- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Therapy is not some magical fix. It usually involves learning how to cope healthily and to tell the people who are close to you what you need to be more comfortable in stressful situations.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Right wingers when someone left of centre appears: I don’t think you’re right but you make valid points on xyz
Lol this is just pure fantasy
- Comment on Does the USA simply have no food safety standard at all? 2 months ago:
Microplastics stay in the body forever, fats, carbs and salts don’t.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 4 months ago:
It’s not an attack, you don’t need to get so defensive. It just stood out to me.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 4 months ago:
Why do you assume the waiter is a she?
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 4 months ago:
The owner is evil, but anyone who doesn’t tip a waiter that earns too little to be able to afford to live is an asshole.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
This is a great attitude to have. You can do so much on a local level. Be there for the people around you, and try to notice when someone is not doing well and might need your help. Speak up for those whose voices are not being heard. Being available and protective towards those in your own community who are vulnerable is the least you can do. Some other significant ways you can contribute are:
- volunteer at organisations that provide food/shelter/harm reduction
- become a union member and help with the fight towards fair compensation for every worker
- volunteer at organisations that have a goal of building community and provide safe spaces
- donate to organisations mentioned above
Also realise that you do not know what it’s like to be disabled/queer/of an ethnic minority/a person of colour or of another vulnerable group (unless you are a part of that group of course). You need to learn about their struggles before you can effectively help them. You probably already know someone who belongs to one of those groups, now is the time to listen to them and learn from them so you can better vocalise their struggles towards those who don’t understand.
Also, motivate others to do the same! All hope is not lost, humans instinctively look out for one another and the biggest change is made through helping those around you.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
This is dangerously wrong. Any person can have a huge impact on their own community without changing countrywide politics. It is super important that caring USians start contributing to their communities and help the people that are more at risk of being wrongly prosecuted for living their life. Please volunteer at mutual aid programs, please protest against genocide, please educate the people around you, please make sure trans and queer people are safe, please speak out about racism. And when you witness a nazi victimising someone based on their identity/race/disability/etc, please act and don’t look away.
Telling people that ‘change is hopeless’ only endangers vulnerable groups more.
- Comment on How to improve your Lemmy experience 4 months ago:
God you people are disgusting. If there was one woman here she would’ve left after seeing your comment.
- Comment on Anon reads a book for school 5 months ago:
If this happened at my school people would thank op for making the assembly less awkward
- Comment on Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete 5 months ago:
While agree with the sentiment, electorialism will never end capitalism because of the power imbalance where capitalists will spend all their money if they need to for heavy propaganda campaigns in favour of capitalism.
Your energy is better spent on small scale organising your workplace, to make sure that you and your coworkers can actually use the only leverage you have through strikes.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
The word world is literally in the name… When I joined lemmy I started there because I assumed it would be a general instance. It’s like worldnews where 90% of posts are US politics. Also, it’s not an obsession, most times it comes up it’s just a joke (like this meme).
- Comment on What should I consider before choosing the right tanga or string to work out with leggings? 5 months ago:
This is probably not the answer you’re looking for but I’d thought I’d mention it anyways. Have you considered women’s boxershorts? Those are more comfortable when working out and the lines they leave are less pronounced and at a more flattering location.
- Comment on There can be only one winner 5 months ago:
Ah that’s unfortunate. The side effects are pretty bad especially with a high dose of
- Comment on There can be only one winner 5 months ago:
Did you take slow release aderall? My aderall is worn off before I go to sleep and I actually sleep better since I take aderall because I spend more energy during the day.
- Comment on Anon scentmaxxes 6 months ago:
My ex never used deodorant and he didn’t smell bad. I think for some people it works and for others it doesn’t.
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 8 months ago:
Different communities then I guess, I browse ‘all’ a lot.
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 8 months ago:
I guess me being a mathematician makes me notice them more. I’ve seen many in several communities, but me being biased makes me wish there were more.
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 8 months ago:
I think everyone with a niche skill experiences that to some extent. Almost all posts about mathematics on lemmy attract people acting like they understand what’s going on while making wrong claims lol, I only rarely see comments that are fully correct.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Biden’s immigration policy is honestly a wet dream for most right extremists in Europe
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
That’s not an axiom or definition, it’s a consequence of the axioms that define arithmetic and can therefore be proven.
- Comment on Help me out here 8 months ago:
Maybe start by not referring to them as ‘females’ or talking about ‘luring’ them to your room
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
The comment you were replying to wasn’t about the image in the op though. It was a discussion about someone not liking people who do not identify as man or woman referring to themselves as non-binary.
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
It’s easy to call a discussion silly if it doesn’t affect you personally.
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
Also have you ever considered the fact that maybe you (or other people) don’t really care about gender labels because you were assigned as the gender you prefer? It seems a bit silly to criticise a group who currently faces a lot of discrimination based on their gender preference. Also are you aware that your argument is often used to discredit the experiences of and as a reason to discriminate against people who identify as non-binary?
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
so what would you suggest people who do not want to be referred to as man or woman call themselves?
- Comment on Pierogi were good though 11 months ago:
Idk about the origin of the meme but I can confirm that I know several Polish femboys through European gaming discord servers