- Comment on Elon Musk LIVE | Americans Erupt Against DOGE, Protests Outside US Treasury Building Snowball 3 weeks ago:
Some people choose to have guns. They’re not cheap, and not everyone over here is willing to kill someone else.
- Comment on Elon Musk LIVE | Americans Erupt Against DOGE, Protests Outside US Treasury Building Snowball 3 weeks ago:
If we start burning cars, we likely start getting shot. Remember this is the USA we’re talking about here. Maybe it needs to come to that, but don’t judge people for trying to avoid the kind of crackdown Trump would likely enact given any excuse.
- Comment on Might be time to move 1 month ago:
What’s more, they painted over a roach doing the WB Frog dance…
- Comment on Good morning I choose redneck air conditioner. 1 month ago:
As a geek, I want to refer to this as transferring life support to main engines.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
I knew it wasn’t real, but the idea is fantastic. Thanks for the suggestions!
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
I need this in my life. Can someone make this happen?
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 1 month ago:
Smeagol had the ring for nearly 500 years and never completely succumbed to its power like the ring-wraiths did. While he was corrupted, he still had a spark of himself under all those centuries of madness. I believe Gandalf specifically points this out somewhere. Something about the nature of hobbits enabled them to resist the ring better than any other race, even the high elves that had lived on Valinor–heck, even Gandalf, a Maia, feared to take up the ring. The only person who seemed able to bear it with no corruption was Tom Bombadil in the books.
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
Meal Team Six
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
- Comment on What is the history of modern male gender roles and where did it come from? 2 months ago:
Just read the first section of The Will to Change. As a man, it’s fascinating and enlightening to see a feminist deal with men and masculinity rather than dismiss them.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Is the work getting done? If so, what does ten minutes matter? Is it about productivity, or just about ensuring that work is sufficiently unpleasant to keep the peasants in their place?
- Comment on Ahoy, friend! 2 months ago:
- Comment on DNA 2 months ago:
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
No worries. Now I know it exists…maybe I can find a translation or translate it myself with Google if I can get a copy at all 🤣
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
I can’t find an English edition, unfortunately for me.
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
Yeah, I found the same books, and they don’t seem like the right one.
- Comment on chatgpt remembers 2 months ago:
So is it Brock Allan Turner, convicted rapist, or Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist? I want to be clear regarding who we’re discussing.
- Comment on chatgpt remembers 2 months ago:
Hey, are we talking about convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner?
- Comment on super squirrel 2 months ago:
Avengers theme swells…🎶
- Comment on That's right! 2 months ago:
A host of r/relationships posts absolutely support that assertion!
- Comment on That's right! 2 months ago:
Umm…I think my wife’s going to be upset when she learns I’m getting a girlfriend…
- Comment on If a word can have as many meanings as we assign to it. Can was assign every meaning to one word? 3 months ago:
I am Groot.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Yellowbeard has a similar appeal for me.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Three O’Clock High is an all-time favorite. It’s like somebody set out to make THE stereotypical eighties movie. Budget Matthew Broderick? Check! Bratty little sister? Yes, sir! Nerdy best friend? We got you! And don’t get me started on how fantastic Buddy Revelle is. I feel like it’s got way better cinematography than it should, and the acting seems surprisingly good to me.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
I have to admit that The Running Man may be my favorite.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Barbarian seems objectively better in a cinematic art kind of way, but Destroyer scratches an itch for…fun…that the first film does not. Though, I will say, parts of Barbarian are truly epic.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Now I know everybody’s shit is emotional right now…
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
🎶 And I shoulda been goo-oone!🎶