago:
Why big sarcophagi? Why big trucks?
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 8 months ago:
This is an idea from a book by john scalzi called starter villain.
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 8 months ago:
The real problems would be x^m computational issues. A finite number of ai running around on a finite amount of space are linear problems. Basically, very possible
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 8 months ago:
Turing test has been passed by ai just recently as it happens. Our computational load is trivial in the scheme of things
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 8 months ago:
It’s simple - you cheat. In computer games we only draw the things you are looking at, and we only give the appearance of simulating the whole thing but the ‘world’ or universe is actually very limited and you can’t visit most places. Sound familiar?
- Comment on ‘Call the police, he’s on drugs': But the worker was dying from heatstroke. 8 months ago:
Heatstroke and dehydration can present as confusion, usually accompanied by anger.
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
You want a new word for your thing.
Side note: Violence and extremism isn’t helpful - attitudes like yours are far more effective at promoting reactive forces like trump than any number of maga hats. It’s sad to see the left obliviously acting as a driving force for the far right. Perhaps look up how people change opinions if you’re serious?
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
Feminism means gender equality people.
- Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs? 9 months ago:
Full remote all the way.
Demand that in your contracts so you have flexibility. Then it’s a choice not an obligation to come to the office.
- Comment on His presence terrorizes this town 9 months ago:
He’s the hero we need.
- Comment on Is this too soon? 10 months ago:
Mossad doesn’t mess about. I bet the Iranian supreme big hat is quivering in a bunker right now and cancelled any foreseeable flights 😂
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 10 months ago:
Aaaargh! My eyes!
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Can everyone stop buying their games so they can die already? Devs please leave and start non-orphan crushing jobs.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 10 months ago:
Well deserved. It’s a masterpiece though it took a while to be polished properly
- Comment on Why do whistleblowers always do this? 1 year ago:
Mid trial death of a key witness? 🤔
I’m guessing he somehow managed to shoot himself in the back of the head…5 times
- Comment on Bologna cup 1 year ago:
- Comment on What's the point of American police saying "Show your hands" after they shot a man? 1 year ago:
Try hitting something past 25m with a pistol. Better chance throwing it or I do anyway.
- Comment on What's the point of American police saying "Show your hands" after they shot a man? 1 year ago:
Lol I’m an excellent shot with a rifle but with a pistol…guilty.
- Comment on What's the point of American police saying "Show your hands" after they shot a man? 1 year ago:
You say that but most cops still will go their whole career without firing their gun statistically.
Plus hand guns are crazy hard to aim over any distance
- Comment on What's the point of American police saying "Show your hands" after they shot a man? 1 year ago:
Ever hear about medal of honour winners killing 12 people with 5 bullets in them? Bullets aren’t always show stoppers
Add some meth or fentanyl to the mix and it’s sadly pretty much zombie rules to put them down.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
Lana is that you?
- Comment on Flat Roof Pub 1 year ago:
Cage fighting for under 8s got me 😂